Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Rollover In The Live Room

Chapter 17 Rollover in the live studio

During the conversation, Bai Yang took a special look at the other party’s information in order to prove that what he said was correct.

“Fuck, it turned out to be true.”

Not only that one is true, but in the friend information application, those game anchor numbers are all true.

Bai Yang was a little stunned, and didn’t understand why these big anchors came to add their friends.

Although Shen Lingxi has helped to score points recently, his ranking is higher than when he was playing before, but he is hovering in more than 500 people, so it will not attract so many people’s hatred.

“What are you doing, add it.” The friend at the next seat urged, “They won’t eat you, look at you, it’s so promising.”

When I was a teenager, I was full of vigor. The most unacceptable thing was being looked down upon by others. Being so provoked, Bai Yang didn’t care why they wanted to add him. All of them were approved.

A large number of game anchors appeared in his friend list, and he was stunned to suppress Xie An’s trumpet to the bottom.

Topol is a fan of COG. If he sees it, he will definitely recognize that it is Devil’s trumpet, but unfortunately, he missed this opportunity due to the large number of irrelevant people.

What made Bai Yang even more unexpected was that his act of adding a friend made him not only lose the opportunity to discover Devil, but also…

After the major anchors applied for friends, they immediately asked him to form a team game.

In the first round, the landing point was incorrectly selected, and the start was swept away.

In the second round, he made it to the finals, but for some unknown reason, he seemed to be targeted, and was surrounded and killed by three teams.

In the seventh game, Bai Yang’s mentality had completely collapsed, and he was shot in the head if he didn’t pay attention.

In the 20th round, Bai Yang didn’t know if he gave up on himself or what to say. He made a very low-level mistake and was counter-killed.

Kneeling for more than 20 rounds in a row, Bai Yang smashed his earphones angrily: “Fuck, you’re sick, what the **** is this orphan operation, the whole process is aimed at me, I’m digging up your ancestral grave.”

The brother next door also cast a sympathetic look: “You are too miserable. You didn’t read the almanac when you went out.”

“It’s **** sick, this group of anchors is doing it on purpose.” Bai Yang started scolding directly, and the scolding was very ugly.

What he didn’t expect was that the process of playing the game was broadcast live by those anchors, and his swearing words were also recorded in the whole process, and the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded.

This has to be put on hold, it is normal behavior to scold people in games, and no one dares to say that they can still maintain an attitude of indifference when playing games.

But his account broke out a few days ago with super strong combat effectiveness, and even received praise from COG, which made the netizens have a lot less tolerance for him.

【Fuck, if you can be praised like this, this guy has a tough background. 】

[COG is charging black money, it’s like shit, hot eyes. 】

[No, I watched Si Ye’s live broadcast, and the person playing games with him is a girl. 】

[That’s right, change the person behind the account. 】

【One thing to say, this brother’s mouth is too dirty, no one cares about it? 】

【I have to go and have a look and see who this brother is. 】

Bai Yang got into the game angrily, and other streamers who wanted to take advantage of the heat couldn’t find anyone, so they started talking about it in their live broadcast room, and the discussion was in full swing.

The next morning.

Bai Yang went to the school, and before entering the school gate, he felt that the people around him had been looking at him, pointing as if they were saying something.

(end of this chapter)

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