Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: The Past

Chapter 22 The Past

It was the last time Xie Feng was sued by the teacher, saying that he played games with a group of students in the class, and after class, he organized game competitions in the whole school, and set up competition bonuses. Many students in the school engaged in this competition for him. skip class.

Such a large area of students skipping classes is unheard of in the past teaching history, so Mr. Xie was honorably invited as a parent.

Xie Yanchuan was busy, so naturally he had no time to go to school, so he let his assistant go.

After the assistant came back from school, he told him about the matter, and Xie Yanchuan was angry and pointed at his son’s nose and cursed: “If you don’t want to study, don’t go, and the rest will be a disaster for other people’s children, let them Parents curse behind their backs.”

So…Xie Xiaoye skipped class after listening to his father’s words.

Then, the teacher invited the parents again.

After a long time of fuss, Xie An understood what his third uncle called him back to do.

Xie Feng is indeed a little more arbitrary, and the only one who can control him is his uncle Yang Weihua, except Xie An.

Xie An was too busy with his own affairs, so he naturally couldn’t let him take care of his children, so Xie Yanchuan and Yang Weihua together decided to send Xie Feng to Jincheng.

It just so happened that Lao Lao Yang also recently returned to his hometown in Jincheng to recuperate his body. Sending Xie Feng over to have Yang Lao and Yang Weihua in charge is better than causing trouble in this capital.

Xie An looked at his brother with a sad face: “Okay, I see.”

kept giving him another wink, hoping that the cousin who could say a few words for him completely ignored his eyes and directly promised to send him to Jincheng. It was really going to kill him.

Mr. Xie always upholds the idea that his children and grandchildren will have their own happiness, so he doesn’t get involved in how his sons discipline their children.

So Xie Feng would never find his grandfather even though he tried to find someone for help. After all, if he spoke up, he would only get ridicule.

Xie Yanchuan escorted his own monkey to pack up, leaving Mr. Xie and Xie An in the living room.

“Since you’re going to Jincheng, remember to visit Zhao’s house at some time. You still have to have the proper etiquette.” Mr. Xie suddenly pointed out.

Xie An nodded: “Okay, I understand.”

Speaking of the Zhao family in Jincheng, Mr. Xie sighed heavily: “Little San, do you think the little girl from the Zhao family can still be found?”

Xie An paused for a moment while holding the teacup.

“It will be found.”

Mr. Zhao and Xie Yiqing were comrades in the army during the early years of the Anti-Japanese War. If Mr. Zhao hadn’t tried to save his life, he would have died on the battlefield.

Xie Yiqing was rescued, but Mr. Zhao broke a leg. His wife died early due to illness, and he had only one son and one daughter.

Originally, he had a pretty good life, but he did not expect that he would experience the loss of his daughter in his later years, the loss of his granddaughter, and a series of blows that made him collapse.

When he was dying, Xie Yiqing made a special trip to Jincheng. He knew that Mr. Zhao’s biggest heart problem was his lost granddaughter. In order to reassure him, he assured him that he would definitely help to find his granddaughter and keep her alive for the rest of his life. Yu.

Xie An shook his head: “Don’t worry, I’ll figure it out.”

With the death of Mr. Zhao, the problem of finding the missing young lady also seems to have been transferred to Mr. Xie Yiqing.

After the Zhao family was lonely, Mr. Xie always helped them secretly and secretly, all of which Xie An knew.

If he can find Miss Zhao’s family, it will be a concern for his old man.

(end of this chapter)

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