Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 609

Chapter 609: Who Doesn’T Follow The Rules

Chapter 609 Who doesn’t follow the rules

Shen Lingxi touched his hair: “Don’t make trouble, be good.”

Luo Zhe also nodded obediently: “I listen to Sister Shen.”

Luo Zhe is also a child’s temperament. Even if the child is sixteen years old, when it comes to coquettishness, there are really few people who are his opponents, and he does not feel embarrassed by coquettishness.

The little ancestor was obedient like a sheep, and stared at Zheng Xin directly.

what’s the situation?

That little girl is, why is Luo Zhe so familiar with her?

Zheng Xin’s face changed greatly.

Shen Lingxi and Xie An have a close relationship, and Zhou Fucheng and Luo Zhe also have a very good relationship with her.

Now that the Medical Association and the Kyushu Research Institute Liang Zi have made a deal, there must be a result between the two sides. If Luo Zhe also defected and went to the Kyushu Research Institute, they would have nothing but a big joke.

The main responsibilities of the Institute of Materia Medica are drug laboratories and drug identification. As the same institution, the drugs developed by the Institute of Materia Medica need to be announced and distributed in the gray area, and they need to be affiliated with the pharmaceutical association.

When a new drug is successfully developed, and the researchers are Luo Zheye and Shen Lingxi, the medical association is naturally the priority to announce.

In the beginning, when the Medical Association proposed to cooperate with Shen Lingxi and the others, she did not refuse in Luo Zheye’s face.

After all, Luo Zhe is also a member of the Institute of Medicine. Cooperating with the Medical Association has made Luo Zhe more convenient and less troublesome.

Unfortunately, no one expected that such a thing would happen before the cooperation intention was signed.

The Medical Association made a big deal about the prescription incident. On the one hand, it was for Shen Lingxi and Luo Zhe to see, to let them know that the Medical Association attached great importance to them.

At the same time, use this event to achieve the effect of publicity.

Third, he wanted to use the white wolf with empty gloves to grab Professor He’s medicine formula.

serves multiple purposes.

Unfortunately, they did not expect that Shen Lingxi and the general manager of the Kyushu Research Institute would have another relationship.

When Zheng Xin’s thoughts were spinning, Luo Zhe was about to take them upstairs.

“and many more.”

Zheng Xin panicked and shouted: “Mr. Luo, the Medical Association has important information. It’s naturally nothing for you and Mr. Zhou to go up. This is because this lady has the Kyushu Research Institute, so it’s not very convenient.”

Shen Lingxi raised her eyebrows, but she didn’t show any displeasure when she was stopped.

But that’s what made Zheng Xin even more afraid.

For some reason, she dared not look into each other’s eyes.

Luo Zhe also narrowed his eyes slightly. The good-tempered little ancestor is not for everyone: “She can’t go up, and she can’t be accommodating at all?”

Zheng Xin’s expression was a little stiff, and he smiled apologetically: “I’m really sorry, it’s not that we don’t want to be accommodating, it’s that the rules are true.”

Luo Zhe also sneered, which is a good rule.

“Brother Zhou, if my sister doesn’t get angry, I won’t go up either. Please help me to call all the people from the institute. “Luo Zhe also looks wronged.” Also, tell them, and There is no need to draw up a letter of intent for cooperation with the medical association, and we will not cooperate with them.”

The corners of Zhou Fucheng’s eyes rose slightly, and he had to pretend to be calm: “Okay, I see.”

“Wait a minute, Mr. Luo, didn’t we agree to cooperate from the beginning, how could you suddenly change your mind?”

Zheng Xin is anxious: “The cooperation is agreed by both parties. You suddenly broke the contract and violated the rules. Isn’t this embarrassing for both parties?”

(end of this chapter)

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