Big Life

Chapter 68: A Rise in Ratings (7)

— Hello, Mr. Ha Jae-Gun. This is Jo Seo-Kyung.

“Yes, hello.” Ha Jae-Gun was gripped with a strange feeling.

Jo Seo-Kyung had been calling him Writer Ha, but she suddenly addressed him as Mr. Ha.[1] It sounded weird in his ears, even though they were talking over the phone.

— I’m calling you because of a few issues. Are you able to talk on the phone for a moment?

“Yes, please speak,” Ha Jae-Gun replied. He swept his gaze across the others.

Park Jung-Jin went to show his phone to Lee Soo-Hee and Cheon Hyo-Jin, who were curious about what was happening. The ladies were also surprised by Ha Jae-Gun’s sudden takeover of the real-time keyword rankings.

Storm and Gale will be published as scheduled four weeks later. There won’t be any delays in the schedule since we had arranged for production to start when the winner was confirmed.

Ah, I see. Thank you.”

— And about the schedule after publication, as mentioned in the contract, there will be a signing event at the flagship store of Bandi & Lunia. Do you have any problems or difficulties attending this event?

“No, none in particular,” Ha Jae-Gun replied while stretching his right hand. He had decided to increase the intensity of practicing to improve his clumsy-looking autograph in the next four weeks.

— There will also be a radio broadcast.

“Pardon? Radio?”

— Yes, it’s for Writer’s Night. It’ll be a scripted Q&A session. The broadcast itself won’t take very long, so you don’t have to be worried about it.

Hmm, I see. Okay. I’ll take note of that.”

— Thank you. Is there anything else you’d like to ask?

“Not at all. Hmm…” Ha Jae-Gun trailed off. He glanced at the others in the kitchen.

They looked at him as well, and Ha Jae-Gun could see that they were still surprised.

“Have you been browsing the Internet recently?”

— The Internet?

“It seems that there are some rumors floating around about how I’m the novel writer Poongchun-Yoo.”

Ha Jae-Gun heard Jo Seo-Kyung’s chuckle before she replied.

— Yes, I’ve seen them. The responses were more positive than I had expected. I personally felt that the readers’ judgment was different compared to the past, and I think of this in a positive light. I think there’s no need for you to worry about it.

“I see…”

— Is there anything else you’d like to ask?

“That is all. Thanks a lot.”

— All right, I’ll be in touch again, Mr. Ha.

“Thank you, and have a nice day.” Ha Jae-Gun ended the call.

Cheon Hyo-Jin rushed over and immediately started asking questions.

“What was it? Who called?”

“It’s from the Modern Youth Literature Award organizer, right? Did they call about the reaction on the Internet?”

Lee Soo-Hee was currently keeping tabs on the boiling stew on the stove, but she still couldn’t help but look in Ha Jae-Gun’s way. She was obviously anxious about how the Modern Youth Literature Award organizer would react to the rumors.

Ha Jae-Gun smiled wryly and waved his hand in dismissal. “No, she told me not to worry about the novels I had written as Poongchun-Yoo.”

“Then, what did you guys talk about? I heard something about radio, though.”

“I’ve got a signing event after my book is published, and I’ll appear in a radio broadcast as well.”


“Yeah, apparently, it’s Writer’s Night.”

Park Jung-Jin grabbed his own throat, acting like he was dying.

Cheon Hyo-Jin slapped her own thigh and kicked up a fuss. “I remember that Professor Han had appeared in their radio show as well. Wow, you’ve hit the jackpot. You’re really incredible.”

“Yeah, Jae-Gun. You’ll become a celebrity at this rate.”

Ha Jae-Gun smiled, seemingly embarrassed. He shook his head and said, “There’s no way I'll become a celebrity after one radio broadcast. The ratings for that show are low, so how many people will actually be listening to it?”

“Hey, how are those important? The point here is that your status will be upgraded once you get on a radio show. Do you understand?” Park Jung-Jin said.

Lee Soo-Hee then walked over to him with a ladle in her hand and added, “Yeah, Jae-Gun. The numbers don’t matter. Getting on a radio show itself is amazing. Congratulations.”

Ha Jae-Gun looked up at Lee Soo-Hee and saw that she was smiling softly in joy. Ha Jae-Gun returned her gesture with an awkward gaze before looking over her shoulder and at the kitchen.

Ah! Lee Soo-Hee, the stew is boiling over.”

“Oh, no!” Lee Soo-Hee rushed back to the kitchen.

Cheon Hyo-Jin followed suit.

Ha Jae-Gun and Park Jung-Jin looked at each other and chuckled. They then bumped fists. It was one of the playful habits that they had been doing for a long time now, and it was also a sign that spring was approaching.


The cold wind from the north was cold enough that it was capable of seeping through one’s skin and penetrating the bones. Apparently, the coldest temperature ever recorded in history was currently enveloping the northern hemisphere.

