Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 203: Interrogation at the dungeon______1

Lie Changle's face brightens up when she saw Yi Lan sitting down there, she smiled seductively towards his direction despite her aching body.

" Brother Yi, as you can see Ge'er is not as good as she pretends to be. Look at what she had her monstrous men did to us after having the audacity to kidnap her own family members. How could she treat us in this manner? My parents and I have done nothing wrong but being good to her but just look at how she wants to repay our kindness", Lie Changle said pitifully as tears over-whelmed in her eyes.

" Who said that it was Ge'er that had you guys kidnapped? I know that you were naturally stupid but I suggest that you think twice before speaking or you might die earlier than planned because of your mouth", Yi Lan said coldly without even looking at her.

" Ge'er, what have we done wrong to warrant this kind of inhumane treatment from you?", Chang Shixin, Lie Ruge's eldest aunt asked inquiringly.

" What have you guys done to me to deserve this? Are you seriously asking me that question, Mrs Chang? I never knew that you were so thick skin to ask me such an outrageous question", Lie Ruge asked disgustingly.

" Stop that nonsense Ge'er, was this how you were taught to speak to your elders? How dare you speak to your aunt with such a disrespectful tone?", Lie Feitain who was keeping quiet all this while suddenly spoke up.

" Did you just say respect? Yeah, it is true that I didn't have a mother to teach me proper manners but what is so wrong with what I just said? If you said that I don't have manners I won't argue with you on that but what about you guys, is this how you were taught to disrespect the person who is your source of livelihood? Hasn't anyone taught you guys that you are not supposed to bite the hands that fed you?", Lie Ruge fired back sharply.

" You impudent wench, how dare you to say that my father is ill-mannered in his presence, I can see that you are tired of living", Lie Changle blurted out sharply as she instantly threw Lie Ruge a murderous glare.

" Guys I can see that this young lady here has not learned her manners after staying here for three days. Won't you guys do something about this her foul mouth?", Lie Ruge asked softly as she smiled brightly towards the guys who were standing close to Lie Changle. The guys did not waste time in landing two deafening slaps at Lie Changle's face. Her mouth began to bleed due to the severity of the slap.

" How dare you treat the future Mrs Yi in this ill manner? Are you not scared of what Young Master Yi will do to you due to this your single acts?", Mrs Lie asked sternly.

" Who gave her such title? Changle or whatever is your name, how many times have I warned you not to spread the false rumours of us being in a relationship? I have been so lenient with you not because I liked you but because of Ge'er but you absolutely cannot blame me for what mishap that might come your way here if you or anyone else here utter such nonsense again", Yi Lan said coldheartedly.

" Hahaha... Changle, Changle, Changle what kind of game are you trying to play right now? Do you think that Yi Lan will suddenly fall for you due to your pitiful acts or because of some ridiculous rumours you spread? I know that you were always delusional but I never knew that your delusionality has worsened to a stage that you needed to see a psychiatric doctor", Lie Ruge said mockingly.

" Ge'er, you have gone too far with your words. Chang'er is your cousin after all so it is wrong of you to call her insane", Tan Xiang Lie Ruge's second aunt reprimanded her.

" Cut the carp guys before you make forget what I originally came here for, don't infect me with your dumbness. I never came here to chitchat with you guys about respect and manners. I came here for a very serious business", Lie Ruge said as her expression immediately turned serious.

" Yeah I have been getting bored so let's get to the real deal. We have questions for you and we require short and concise answers. You are not allowed to act smart with us, anyone who dares take us for a fool will meet its end earlier than schedule, so I advised that you think twice before you answer any question we threw at you, understood?", Yi Lan asked fiercely.

" And one more thing, your answer will determine the severity of your punishments so answer wisely, although I bet whether your chicken brains will remember to stick to these simple instructions", Lie Ruge remarked indifferently.

" The first question goes to you Changle. Why did you poison my wine three days ago?", Lie Ruge asked expressionlessly.

" Do you even have to ask; I did that because I hate you with everything I have got. I despise you so much for always being better than me although I have never acknowledged that. You've got to have the best things in life while I and my family have things inferior to yours. My hatred for you worsened when you dare tried to compete with brother Yi's affections with me when we were kids. I hated the way you always flirted with him, I bet you don't even remember how big of a sl*t you were", Lie Changle said loudly, the expression on her face shows that she was very angry.

