Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 196: Bloodshed____1

" Ahhhhhhhh...oh my oooooh..... I'm dying. ...", Lie Ruge screamed enthusiastically as her grip around the edges of the bathtub tightened. Since her breasts were fully exposed with nothing to block it Yi Lan leaned in and started sucking her right breast while continually slamming in and out of her rougher and harder. He stopped moving inside her and fully paid all his attention to the two treasure which was wholly waiting for his full exploration. He used his body weight to push her to the last part of the bathtub and made her rest her head on the front of the bathtub. While doing all this he refused to remove his little brother which was still buried inside her. After he saw that she was seated in the way he wanted, he poured water from the bathtub on her two breasts and started massaging it before he bent down and captured the right one while fondling the other with his hand. His tongue twirling around it as Lie Ruge gasped melting against the pleasure he was giving her. He licked and suckle it till it turned red before he moved to the other one. Her whole-body arching in pleasure. Lie Ruge did not cease to satisfy him with her seductive moans as he worked on her two succulent breasts. He finally stopped his tortuous pleasure when he saw that she was now ready to go for another round. He continued thrusting in and out of her mercilessly till he forced himself to stop because of fear that her sickness might relapse if they continued again. He helped in bathing both himself and her up before he carried her in his hands back to the bedroom. He placed on the couch and quickly changed the sheets before he placed on the bed and tucked her in. Lie Ruge had a nice dream, in this dream, she dreamt about her childhood with Yi Lan. This time around the dream did not come in bits but it was vivid. She was so unbelievably happy in the dream to the extent that she smiled in reality. Yi Lan had a very pleasant dream too; in his dream, he dreamt about him and Lie Ruge playing in the garden with their cute little buns. His family was a very happy one in the dream. They woke up late in the morning feeling refreshed and happy. Lie Ruge kept everything she saw in her dream a secret because she wanted to surprise Yi Lan when she eventually recalls all her childhood memories. Yi Lan on the other hand happily relayed everything about his dreams to her and Lie Ruge could not

help subconsciously touching her tummy. Later that morning, Yi Lan and Lie Ruge sent a letter to Mr Lu separately asking him to meet them at their building headquarters in the underworld. They knew that the old man would not honour their invitation, so they were just testing him. From what the investigation reports said they got to know that Mr Lu is a very prideful man who thinks too highly of himself due to the influence he possessed. According to the rumour which has been proved to be true that has been circulating which they had turned a blind eye to, the rumour had it that Mr Lu says that even the Lady Boss and tyranny monarch was not capable of laying a finger at him because he has been in the underworld far longer than those who ruled it. He dared to call she and Yi Lan foolish kids who did not have better thing to do than to drag for power with him. Without wasting any time after the set time for Mr Lu to visit them passed, and he did not show up at the venue, Lie Ruge and Yi Lan instantly called their elite team and told them to meet them at the location they would send to them. Xu Feng knew that they were going to be a lot of bloodshed that night when the two masters of the underworld called their elites team over to Mr Lu's underworld house where all his illegal activities took place, he knew that they were going to be a bloody war that night. On their way to Mr Lu's underworld building, Yi Lan took another look at Lie Ruge's stony expression which was deprived of every form of liveliness. It was so obvious to him that she was in a lot of pain right now, her stony expression was just a facade to cover up her pain. It hurt him so much to know that he could only do little to ease her pain.

" Ge'er, are you alright? Your expression does not look too well", Yi Lan said as he caressed her cheeks with his hand but Lie Ruge turned her face away from him.

" I'm fine nothing is wrong with me", Lie Ruge replied coldly without sparing Yi Lan a glare.

" Ge'er I know that you must be going through a lot of pain right now since you might be reminded about how your mum died but just know that it is normal for you to feel this way. My shoulder is wide open for you to lean on, you can cry it out all you want nobody will stare at you so don't make it hard on yourself Ok", Yi Lan said softly as he tapped his left shoulder for her to rest her head on.

