Bite Your Fingertips

Chapter 66: Now do you know

66th -【Now do you know】

The memory of the next ten minutes was as if covered by muslin— it became blurred.

Chu Yu only knew that he was pressed against the rough wall in the corner by Lu Shi, and he couldn’t struggle. Lu Shi kissed him deeply, so much so that later on, he became dizzy due to the lack of oxygen; his tongue was sucked numb, and because he couldn’t close his lips, saliva trickled along the corners of his mouth.

As he gasped for breaths in between, he wondered in his daze if Lu Shi was going to consume him so that both their flesh and blood would fuse together.

When Lu Shi withdrew his mouth, Chu Yu first inhaled a deep breath of the night’s cold winter air to relieve the dizziness caused by oxygen loss in his brain.

His legs were weak, his hands were soft, and so he couldn’t stand. He simply tugged at Lu Shi’s jacket and let himself fit snugly into the other’s arms, resting with his eyes half-closed.

He reviewed it in his mind, and sure enough, the research material was unreliable, the research material was really extremely unreliable!

But, did Lu Shi quietly search for that information?

He tried hard to recall. At the beginning, their teeth did bump into each other, but soon, Lu Shi revealed his learning prowess and rectifying ability.

Anyway, it didn’t take long before he was kissed to the point where he couldn’t think of anything else.

This was probably… the gap between people?

Chu Yu suddenly realized— with a boyfriend this good, why would he still need to go through the trouble of researching?

If he surfed the net for information later, he’d be a fool!

Meanwhile, at this time, Lu Shi was standing relaxedly against the wall, holding Chu Yu in his arms while running his hands down his back.

There was no trace of hostility in his expression, only laziness after making-out.Author literally wrote 性爱 -sex

Only when someone would pass by and look at them inquiringly, would Lu Shi resemble a beast whose territory had been encroached, flashing a warning glare.

After resting for an unknown amount of time, Chu Yu asked in a hoarse voice, “Should we go back now?”

Lu Shi pinched Chu Yu’s chin with his fingers, lifted it up, and gazed into his watery eyes. “Do you have the strength?”

The slightly raised lilt brought out a completely different sexiness from the past.

“Mn, more or less.”

Chu Yu’s voice softened. “Lu Shi, don’t pinch my chin. It hurt when you pinched it earlier, and it still hurts a little bit right now.”

While they were kissing, he’d pushed with his hand twice and that hand was pinned against the wall. It was because he couldn’t breathe and wanted to hold the other’s head to take a breath, but Lu Shi had clutched his chin tightly and continued kissing, immobilizing him.

When this person kissed him, it was like the outer shell of his usual disguise had been torn off.

Chu Yu… enjoyed it very much.

Usually, Lu Shi was reserved and restrained. Only at times like this could he feel very clearly that Lu Shi truly liked and desired him very much.

Lu Shi released his fingers in compliance, lowered his head, and pecked Chu Yu’s chin.

Coaxed by this action, Chu Yu grasped Lu Shi’s hand and coughed lightly twice. “Let’s go, let’s go back to school, to school, g-go back and study hard!”

The next morning, Chu Yu pulled Lu Shi along to lay in bed together.

On a winter morning, getting out of bed was no less than passing through a tribulation.

Chu Yu spoke indistinctly while hugging Lu Shi’s waist with both hands, “Let’s sleep some more, two minutes, then another two minutes…”

At that moment, a burst of passionate music suddenly came from outside the window, startling Chu Yu into rousing. “What’s that sound? What sound is it?”

“This power is iron, this force is steel…”It’s a Chinese patriotic song titled “Unity is Strength”. I found the eng tl here –

Hearing what song was playing on the campus broadcast, Chu Yu’s gaze became dull. “They’re already using these kinds of big tricks to wake us up?”

Having his sleepiness forcefully dissipated by the powerful and invigorating “Unity is Strength”, Chu Yu got up with difficulty.

Lu Shi folded the quilt while Chu Yu went to the bathroom to freshen up. He looked in the mirror and found that the hickey on his neck was still there, and he could even see it clearly from a distance.

Chu Yu once again mentally sighed with emotion. Just how hard did Lu Shi bite him?!

After thinking about that, he went to the closet to find a scarf. He wrapped it around his neck, barely covering it up.

After brushing his teeth, Chu Yu remembered something so he raised his chin.

Damn, my chin’s still a little red!

Chu Yu knew that he was delicate and couldn’t bear being exposed to the elements, but he didn’t expect his skin to be this fragile!

Okay, no looking up today.

