Bite Your Fingertips

Chapter 80.2 – You want it (2)

80th -【You want it】

Translator: Xena Editor: Sammy Proofreader: Bubbles

After gulping his saliva, Fang Weishan said the following words:

“Lu Shaochu deliberately dug out the murder of that year, and effortlessly put my sister to death. Then he, then he—”

Fang Weishan’s pupils shrank slightly and his breathing became urgent.

Lu Shaochu was downright ruthless and designed to kill Fang Weiyun to make way for Iris.

Then, how easy would it be to kick another Fang Weishan away?

Fang Weishan’s heart was beating fast. He forced himself to stabilize his mind, stared fixedly at Lu Shi, and asked, “What do you want to do?”

Lu Shi came to see him specially and said so much to him, he wouldn’t believe it if he had no purpose.

Lu Shi changed his lazy state of being neither too fast nor too slow and sat up straight, crossed his long legs, and looked somewhat serious.

“If, for the sake of Iris, Lu Shaochu can rummage through the old things of the past and put Fang Weiyun to death without mercy, then, maybe one day, he’ll also set me up with a sudden illness and have me die somewhere for Iris and her son.”

Fang Weishan watched Lu Shi.

It was only now that he realized the facial features of the person sitting in front of him had gradually matured, and his temperament was anything but weak.

With sweaty palms, he abruptly clenched his five fingers. “What do you want to do?”

Lu Shi’s eyes were full of unmasked ambition.

“I’m already an adult. Currently, I’m the only heir to the Lu family. Grandpa is old, if something happened to Lu Shaochu, say he got arrested or he simply died, what do you think would happen?”

At that moment, Fang Weishan fully understood!

Lu Shi, this wolf cub, was forced to be ruthless and decided to overthrow his father and take his position for himself!

He pondered in his mind; his sister was already dead, then, who was in charge of the Lu family? Lu Shaochu or Lu Shi, and what did that have to do with him? What he wanted to see was who could give him more benefits!

Lu Shaochu was enamored with a woman, and his methods were cruel and unreliable. Wait a few more years, and he couldn’t precisely say what tragic end he’d wind up with.

Meanwhile, Lu Shi was young, a fledgling, inexperienced and without connections. If Lu Shi was in the top position, he and the Fang family would certainly depend on each other.

In addition, being young and without help meant that he’d be very easy to control.

Overthrowing Lu Shaochu and then taking Lu Shi into the palm of his hands, when that time came—

His nails pierced into the flesh of his palm, suppressing his excitement and ambitions. Fang Weishan, however, didn’t agree immediately and instead pretended to hesitate. “But this matter is too risky. Why did you come to me?”

Lu Shi sincerely explained, “I’m young and have no relatives from my mother’s side. I have no support within the Lu family, and I can only rely on you and the Fang family. Apart from you, I don’t know who else to look for.”

This sentence had an element of Lu Shi’s weakness in it.

It was also the sentence that Fang Weishan wanted and suited his intentions.

He reluctantly declined one more time, “Although I am your uncle in name, we’re not related by blood after all.”

Lu Shi then answered, “But everyone knows you’re my uncle. Besides, I only have you as an uncle.”

“Indeed, no one else would be willing to help you except me.”

Fang Weishan patted the armrest of the sofa chair twice with his palm, pondered for a long time before finally saying, “Okay, I’ll help you!”

Lu Shi also relaxed and said to Fang Weishan, “Then, a happy cooperation.”

Hearing the sound of the door, Chu Yu woke up from his sleep. With his eyes closed, he subconsciously reached out to find where Lu Shi was.

When Lu Shi held his hand, Chu Yu opened his eyes in confusion. “Did you go out?”

Because he’d been bundled up in the quilt, Chu Yu’s hands were very warm. Lu Shi held his fingers and couldn’t help kneading and pinching his finger joints, reluctant to let go.

“Yeah, I went to see Fang Weishan.”

Chu Yu propped up the upper half of his body and stretched out his hands to take off Lu Shi’s coat. “Spring is a good season, if you miss it, it’s gone. Come up and lie down with me again. We finally don’t have to go to class on the weekends, so we can sleep in happily.”

Lu Shi didn’t refuse.

When Lu Shi lay down, Chu Yu leaned into his arms a step faster. He yawned and stuck to Lu Shi’s chest. “Did it go well? Did Fang Weishan agree to cooperate?”

Lu Shi hugged the person and rubbed his chin against the top of Chu Yu’s hair. “Yes.”

Chu Yu was drowsy in Lu Shi’s arms, barely holding up his consciousness. “How did you convince him?”

“I just told him that the one who moved his hand in the dark, who killed Fang Weiyun, was Lu Shaochu.”


Chu Yu’s drowsiness ran away completely.

When he raised his head and looked at Lu Shi, he understood the key points forthwith.

First of all, no one knew that it was Lu Shi who was scheming in the dark. Without knowing who actually moved their hand, Elder Lu, Lu Shaochu, Iris, and many others were all suspects.

At the very beginning, when Lu Shi installed the listening device in Fang Weiyun’s necklace, he’d also installed the same device in his watch. From then on, he’d successfully transformed himself into a victim and cleared most suspicions towards him.

No one would doubt him, who was young and the only heir to the Lu family.