" Cry? I won't shed a drop of tears until I have fully avenged my mum. I will make this old-hag feel the same pain my mum felt when they buried those bullets into her and I won't spare anyone whoever stands in my way of revenge even the innocent ones will not be spare if they dare want to stand up for him against me", Lie Ruge uttered angrily. She was so blinded by her quest for revenge to the extent that she lost all rationality.

" I'm with you on this all the way and I will be right beside you when you finally avenge your mum. Be rest assured I won't let any harm comes to you", Yi Lan said as he quickly pulled her in for a warm hug. He hugged her despite her struggle to break free from his embrace. He knew that she needed this warm hug despite how strong she portrayed herself to be. He clearly understood how she must be feeling right now. Lie Ruge finally calm down after being in Yi Lan's arms for ten minutes. She was back to her real self although everyone could guess that she was in a very bad mood. When they arrived, they were not surprised to see that their men already arranged themselves at every nook and cranny of the building. Some of them even penetrated the tight security in the building and had gotten into the building. Mr Lu was shocked although he pretended not to be when he was informed about those who had visited him. He had thought that they were just playing around when they invited him but hearing that this two infamous people visited him at the same time, he quickly guessed that the issue at hand might be complicated than he had thought. He quickly called his commander in charge and inform him that he wanted all his men to gather in the hall where his two visitors were waiting for him. He knew that both his visitors never showed up in any place except to pass judgment on their offenders and those whom they have ever paid a visit to does not always live to see the next day, so he was preparing his men for a face off with his visitors' men. When he got to the hall, the first thing he noticed was the two mighty figures who were sitting down on a king-like couch with their legs crossed, he also noticed that his hall which was always dimly lit was shining very bright. The deadly looks on their faces could not escape his eyes. When he got to their front, he stood there excepting some kind of greetings or salutations from them just for the mere facts that he was older than them.

" Hahaha ... is this how you were taught to behave when you see your elders?", Mr Lu laughs with a lack of humour. Lie Ruge sneered when she heard the old-hag words.

" We should greet who?", Lie Ruge asked pretentiously searching around for the person in which the old-hag hag wanted them to greet. Lie Ruge's remarks almost made her men burst out in laughter. Her remarks clearly show that she was mocking the man in his presence.

" Were you not taught on how to pay respect to your king and queen whenever you came across them or should I personally teach you how to do so? ", Yi Lan asked coldly, his expression shows that he was damn serious about his threat. Mr Lu's men wanted to challenge Yi Lan for his impudence but Mr Lu quickly raised his hand and signal them to keep quiet.

" Hahaha... what a nice joke Mr Yi, I almost thought that you were serious a while ago", Mr Lu laughed in between his teeth trying so hard to hide his anger.

" Joke? Did you think I was joking with you or are just playing dumb? Will you still think that I was joking when you see your right-hand flying in the air?", Yi Lan asked menacingly. Since Mr Lu saw that his tricks were not working, he quickly changed his format.

" Hello Mr Yi, Miss Lie, oh! Or should I call you Lady Boss, to what do I hold this visit", Mr Lu asked gritting his teeth in anger as he politely bowed but Yi Lan quickly signal two of his men to get to work, and they did not waste time in carrying out their boss order. They charged towards Mr Lu and forcefully got him to his knees, but his men too wanted to charged forward to their Boss defense but Lie Ruge and Yi Lan's men overpowered them.

" Are we your friends that you can causally greet? Anyways we didn't come here for that. Hey guys, I know that you must be very eager to defend your Boss who has always treated you like slaves but I have just two options for you and your life and death depends on that so choose wisely? I will reward each one of you who does not annoy me here in any way today after we are through dealing with your Boss but I will not spare anyone of you who tries to cause a ruckus here. I will personally give you money which will be enough for you and your family to live a very decent life so think before you easily throw away your life for someone who is not even worth it", Yi Lan said turning around to face Mr Lu's men. Although Yi Lan's words were very easy to understand but it seems like it didn't sink into their brains as one of them attempted to shoot Yi Lan in the head immediately he finished speaking to them, but he was killed on the spot before he could even carry out his plan. All of them took a few steps back when they saw what has become of one of their men.

" Don't hesitate to shoot anyone who tries anything stupid", Yi Lan said coldly before he turned back to face Mr Lu.

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