Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: The Internet Cafe Has A New Network Manager

Chapter 5 The Internet Cafe has a new network manager

Shen Lingxi has been working in the town for several years. Because she does not have an ID card, she can only do some temporary work.

This one washes the dishes today, and the other one helps unload the goods tomorrow. In short, there is no fixed income.

Unexpectedly, because of a pheasant game, she has a “fixed” source of income.

Don’t look at the low cost of playing this round, but she couldn’t bear the number of students looking for her. In one day, she could earn 500 yuan, which is much better than when she used to work odd jobs everywhere.

Today is Shen Lingxi’s fifth day playing in an internet cafe.

As soon as she entered the store, several technical school students who skipped classes greeted her.

“Sister Xi came very early today.”

“Let’s form a team together later.”

“Is it still a charter flight today?” After a few days, the boss was quite familiar with her, and every time she came, it was a one-day flight.

Shen Lingxi looked at the greasy pancake on the boss’s hand and had a headache. Eating this stuff is no different from drinking oil. He didn’t have any appetite, and he didn’t know how he could eat it so deliciously.

“No hurry, let’s talk about something else first.” Shen Lingxi propped up on the bar with one hand, “I see you recruiting a network manager at the door, what do you think of me?”

The owner of the Internet cafe thought he had hallucinated for a while, and looked at her up and down: “You? I have a lot to do as a network administrator, but you can’t.”

“I may not be able to repair the computer, but I can pull in guests for you. Look at how much better your Internet cafe business is when I’m here.” Shen Lingxi began to bargain.

These days, she is playing games in internet cafes, and the hourly internet fee is really a “huge sum” for her.

Seeing that the boss is still a little hesitant, Shen Lingxi explained: “I don’t want much, just don’t need my Internet access fee, otherwise if I go to another Internet cafe, your business is not good…, think about it?”

Although    is a “threat” in disguised form, Shen Lingxi did bring a wave of traffic to his internet cafe.

After the boss weighed the pros and cons, Shen Lingxi became the new network manager in the Internet cafe.

There are not too many customers in the store now, so Shen Lingxi simply cleaned up the hygiene of the store, turned on the computer, and completed today’s task.

Shen Lingxi’s computer is in the corner, and there is a small fan on the table. Although the wind is not strong, it can slightly speed up the air circulation, so that the smell of smoke around her is not so heavy.

She lived a leisurely life in this small town. Someone seemed less calm in the Beijing COG Club PUBG Base.

“Hey shit, there’s something in this sniping.” Si Ye bit an unlit cigarette, and looked at the game video on the screen in a dazed way.

Night, Si Ye, active national e-sports player, COG club PUBG branch leader, creator of the three consecutive championships in the global finals, the strongest SOLO king, and the second star player in the PUBG commercial value rankings.

The video playing on Si Ye’s computer is the video of the pheasant game that Shen Lingxi played in the Internet cafe a few days ago.

He could see that it was because he went to the first floor to teach the members of the second team, and happened to see a member of the second team doing the sniping part of the analysis video.

At first, I thought it was a bit technical, but when I got back upstairs, I went to see it myself, but I didn’t expect an unexpected harvest.

Erlang’s legs that have been sticking up for a long time, Si Ye felt a little numb in his legs. After changing his posture, he sent the game video to the person whose ID is Devil in the friend list.

Night: When did you go to the pheasant race with me behind your back? Have you been reduced to this point? If you want to play the game, tell my brother that he will let you be a substitute.

Night: Didn’t I say, you really don’t think about coming back? Although he is a little older, he won’t be able to fight for a few years, so he won’t wash his hands so early.

Night: Talk, don’t pretend to be dead.

(end of this chapter)

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