Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 32

Chapter 32: First Intermediate Exam

Chapter 32 First Intermediate Exam

It was only after chatting that I found out that Xie Feng, the chaotic demon king, was in trouble, and he didn’t want to go to study, so his father rushed to Jincheng in a fit of anger.

Jincheng is the location of Xie Feng’s mother’s mother’s home. Although the distance from Beijing is not too far, if it is not as prosperous as the capital, it is not too much for Young Master Xie to say that he was exiled.

Gu Manli took out two prepared test papers from the drawer.

“The greeting has also been called, so let’s hurry up and finish the test, let’s finalize the class first.”

Gu Manli found a pen and scratch paper for the two of them to take the exam in the office, and they corrected it immediately after the exam.

At this time, in the teacher’s office in the second year of high school, several class teachers who had no classes were chatting in the class.

The head teacher of the third class asked softly: “I heard that the school is going to have two transfer students. It seems that they are in the principal’s office now?”

The head teacher of the fourth class pushed the glasses with thick lenses that looked like the bottom of a glass bottle: “It seems that one of them heard that Mr. Yang called to contact the school, and I don’t know what happened.”

“Related households, nine of these ten related households have poor grades, I think they are hanging, and it’s been a while since the second year of high school. If you can’t keep up with the teaching progress, the average score of the class will be a hindrance. .” The head teacher of the second class shook his head, helplessly.

Generally, transfer students who have a little relationship want to go to a better class, except that the first class and the second class are the express class, also known as the rocket class, which is a class specially trained by the school to sprint Tsinghua University students.

Classes 3 and 4 are general classes for liberal arts, and classes 5 to 18 are general classes for science. It’s the same whichever you go to, and there’s not much difference. I heard that the most troublesome thing for transfer students is the head teacher of the general class.

The head teacher of Class 3 sighed and asked the transfer students not to transfer to his own class: “Whoever said no, ask yourself for more blessings.”

The teachers in the school also have teaching quality assessments. The average score in the class and the number of people online are the criteria for their bonuses. In terms of money, reputation is also very important.

In case the transfer students bring down the average grade of the class, then the news will not be laughed to death.

Compared with the calmness of the teachers in Class 1 and 2, the rest of the class teachers are all frowning, for fear that the transfer students who study very poorly will join their class.

But they don’t have any headaches now, and the principal will inform them after the test results are finished which class the transfer students go to.

Shen Lingxi took the paper and swept the questions on it, it seemed… she knew it all.

In other words, not only she knew, but she was also very familiar with those questions, and she knew at a glance what knowledge points were being tested.

doesn’t seem to be quite right. In my memory, I left school early tomorrow and went to work to earn money. Why was I so familiar with high school knowledge?

Shen Lingxi’s thoughtful look holding a pen was seen by Xie An and Shen Yunci.

It’s just that one of them was thinking about why she showed such an expression, and the other was worried that the exam paper would be too difficult and she would not be able to do it, which hurt her self-confidence.

In order not to disturb the two children’s exams, several people sitting on the sofa stopped talking, and they didn’t know whether they were embarrassed or not.

An hour and a half later, Shen Lingxi hesitated for a while, but still hadn’t completed the test paper, and he also deliberately answered incorrectly the questions that he would be doing, so he controlled his score very well.

After all, as a person who has been out of school for many years, there is really no way to explain if he gets a sky-high grade.

(end of this chapter)

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