Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 612

Chapter 612: You Are Questioning My Professionalism

Chapter 612 You are questioning my professionalism

“What a joke, how can such a confidential document be given to an outsider casually.”

Shi Hongchun was extremely angry, he didn’t like Luo Zhe at all, and now he had the opportunity to scold him, his voice was outrageous.

Drug information is very important to a research institute and even the entire medical community, but Luo Zhe is so daring to show things to others so casually.

In case Shen Lingxi is someone with ulterior motives, see the information and show her, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Shi Hongchun cursed vigorously, not paying attention to Zheng Xin, who was sweating profusely behind him.

But in this conference room, his position is low, and he has no right to speak at all.

Qin Chuang caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of his eye, and when he saw his ugly face, he quietly called someone over.

“What do you want to say?”

Zheng Xin: “That girl is another researcher of the prescription.”

Shi Hongchun was scolding on his head, adrenalin surged, and he didn’t even notice that Luo Zhe was also waiting for a good show.

If it were to change to normal, this little young master would not be scolded so quietly, if you give him a bad look, this master will explode.

Unfortunately, someone floated away.

“Enough!” Qin Chuang shouted suddenly.

Shi Hongchun’s half-sentence hasn’t come out yet, and he can’t go up or down if it’s stuck in his mouth.

After learning who Shen Lingxi was, Shi Hongchun’s face was extremely ugly, and he didn’t dare to look at them.

Shen Lingxi took the information and turned back page after page.

When she was reading the documents, the audience was silent and could only hear each other’s breathing.

Shi Hongchun felt his heart beating fast. He wanted to calm down, but he couldn’t calm down.

Shen Lingxi closed the information.

“How is it?” Luo Zhe also asked.

Shen Lingxi shook his head, then looked at Xie An.

“Can I see Professor He’s prescription?”

Xie An nodded: “Yes.”

Everyone present, except Zhou Fucheng, was shocked.

Xie An agreed so simply.

Zhou Fucheng’s eyes moved slightly.

Others don’t know, but he knows.

Xie An’s letter to Shen Lingxi is equivalent to Shen Lingxi’s letter to him.

There is absolute trust between them.

Xie An logged into his account with the highest authority through the tablet, and directly recalled Professor He’s prescription from the encrypted database.

Shen Lingxi glanced at it and returned the tablet.

“Compared with ours, Professor He’s drug formula has similar efficacy, but it is not the same research direction, and the pharmaceutical method is also different. There is no plagiarism or theft.”

Shen Lingxi’s words are undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Pharmaceutical Association.

Qin Chuang couldn’t sit still: “Miss Shen, just take a look, will this conclusion be too hasty?”

Shen Lingxi raised her eyebrows: “Are you questioning my professionalism?”

Qin Chuang was speechless: “No, I don’t have it, it’s just you…”

“President Qin, even if I’m clumsy, I won’t even be able to distinguish between Chinese and Western medicine.”

Professor He’s pharmaceuticals are mainly based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, while those of Shen Lingxi and Luo Zheye are completely based on the principles of Western medicine.

There are similarities between Chinese and Western medicine, but it cannot be judged as plagiarism because of this commonality.

Not only that, Shen Lingxi also announced a more important news on the spot.

“In view of this incident, the intention of our party and the association should be abandoned.”

Qin Chuang was anxious: “Miss Shen, didn’t you agree to consider the intention of cooperation? Why did you suddenly regret it?”

Shen Lingxi said solemnly: “I don’t want my partner to be an institution that can’t even distinguish between Chinese and Western medicine principles, and has prejudice against Chinese medicine.”

(end of this chapter)

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