When Chu Yu and Lu Shi arrived in the classroom, Fang Ziqi was holding a question set while telling Zhang Yueshan about the “I did 50 multiple-choice questions yesterday, but I got 4 wrong” troubles of a top student.

After some time, Li Hua hurried in with a hot dog, and despite everything he did he ultimately sighed. “The hot dog still went cold! I thought if I ran fast enough the cold wind wouldn’t catch up!”

“I have a way!”

Chu Yu actively helped his classmate. He took out a warm baby from his school bag and handed it to Li Hua. “Here, save the hot dog.”

Li Hua accepted it, tore open the wrapping paper, and wrapped the hot dog with the warm baby. “Wait, School Flower, will this really work?”

Chu Yu also wasn’t sure. “I don’t know either, try it and see?”

Ten minutes later, Li Hua picked up the hot dog that had been tightly wrapped by the warm baby and said bitterly, “It’s still cold.”

Li Hua then asked a major question, “But School Flower, why do you have a warm baby in your bag?”

Chu Yu thought to himself: can I tell you that this is the secret to my ability to wear thin and handsome clothes even in winter? Certainly not!

However, he couldn’t come up with any credible reason after a while. Chu Yu and Li Hua stared at each other, the former decided to keep a poker face and remain silent.

Dream-Ge happened to come over just then. “Brothers! Can any of you let me copy your math homework?”

Li Hua located his two papers and handed them over.

Chu Yu remembered. “By the way, Dream-Ge, congratulations!”

“Thank you, Brother!”

Dream-Ge scratched the back of his head, a little embarrassed. “My girlfriend said that she’d promise to be with me on one condition.”

Chu Yu was curious. “What condition?”

“That my grades can’t drop. If my final exam results decline, she’ll break up with me!” Dream-Ge couldn’t hide his smile when he mentioned this.

Li Hua lamented, “Such a sour stench of rich love! I’m different from you all. In my heart, there’s only studying!”

Dream-Ge laughed. “Isn’t that Study Com’s line?”

Chu Yu didn’t respond, rather, he found a scratch paper and pen, quietly wrote a sentence under the table swiftly, and then secretly stuffed it into Lu Shi’s hand.

When Lu Shi opened the crumpled paper, he saw written the words: [I’m not like them, I only have Lu Shi in my heart!]

After reading the note several times, Lu Shi straightened the corners and sandwiched it within a book.

The last day of December was the school’s New Year’s Day cultural performances.

One day in advance, Yang Yuchan – the cultural and recreation committee member – began handing out cheering sticks and small flags for waving, starting with the first person from the door.

The small flag wasn’t a commonly seen square-shape, but a very unique semi-circle with a hand drawing on one side and Class A’s slogan on the other side.

“Y’all are the world’s best.”你们是世间绝色 “Y’all are the world’s best”: Actually, the more accurate translation for 绝色 is stunning/remarkable/beautiful, so it’s more embarrassing in the original language.

After Chu Yu finished reading it out loud, he commented, “Actually, I think ‘Class A, Class A, extraordinary’ or something is pretty good.”

Zhang Yueshan covered his mouth with the flag and whispered, “Do you also think the slogan is quite shameful? I know, right!? I’ve been trying to figure out a solution since I came to know that this is the slogan! We can do it like this, when our class gets on stage to perform, we’ll wave the flag quickly so only the afterimage will be left after waving it! This way, others won’t be able to distinguish what’s written on the flag!”

Chu Yu thought about it, and felt that something was wrong. But seeing Zhang Yueshan’s ‘please praise me’ expression, he replied, “Well, that’s a good idea!”

After handing out the props and making sure there was one for each person, Yang Yuchan stood on the podium. “There are many cheering sticks, but there’s only one small flag per person, so everyone, please take care and don’t break it. In addition, during evening self-study, the students of the class who are going to perform for the show will head to the auditorium for rehearsal. The costumes are very thin, so remember to bring thick clothes…”

When evening self-study arrived, there were about a dozen empty seats in the class.

With the cheering sticks and the small flag in their hands, everyone felt a bit of a sense of reality. For a time, no one could calm down and study properly.

Chu Yu carefully listened for a while, and caught wind of some gossip.

For example, there were a total of four hosts this time. Male host A and female host A had been together since the first year of high school and the whole school knew they were dating. Unexpectedly, when the second year of high school came, they broke up pretty fast. Reportedly, the reason for the split of their relationship was that male host B got in between.