However, the cold seemed to be unable to bother the movement of time.

It had been four weeks since Ha Jae-Gun’s call with the person in charge of the Modern Youth Literature Award, and Ha Jae-Gun had just bought a physical copy of Storm and Gale. He was now on his way to his alma mater despite the cold winter.

He was on his way to meet his most respected mentor, Professor Han Hae-Sun.

"The book came out really well." The research lab was quiet and warm, and the mellow aroma of coffee pervaded the room.

Han Hae-Sun's wrinkled fingers slowly caressed the book cover. "I've always liked books with plain covers rather than those with illustrations on them."

"I'm happy to hear that, Professor." Ha Jae-Gun answered. He wrapped his hands around a cup of coffee.

Han Hae-Sun opened the book with an emotional look in her eyes. Her eyes widened upon reading the one and only sentence in the middle of the first page.

- I would like to dedicate this book to the woman named Da-Seul and her life.

"Who’s Da-Seul?" Hae-Sun asked.

"Ah, she’s—uh…" Ha Jae-Gun omitted the part with Park Jung-Jin and briefly recounted his encounter with Da-Seul, as well as how he had interviewed her about her job as a karaoke helper.

Han Hae-Sun laughed so much throughout his recount that her glasses were about to slip off of her nose.

"That's really like you, Ha Jae-Gun. You’re such an active writer. Very Jae-Gun-esque. That's a great mindset, of course. Writers must accumulate as much experience as possible because that's how great works are born. You must see, listen, and feel more things in the future."

"Yes, Professor. I'll keep that in mind."

It was now slightly past noon, which was also time for lunch.

Ha Jae-Gun took the hint and said, "Um, Professor, it's lunch—"

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The knocking on the door interrupted Ha Jae-Gun.

Han Hae-Sun looked up from the book.

"Come in," she said.

The door opened, and three to four people walked into the room. The group flinched and froze when they made eye contact with Ha Jae-Gun. They even forgot to greet Han Hae-Sun.


"Oh, it's you guys. It's been a while," Ha Jae-Gun greeted them with a smile.

They were Ha Jae-Gun's batchmates, and they were here to deliver their Lunar New Year gifts to Han Hae-Sun for the festivities.

"Why are you standing there? Come in and take a seat."

The group composed themselves at Han Hae-Sun’s words and belatedly greeted her. Then, they respectfully handed their gifts to her one by one.

"Professor, I hope that you’ll have a good time next year."

"I'm extremely thankful to you for looking over my work."

"This is a small token of appreciation from me. I hope you’ll like it."

Han Hae-Sun accepted their greetings, but she didn’t spare even a glance at their gifts

Han Hae-Sun was annoyed at her students for bringing her gifts for no apparent reason. She had been asking them to stop buying her gifts, but it was to no avail. She had already given up long ago.

"Yeah, thank you. Just leave them on the table there," Han Hae-Sun said with a faint sigh. Her heart felt stuffy. She found her students frustrating to deal with because they only knew how to gain brownie points from her using this method.

"Ah…" One of the students noticed the book in Han Hae-Sun's hand.

They were also aware of what winning the Modern Youth Literature Award meant.

When Ha Jae-Gun saw that, he instantly realized why they were so flustered.

"Mm, all of you have heard of the news about Jae-Gun, right?"

"Yes, Professor… Of course."

"Today is the official publication today, so go ahead and get one book each and read it. He wrote it really well, so it should be a great help to your writing."

Their smiles distorted, but they forced themselves to remain smiling. Their cheeks seemed to be trembling all together at once as they kept on glancing at Ha Jae-Gun with their envious eyes.


Ha Jae-Gun noticed his batchmates' glances, but he didn’t react at all aside from chuckling to himself.

It had always been like this. There were only a few—like Lee Soo-Hee and Park Jung-Jin—who were able to stand proud of themselves and be free as graduates of the Department of Creative Writing.

"Aren't you guys going to congratulate Jae-Gun?" Han Hae-Sun reproached.

With much hesitation, they gave their soulless blessings to Ha Jae-Gun.

"Congratulations, Jae-Gun."

"I'll definitely read it."

"I'll get a copy on the way home."

Even they found their words strange as they spoke dryly.

They actually felt doubtful if it was how they really sounded.

"Yeah, thank you." Ha Jae-Gun responded dryly before standing up. His eyes met Han Hae-Sun's gaze.

Han Hae-Sun smiled wryly as well and nodded. "Are you leaving?"

"Yes, Professor. You must be busy as well, so I shan't take up too much of your time."

Han Hae-Sun nodded. She understood that Ha Jae-Gun did not wish to waste any more time hanging around with this group of batchmates.

"Professor, it's time for lunch. What would you like to have?"

"Please let us know what you would like to have for lunch. I drove here today."