Afterwards, Lu Shi took advantage of Iris and Lu Shaochu’s affairs to press on step by step, ultimately forcing Fang Weiyun to break down and reveal fatal clues on the phone.

After Fang Weiyun’s death, he took advantage of Fang Weishan’s suspicions and indignation towards Lu Shaochu, as well as his deepening sense of crisis to make Fang Weishan bite Lu Shaochu back.

Lu Shi was like a hunter who was extremely adept at manipulating people’s hearts. He patiently hid in the shadows, planned every step, and executed it little by little; no rush, no fuss.

Feeling astringentor sour/bitter, that feeling where you’re near crying in his heart, Chu Yu raised his head and kissed the corner of Lu Shi’s lips.

Almost there, this matter is almost over.

The warm spring sun shone and people’s limbs were soft.

Chu Yu was walking on Lu Shi’s right hand side, with a school bag hanging on one shoulder, lazy and without energy.

Unknown petals swept by the wind rustled and fell, occasionally falling on the shoulders of the two.

Covering his mouth as he yawned twice in a row, Chu Yu began wondering whether to return to the dormitory or go to the study room first.

“School Flower! Lu-Shen!”

Hearing the shout, Chu Yu turned his head and saw Dream-Ge wearing a genuine jersey, standing on the edge of the basketball court with both hands raised high, shouting at the top of his lungs while jumping, for fear that they wouldn’t see him.

Chu Yu raised his hand and waved it twice in response.

Dream-Ge stopped jumping and shouted, “Come and play!”

Chu Yu lightly bumped his elbow into Lu Shi next to him and asked, “Lu-Ge, are you playing?”

Lu Shi didn’t answer and rather asked first, “Want to see me?”

The smile on Chu Yu’s face brightened immediately and he nodded several times. “I want to, I haven’t seen you play for so long!”

“Hm, let’s go then.”

Zhang Yueshan was on one side of the court with two others from the neighboring class who were unfamiliar but acquaintances.

Zhang Yueshan came over with the ball, dribbling it with a ‘pa pa’, and specially asked Chu Yu, “School flower, are you coming?”

Chu Yu took the school bag and coat Lu Shi handed over and took a step back. “Lu Shi can beat all of you by himself. If you add me, the scene will be too oppressive. I’m afraid your little hearts won’t be able to handle it!”

Zhang Yueshan was amused. “Thank you, School Flower, for kindly not being oppressive!”

Chu Yu lifted his chin and replied with a beaming smile, “You’re welcome.”

After he finished speaking, he was about to sit on the rest chair next to him with the things he was carrying and just watch the game without moving a muscle, when suddenly, he was grabbed by Dream-Ge.

Dream-Ge’s voice was very low. “School flower, I didn’t realize that you’re actually so… wild?” With a wink, Dream-Ge pointed out, “Tell me the truth, was it your bite that caused the wound on the corner of Lu Shen’s mouth?”

“Wild your ass!” Chu Yu looked Dream-Ge up and down with a look of ‘what are you writing in your head’. “I really didn’t bite it, he was injured in a fight.”

It turned out to be the case. Dream-Ge was about to go back to the court when he heard Chu Yu say, “I don’t like to bite there, I usually bite elsewhere.”

It didn’t sink in when Dream-Ge first heard it. After a while, he decoded this sentence over and over several times and it suddenly dawned on him— holy shit, so explosive?

Lu Shi had taken off his coat and was only wearing a white long-sleeved polo. He unbuttoned the collar with one hand and rolled up the sleeves to his elbows, changing his style in an instant.

However, the white long sleeves were still somewhat inconvenient when dribbling and dunking on the court.

Chu Yu sat on a chair by the side of the court, watching, and suddenly remembered that he’d put a T-shirt in his school bag.

He called Lu Shi over.

Lu Shi just finished making a three-pointer right then. He strode up to Chu Yu and lowered his head. “Hmm? You called?”

Chu Yu took out the T-shirt in his bag and gave it to Lu Shi. “Can you wear this? It’s half a size smaller than what you usually wear, but it’s definitely looser and more flexible than a long sleeve polo.”

“Okay.” Lu Shi’s eyes fell on the clothing and he suddenly said, “Do the clothes you wear smell like you?”

It was clearly a simple sentence, but Chu Yu’s face turned a bit hot. He muttered, “Isn’t it good that it smells like that? My body is fragrant! Fragrant!”

Lu Shi chuckled lightly, gazing at Chu Yu with incredibly soft eyes.

He placed his hand on a button and unfastened a few of them before stopping all of a sudden.

Chu Yu wondered, “What’s wrong?”

The white long-sleeved shirt had already been loosened five buttons down and the greater half of the top was open wide. At a glance, his collarbone, chest, and the firm, beautiful muscle lines of his upper body could be seen.

There are two buttons left, unfasten them or not?

Chu Yu looked at it and felt that it was really too fucking tempting, it was more tempting than taking off a whole shirt!

At that moment, Lu Shi, who was standing in front of him, inserted his hands in his pockets, bent down, leaned close, and said to his ear, “I have a boyfriend now, so I can only take off my clothes for him to see. Don’t you think so, boyfriend?”

The author has something to say: Here’s a heart made of white long sleeve shirt buttons~

  • 1or sour/bitter, that feeling where you’re near crying

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