Becoming the Luna

Chapter 74

I flinch in horror at this, trying to pry Shana's hand from my wrist so I can make my escape but did I ever mention that Shana has ridiculous strength? "No, just no, I'm not getting into another pair of garters."

She just stares at me like I'm stupid. "You already own two."

I blink at this, the levity of her words finally sinking in. "That doesn't mean I want more." I complain, still tugging against her hold.

She stops so abruptly at this that I smack into her from the suddenness. "You know, you might have a point, we'll do costumes, play dress up." She says excitedly.

I just give her a creeped out look. "Dress up in the lingerie section? Is that even possible?"

She gives me a wicked smile. "Trust me when I say it is, Virgil won't know what hit him, hell! Both of them won't know what hit."

"For the second time, I don't want to get back at them." I tell her curtly.

"Oh but I do, come on."

We end up in a room full of gauze and satin, embroidery, and lace. "Wow, people wear these to sleep?" I ask in shock, staring at the uncomfortable looking clothes.

Barely fifteen minutes later, I'm one step away from jumping out the window.

"No, just no, there's no way in hell am I putting those on." I say firmly, crawling away because there are mirrors everywhere in the dressing room and if I glance at the treacherous outfit I have on one more time, I would go into cardiac arrest.

"But it comes with the outfit." Shana says excitedly, she's already done with her costume a long time ago and has been browbeating me into getting into mine.

"N,o it doesn't." I deny immediately, glaring at her. "I just saw you go over to the shoe section to get them." I tuck my legs under me so that she can't grab onto my legs and forcefully put on the delicate sandal heels.

She rolls her eyes at my accusations, tapping a feet of her own black stilletoes on the ground. "Because it's part of the outfit, now are you doing this or not? Wait no, don't answer that because you are doing this." She says seriously, the plastic crown on her head tilting to the side, she's dressed like an r-rated version of the little mermaid with a short, pale blue, gauzy skirt and a coral beaded top that left her stomach bare. Lacy garters with buckles adorn her bare legs and her bright blue hair goes with this outfit and I wonder why I'm being dragged into this as well.

"Just put on the bloody shoes so we can get on to the part of getting back at Virgil and Dale." She says again, stomping closer to me.

I had backed myself into a  corner so all I can do is squeeze my eyes shut while she slips the shoes on my feet and buckles the thin straps in.

"There, that wasn't so hard now was it?" She Pat's her handiwork and stretches a hand out to help me up.

I glare up at her but I have no other option than to take her outstretched hand. "You have no idea." I mutter darkly.

Putting the heels on is like putting the hat on the snowman, it's horrific, I look horrific. "Shana, I think I'm going to throw up." I mumble to her as I stare at my reflection in the mirror, Shana had forced me into a parody of Princess Jasmine's outfit in Aladdin only that mine is black.

"Suck it up, you were the one that picked it."

I pout. "It was the only option that didn't involve a skirt."

I'm wearing something that Shana called harem pants, I stare down at my legs with a sour expression, it wasn't only gauzy and almost see-through but it also had splits down the outer sides of it and taped together with wide stitches, and that's the most decent part of the outfit.

The top is just a thin strip of silk painted across my chest and connected to the low hanging pants by delicate silver chains, add that to fingerless gloves and a veil and you have a disaster.

"And you look perfect." She hums, rubbing her palms together again in that disturbing way. "Let's go, I'll go first because I have to get their reaction on camera." She adds, stopping in front of the curtain that Virgil and Dale are sitting behind.

I try to peek but Shana flings open the curtains and strides through so I squeal in surprise and hide behind a counter of clothes.

Sounds of surprise float over as the curtains slide shut again and I try to imagine their reaction.

"Shana don't break the heels." I hear Dale's teasing voice say.

"I don't think that's how models do it." Virgil says and there's a resounding crash, most likely Shana had thrown her shoe at his head.

Shana comes raging back with one of her shoes in her hand. "I'm going to really enjoy this." She mutters darkly to herself, bringing out her phone and preparing it to take a video.

I can still hear Virgil and Dale's loud laughter and I shrink into myself. "What if they laugh at me too?" I ask in horror, wanting to place my hands on my face but unable to because of the short veil covering my nose and mouth.

"They won't." She says with conviction, making her way back into the showroom. "I'll tell you when to come in."

I nod even though my legs are shaking and I'm clutching a mobile closet for balance.

"Hayden! It's your turn!" I hear Shana's excited squeal.

"Wait, what??" Dale says confusion in his voice.

The heels are bad to walk with, it just feels like I'm forced to walk on my tiptoes all of the time and after making my way to the curtain without any assistance I think I'm getting the hang of it, I better be or I'm going to go sprawling on my face right in front of Virgil and Dale.

"Alright, here I go." I whisper to myself, pushing open the curtains slowly. I keep my eyes down, not because I'm mortified about my outfit, well that is a part of it but it's mostly because I'm not about to twist my ankles.

When I fully step out sharp gasps ring out but I force myself to keep my head down, all I have to do is walk forward and back, right?

I get to the end and stop, finally able to look up now that I'm not walking anymore and when I do Virgil and Dale's chairs go toppling over to the ground.

I slap a hand over my mouth in shock while Shana looks like she's having the time of her life, angling the camera so that it'll get them on the ground and struggling to get up.

I get off the makeshift stage to come to help them up. "How did that happen?" I ask in honest surprise, stretching out both my arms at the same time - big mistake.

"How else?" Virgil demands with dark eyes, slightly out of breath.

They both take my hands and before I can remember that I'm wearing heels and I probably shouldn't have offered to help them up when I'm so unstable, they yank me down.

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