When they saw that Ha Jae-Gun was about to leave the room, the batchmates started bombarding Han Hae-Sun with questions about lunch options.

Before Ha Jae-Gun could open the door, Han Hae-Sun clapped her hands together and called out to him. "Ah, Jae-Gun. Stop, wait a minute."

Ha Jae-Gun stood awkwardly as he turned to look at Han Hae-Sun.

"Yes, Professor?"

"I almost forgot. Why don't you hold a lecture?"

"A… lecture?"

"Yeah, a lecture for the new admissions at the upcoming orientation."

Ha Jae-Gun was shocked, and his batchmates' eyes widened in shock as well.

In fact, his batchmates' reactions were much more exaggerated than his reaction. One of them became so pallid that they had to hold on to the corner of a nearby table to keep themselves from collapsing.

"I'll take care of your lecture materials,” Han Hae-Sun joked while sending a wink his way.

However, Ha Jae-Gun only let out a trembling breath without replying.

Me… giving lectures to the new admissions at their orientation?

Myungkyung University of the Arts’ orientation wasn’t the usual run-the-mill welcoming event for its new students. It was such a high-profile event that journalists from every literary magazine and agents from publishing companies would attend to cover the event.

In other words, Ha Jae-Gun holding a lecture during that event would actually be an accolade that he could add to his portfolio as a writer.

None of the graduates had been able to hold a lecture during the orientation. If Ha Jae-Gun accepted Han Hae-Sun’s request, he would be the very first alumni to hold a lecture there.

“You don’t want to do it?”

“No, Professor… I was just wondering if I’m even capable enough to do so. Anyway, I’m lacking, but I will do my best,” Ha Jae-Gun replied after steeling his resolve.

Meanwhile, his batchmates seemed stupefied by his quick decision.

“Thank you for giving me the opportunity.”

“Let’s talk again soon. Off you go.”

Ha Jae-Gun bowed once more to Han Hae-Sun before turning around to leave. The burning looks from his batchmates made him chuckle silently. To think that his first-ever lecture request would come from Professor Han herself.

Ha Jae-Gun was so happy that even his footsteps had turned lighter.

The world also seemed more dazzling and beautiful than usual.

Phew, there’s still some time left.

Ha Jae-Gun hopped into his car and started the engine.

It was time for him to meet Da-Seul.

He had to meet her today because she was the one who had helped him the most in completing Storm and Gale. Ha Jae-Gun thought about going to their agreed destination earlier because he had no other plans for the rest of the day.

He took out his phone and called her.

— Yeah, Writer oppa.

Da-Seul answered the call energetically, which made Ha Jae-Gun smile.

Ha Jae-Gun wedged his phone between his head and shoulder while clicking his seatbelt into place and replied, “Things ended earlier than expected, so how about we meet earlier?"

— Whatever you want. I'm at the bookstore.

"Bookstore? Why are you there?"

— Your response seems lukewarm. Others will think that I'm a fool who has never read even a single book in my entire life.

"No, I didn't mean it that way…"

— You're getting all serious again. I'm just saying it in passing. I actually can’t wait to meet you, I came to the bookstore first. Hehehe.

"Huh? Don't buy the book, I already have a copy for you," Ha Jae-Gun replied. He glanced at the copy of Storm and Gale sitting in the passenger seat next to him. He could still remember how he had put as much effort as he could into signing it for her.

— You should hurry up, then. I'll be waiting at the rest area outside exit 4.

"Okay, it'll take me around thirty minutes at the maximum to get there."

Ha Jae-Gun ended the call and immediately reached for the steering wheel and pressed on the accelerator.

The main road was congested as if an accident had happened somewhere. Ha Jae-Gun kept hitting his steering wheel with both hands as he grew anxious by the minute.

"Argh, I'm going to be late at this rate. Did an accident actually happen somewhere along the way?"

There was no way he would arrive in thirty minutes, which meant that he would break his promise to Da-Seul.

All of a sudden, his phone in the passenger seat started vibrating.

The caller ID said that it was a call from his sister—Ha Jae-In.

Ha Jae-Gun smiled, thinking that she had definitely called after reading Storm and Gale. He had told the publisher to send a copy to his family's house in Suwon.

"So, what do you think of the book?" Ha Jae-Gun asked almost immediately after answering the phone.

However, the noise that reached his ears stupefied him.

His smiling face stiffened upon hearing his sister’s sobbing over the phone.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

— Jae-Gun… what should I do…?!

Ha Jae-Gun's face turned pale.

Meanwhile, the traffic light turned green and cars in front of him started moving.

Ha Jae-Gun immediately moved his car over to the innermost lane to take U-Turn.

1. Koreans use different titles to show levels of ‘closeness.’ Calling someone by their job title is the most distant kind of relationship. The transition here is from Writer Ha to Mr. Ha ☜

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