Another example was last year’s New Year’s Day evening party. A boy came on stage carrying a guitar and sang a song. The next day, a high-rise building appeared in the school’s online forumA topic and the comments section in a forum is called a building, with each comment called a 1st floor, 2nd floor, etc.. Using this opportunity, the boy finally found a girlfriend after being single for 16 years and was no longer a single dog.

The others also talked about how a mysterious post unexpectedly appeared in the school’s online forum two days before Christmas, which was analyzing Lu Shi’s romance. It was because when Lu Shi had rejected an apple from a girl, the reason he gave was that he liked someone.

After many inferences, Lu Shi was indeed dating someone. As for who the other person was, it remained to be seen and verified.

Hearing this, Chu Yu bumped his desk mate with his elbow. With concealed mischievousness in his eyes, he purposely questioned, “You were dating? Why didn’t I know? Who are you with?”

As soon as he finished asking, the classroom suddenly became dark.

Simultaneously, countless people inside the entire school building shrieked and exclaimed in unison.

Zhang Yueshan reacted quickly. He stood up and reassured, “Don’t panic, Classmates, it’s probably a power outage. Everyone, don’t move about in your seats!”

Dream-Ge was very excited. “Could it be that we don’t have to study tonight anymore now that the power’s out?”

Before Old Ye could go to the office to mark the homework, there was a sudden power outage. He inquired about the situation before returning to the classroom. “Students, there is a problem with the wiring so the power is out in the area. Be patient and stay calm, they have already started preparations for repair. The power will probably return in about half an hour. For safety’s sake, everyone stay in place and do not walk around…”

There was no light indoors or outdoors. Chu Yu, who was afraid of the dark, kept imagining numerous horror scenes in his brain, frightening himself. He hurriedly rubbed against Lu Shi beside him.

After a while, singing voices were heard. One after another, several classes began to sing.

Fang Ziqi asked Zhang Yueshan from a distance, “Rep, they’re singing, should we recite a passage together? For example, ‘The Road to Shu is Hard’ or something. Let’s overwhelm them with momentum!”

Zhang Yueshan thought that what Fang Ziqi said made sense, thus he agreed. He raised his head and recited together with everyone.

Chu Yu didn’t plan to join. He lay on his desk, thinking about what to do.

It was pitch-black, even half a shadow could not be seen. At that moment, Chu Yu suddenly noticed someone approaching, the scent couldn’t be more familiar.

He whispered, “Lu Shi?”

Before his final syllable could fall, cool thin lips covered it.

Amid the darkness, Chu Yu’s eyes widened slightly.

“In the ancient wood only the mournful sounds of birds could be heard, between the trees goose followed gander taking flight. And we heard the cuckoo’s cry that moonlit night, as we gazed across the empty mountain…”Thankfully there was already a translation:

The sounds of recitation inside the classroom turned into background noise, no longer distinctly heard.

It wasn’t until Lu Shi caught the tip of his tongue that Chu Yu reacted—

I’m in the classroom, kissing Lu Shi?

Although the classroom was still pitch black and nothing could be seen clearly, this feeling… was too dangerous and exciting.

It was clearly an ordinary kiss, but Chu Yu felt that he couldn’t bear it!

Lu Shi’s hand rested on Chu Yu’s lower back, traced up along his spine, and finally stopped at the back of his neck, stroking lightly.

It wasn’t known how long it took before Lu Shi backed away a little and asked in a husky voice, “Now do you know who I’m dating?”

The author has something to say: Here’s a heart composed of small light bulbs~As we know, light bulb can also be a slang for third wheel.

See youI can hear the ?you betrayed me? coming from you guys, and I feel really sorry. I hate it when I miss updating for one week… I finished translating this Sunday last week, but realized my editors’ sched is different from my own. I also realized that I need to take a break because the constant quiz, exam and return demos are killing me. I’ve been sleeping 4-5 hours this week, my brain’s been hurting bad. Although I really, really don’t want to take a break, I think this is for the best instead of permanently quitting, right? See you all by the end of March, maybe (no promises cuz at this point I always break them sigh)
  • 1Author literally wrote 性爱 -sex
  • 2It’s a Chinese patriotic song titled “Unity is Strength”. I found the eng tl here –
  • 3你们是世间绝色 “Y’all are the world’s best”: Actually, the more accurate translation for 绝色 is stunning/remarkable/beautiful, so it’s more embarrassing in the original language.
  • 4A topic and the comments section in a forum is called a building, with each comment called a 1st floor, 2nd floor, etc.
  • 5Thankfully there was already a translation:
  • 6As we know, light bulb can also be a slang for third wheel.

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