Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 607

Chapter 607: Misfit Boy

Chapter 607 The misfit boy

What’s more, if the news of plagiarism and theft spreads, it will be a huge blow to the Kyushu Research Institute.

Kyushu Research Institute is a research institution directly under the state, representing the achievements and appearance of the research field. Once it is humiliated, the consequences will be disastrous.

Before Xie An came over, the development of the matter was that the medical association was leading by the nose, and the pharmaceutical research institute was in a gray area.

Now Xie An mentioned the involvement of a third party, and the personnel over there were obviously on his side, so the ferocity of the two sides was understandable.

After listening to their argument for a long time, the people from the    Pharmaceutical Research Institute began to shake their heads.

Being selected for a meeting is a chore.

It is also because of their unfortunate circumstances that they will be selected.

The head of the    Pharmaceutical Research Institute looked to the corner.

In the corner, a teenager wearing a black one-piece overalls with ear studs on his ears is playing with his mobile phone with his head down.

The    teenager looked only sixteen or seventeen years old, very young, and compared with the group of young and middle-aged men here, he seemed even more inaccessible.


The boy’s body suddenly vibrated, and the game characters on the mobile phone died.

“Damn, it’s too difficult.”

The boy threw his cell phone angrily, the corner of the cell phone nibbled on the table and made a thud.

Immediately the entire conference room fell silent.

Everyone looked in his direction.

All eyes fell on him, and the young man frowned displeasedly: “Look what I’m doing, continue.”

Everyone was speechless, but they didn’t dare to say anything.

Despite his young age, he is a professor-level figure in the Institute of Pharmacy, and he is also a direct disciple of the master of pharmacy. He will be the one who will take over the Institute in the future.

If the Medical Association wants to stabilize its cooperation with the research institute in the future, it will have to deal with this person.

In addition to being a direct disciple of the master, this man is indeed very capable in drug research. Even if he leaves the Institute of Medicine and looks at the entire medical world, few people can compare with his achievements.

The boy’s name is Luo Zheye, and he is Luo Shiye’s younger brother.

Luo Zhe also saw that they were quiet. He had a lazy waist and played games for two hours. He felt pain everywhere, especially the neck, which was as stiff as being cast in a plaster.

The frivolous and casual behavior makes others look uncomfortable, but he dares not say what he is responsible for.

After all, behind Luo Zheye is the Medical Research Institute and Shen Lingxi.

Shen Lingxi developed the prescription that she and Luo Zhe also completed together.

But when it was taken for identification, Luo Zhe was also a member of the research institute. If he handed it over, the prescription would belong to the research institute.

That’s why Shen Lingxi entrusted Zhou Fucheng to pass it over for appraisal, and at the same time signed the names of himself and Luo Zheye.

After the appraisal results came out, Shen Lingxi never showed up, even using her name? Instead, Luo Zhe has become their primary candidate.

The acquaintance between Luo Shi and Shen Lingxi was also brought together by his younger brother Luo Zhe.

When Luo Zhe was also bored, a message popped up on his phone.

Shen Lingxi: Come downstairs to pick me up.

The news was only four words, and Luo Zhe once suspected that he was dazzled, and sat up abruptly.

‘s sudden action once again attracted the attention of the people in the conference room.

Head of the Medical Association: “…”

What happened to this little ancestor today, he was so surprised that he had a heart attack.

(end of this chapter)

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