Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: I Want To Take Xixi Home

Chapter 15 I want to take Xixi home

Shen Yunci looked at the way she was eating noodles, and his appetite improved a lot: “Looking at how familiar you are with the boss, did you come here often?”

Shen Lingxi drank two mouthfuls of soup with a casual expression: “Well, I don’t usually cook much, so it’s much more convenient and cheap to eat here.”

After listening to the first half of the sentence, I didn’t feel anything, but when the last three words came out, Shen Yunci frowned.

He wanted to ask her how her past life was like, but he couldn’t say it when he got to his mouth, it was as if someone had strangled her throat, and it felt dry and painful.

Compared with his cautiousness, Shen Lingxi is a lot more magnanimous: “Can I ask, how did your sister lose it?”

She didn’t ask how she lost it. When there is no definite evidence to prove that she is his own sister, it is better not to be preconceived, so as not to cause any misunderstanding.

Shen Yunci is so smart, how could she not understand the meaning of her words.

I saw him drop his eyes slightly, as if remembering the past that he didn’t want to mention.

Shen Yun’s resignation of their parents is a typical business marriage. The two have little affection. Their combination is more like the business strategy of the two companies.

Although there is not much affection, the relationship between the two has always been respectful to each other, and the face is still passable.

But when their child was born, their relationship changed.

Zhao Jingyu suffers from postpartum depression, but their father, Shen Mingqi, often does not go home because of the expansion of his business territory. The widowed parenting makes Zhao Jingyu’s depression worse.

In the end, she chose to commit suicide, and the young Shen Lingxi witnessed the death of her mother with her own eyes, which caused great mental stimulation and suffered from severe autism.

Later, in order to take better care of the sick Shen Lingxi, the family hired a child psychologist.

It was also her who lost someone when she took Shen Lingxi out. She was afraid of taking responsibility and ran away overnight. In addition, Zhao Jingyu was newly mourned at that time, and the Shen family and Zhao family had serious business affairs because of Zhao Jingyu’s suicide. crisis.

At that time, the Shen family could be said to be overwhelmed. Several things were mixed together, which made them miss the best time to find Shen Lingxi.

Although the Shen family is still looking for Shen Lingxi’s whereabouts, they basically have no hope. Only Shen Yun has resigned, and he has been reluctant to give up for so many years.

After listening to what he said, Shen Lingxi licked his lips: “Your sister is somewhat relieved to know that you are looking for her like this.”

At least in that house, there is someone desperately trying to get her back.

Shen Yunci’s eyes were a little red: “I want to take Xixi home.”

When    met his eyes, Shen Lingxi was shocked.

Anticipation is mixed with sourness, and I don’t know how he got here all these years.

Shen Lingxi couldn’t hold it anymore, so he could only turn his eyes away: “Yes.”

The voice was quiet, but he heard it.

“Anything else you want to eat? Let’s eat together.”

Shen Yun resigned and saw that the noodles in her bowl were almost eaten. Although she liked it, it was too bland. She was still young, and it was when she was growing up.

“I’m full.” Shen Lingxi put down the chopsticks in his hand.

Shen Yunci was about to say something when she heard her say in a very calm voice: “It’s boring to drag on, find some time to do a paternity test.”

Actually being able to find her, Shen Yunci can almost be sure that she is his own Xixi, but in the end there is still a lack of substantive evidence.

Unexpectedly, Shen Lingxi said it frankly first.

(end of this chapter)

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