Becoming the Luna

Chapter 76

Shana's laughter wakes me up the next morning and I grumble as Dale helps me out of the blankets, apparently, Virgil had gotten up after I had finally fallen asleep - I had spent nearly an hour yelling at him, while he just closes his eyes and pretended not to hear me - he had gotten up to open up the curtains and put the air-conditioning on high-cool.

I kick off the rest of the blankets and walk around the bed to kick Virgil who's grinning widely.

"That's it! I'm sleeping alone for the rest of the summer!" I announce, throwing my hands up fiercely, I throw it so hard that I get whacked in the face by sweater paws.

This throws Shana into another loud bout of laughter and I just stomp off in a rage, I pause after a while of walking down the hall to see that they're not following me, it's strange because someone is always following me.

I get a sudden inspiration to cook breakfast since everyone keeps saying I can't cook, I place both hands on my waist and 'hmph' - I'll show them.

I don't bother going to my room again, I just take off one of the sweaters and throw it on a couch in the living room on my way to the kitchen.

The sweater I have on is dark blue and slipping down a shoulder and it's long enough to nearly hide the shirts I have on.

I'll have to hurry if I don't want to get interrupted by any of them, most likely they'll get holed up in Virgil's room talking or Shana will be trying to blackmail them into sneaking out of today's activities, knowing Shana it's most likely the latter.

I roll my sleeves up and it ends up bunching above my elbows, time to get to work.

The kitchen is very spacious and I throw on an apron just to feel like a professional, the apron actually makes me feel better like I actually know what I'm doing.

"Okay," I mutter to myself, opening the freezer to peek in on tippy toes. I plan to make a traditional breakfast of toast, bacon, and eggs, anything more and I'll end up burning down the kitchen just like my mom.

I get out the eggs and bacon and throw the bread in the toaster.

Frying the eggs and bacon actually requires more skill than I had thought, no wonder my mom's always lighting them on fire. Midway, the toaster dings, and I nearly fry my fingers trying to get to it in time.

Somehow, I manage to prepare breakfast and just stand there panting while waiting for the water to heat up.

Arms slip around me and I nearly whack my head on the cabinet in shock, I relax slightly when I see that it's just Virgil.

"I think my eyes aren't working anymore." Shana announces, sweeping into the room. "Or did the Cooking Fairy visit us this morning?"

"You're welcome, Shana," I say dryly, still conscious of Virgil who still has his arms wrapped around me. "You can just say thank you, Virgil, no need to go all koala bear on me." I say in a muffled voice, my breath hitching when he nuzzles my neck.

Shana walks past and whacks his head. "Use your words, moron."

"What am I hearing about Hayden cooking?" Dale strides into the room. "Who's letting him cook? What if he got hurt?" He complains, pulling Virgil away from me to hug me.

"I just cooked you guys." I say with a red face. "It's nothing special.

"When you were brought up by someone like Renee, I beg to differ." Shana deadpans, preparing tea for herself and coffee for Dale and Virgil.

"That's my mom." I complain, stepping out of Dale's arms to get a carton of milk from the fridge.

Shana gives me a weird look. "What are you doing?"

I wave the carton of milk. "What does it look like?"

"You want to drink just milk?"

I pause in the act of pouring it in a glass. "Why are you saying it like there's something wrong with that?"

"Because…" She drawls. "It's so cute." She slaps her hands over her face, making cooing sounds.

I shoo her away with my hands. "Go away, crazy person."

"So." Shana begins with a suggestive smile.

"No." I say quickly.

"Hard pass." Virgil murmurs around a sip of coffee.

"It sounds like a bad idea." Dale adds, around a mouthful of egg.

"Really, you guys?" Shana says with a betrayed expression. "You didn't even let me complete what I had to say."

"We didn't have to, you've been convincing us to tie Hayden up so you wouldn't have to go in the rollercoaster." Virgil rats her out without batting an eyelid.

I swerve my head around to give her a look. "Really, Shana?" I mimic her.

She just places a hand on her face. "I'm just saying, we could always go get tattoos instead." She suggests excitedly.

I just give her a blank look. "So, somehow, getting a tattoo is less scary than roller coasters? How??" 

She looks away. "Well, when I was young, I had this nightmare that after I had gotten on the rollercoaster, it would come loose and start rolling around like a wheel."

We all just stare frozen at Shana when she completes her narration.

"You still remember the dreams you had when you were younger?" I demand in shock.

"You had weird dreams." Dale frowns.

"That's all you people got?"  She throws her hands up.

Virgil just takes an unbothered sip of his coffee. "Shana just made that up, she never has dreams."

"You're officially in my black book, Virgil." She growls to him, getting up from the table. "Thanks for breakfast Hayden, I'm driving today!" She announces running up the stairs.

"No! You're not!" I exclaim, running after her.

"Hey! Why not?" She paused at the top of the stairs to pout down at me.

"Because I don't trust you to not drive the car over a cliff." I slash a hand.

She pauses for a short while then bursts out laughing, slapping her thighs for effect. "I'm sorry, it's hard to take you seriously when you have sweater paws."

I just walk up to her and smack her across the face with a sweater paw. "You're not driving, not today at least." I poke a covered finger at her and continue on my way to my room.

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