" I got the best thing things in life? Are you f*cking kidding me? Anyways, so what if I had the best stuff in life as you said, you guys took the one thing I wanted so much. I would have been perfectly alright with my whole family complete even though I didn't have all these things, you are the one who is obsessed with wealth and influence. Do you know what is wrong with each one of you? You desire to own things that were never yours. Why is it that despite all your schemes to murder me, you guys evil plots has never been successful?", Lie Ruge asked scornfully.

" Stop acting so prideful, you are only alive today due to sheer luck and not by your own making. You should have been dead long ago, everything you have been through all these years is your karma for being alive despite everything we have done to eliminate you", Mrs Lie blurted out angrily without realizing the severity of her words.

" Wow! Bravo! I didn't even start torturing you and you have already revealed the fact that you tried murdering me not only once but numerous times. Thank you so much for spewing these words out causally, you didn't waste my precious time saying nonsense like your insane daughter", Lie Ruge said smiling menacingly.

" Guys, since Changle wasted my precious time by beating around the bush, give her some nice reward", Lie Ruge signalled the two guys standing with a whip to wipe her hard, and they did just that, Lie Changle screamed in anguish when the whip landed on her back. Everyone in the room felt sorry for her. Mrs Lie did not waste time in rushing over to her side immediately.

" Over to you Mr Lie, give me a straight answer or your punishment might not end with just one lash. Why did you have my mum assassinated?", Lie Ruge asked icily. All the Lie family expression fell when they heard her question, you should have seen the look of shock on their faces.

" Wha....what.... nonsense are ... you spurting Ge'er", Lie Feitain stammered in between his words. Beads of sweat began to form on his forehead.

" Nonsense? Does her word sound like gibberish to you? How about I make you understand that she wasn't joking when she asked you that question", Yi Lan said menacingly as he signalled one of his man to do something only the two of them understood. The guy walked a few distances away from them and when he returned, he was holding a bunch of chains in his hands. Before Lie Feitain could comprehend what the guy wanted to do with the chains, the chains landed on his back. It didn't just end with just one or two lashes but four powerful lashes that got him rolling on the dusty floor. When the guy was through with the torture, Lie Feitain was bleeding all over.

" Oooops, my bad that I didn't warn you that Yi Lan was more brutal than me", Lie Ruge exclaimed smiling as she covered her mouth with her right hand as if she was surprised.

" The chain that was used in whipping you is not just an ordinary chain but it was coated with one of the deadliest poisons in the world. I learned that you and your cohorts are fun of poisoning people so have a taste of how it feels to be poisoned. For people with a weak immune system, the adverse effects of the poison always manifest after thirty minutes but normally people with a strong immune system can last up to two hours. The first effects are that you will get paralyzed, you won't be able to move your hands, legs or any part of your body. It is so bad that you will see your loved ones get killed in your presence but you won't be able to help but don't worry you will still be able to talk and plead for mercy. I might change my mind and give you the antidote if you please me with your words so start speaking now", Yi Lan ordered fiercely. Fear crept the heart of Changle, her mum and her two aunts, terror was written all over their faces as they trembled in fear. Lie Feitian who was bent on keeping quiet until the very end started shivering when he heard that he was poisoned, he didn't need Yi Lan to repeat his words twice before he started speaking.

" Ge'er, you can't blame me for what happened to your mum because she was the one who sown the seed of discord in your father's mind towards us. We just couldn't take the injustice anymore so my wife suggested that we should get you and your mum assassinated. She said that the two of you meant the whole world to your father that if we were to get the two of you murdered that your father will get shattered and will be unable to stand up on his feet again, that way I will automatically become the Chairman of Lie's Corporation...",

" You ingrate, how dare you push all the blame on me? When did I ever force you to assassinate your brother's wife you incompetent fool? I blame myself for marrying such a failure of a man like you. You should be thankful to me because I am responsible for all the achievement and influence you have obtained all these years", Mrs Lie fired back furiously when she heard her husband accused her of being responsible for the assassination of Lie Ruge's mum, everyone could see that she was so desperate to survive. She didn't mind pushing all the blame to her husband in it would guarantee her survival.

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