Becoming the Luna

Chapter 362

He has no other option but to put another of the flimsy dresses on, cruising as he hikes the flowy layered skirt dramatically to give his legs room to breathe.

He was suddenly craving mints and if that didn't sour his mood faster than anything else.

He wonders if the crazy people that grabbed them planned to starve them, not that he was keen on eating whatever they had to offer, he's just worried for the health of his and Hayden's babies.

Just as the thought passes his mind, a soft knock on the door attracts his attention, he goes on high alert as the door starts to creak open, searching around for something to use as a weapon.

Instead of the sly Alpha he had been expecting, a small lady patters in, a tray on her hands filled with breakfast.

"Oh! Hi…" he greets nervously but she just remains quiet, giving him a pointed look.

"Make sure to eat." Is all she says before pattering back out.

Dream mentally backtracks on how old he thought she was, she was probably double that, he could hear her age in her voice.

He glanced at the covered tray, hoping to hope that strawberries or some chocolate filled or covered meal was there, he couldn't have Hayden going into a vomiting fit this morning.

Thinking about that, he needed to wake his brother up to clean.

"Hay?" He calls softly, leaning across the bed to push his hair away from his face.

They had woken up from whatever had been used to knock them out quite late so that Dream was pretty sure he only got a couple hours sleep before sunrise.

But they had slept for most of yesterday so it's not long before Hayden is opening his eyes with a grown, instantly slapping a hand over his mouth even as he makes a face behind it.

"Morning, Dream." He mumbles, still a little bit out of it. "Ugh! I feel horrible."

"Trust me, you'll feel better after you brush your teeth and clean up." Dream comforts him, patting his fluffy, wild hair. "Breakfast is here, I don't think your mate would appreciate it if you threw up all over him while he's trying to rescue you."

Hayden sobers up at this, his eyes suddenly seeming older than his face, he doesn't say anything about Dream's obvious omission though. "Sure."

He agrees, dragging himself off the bed, they had been thrown into bed when they were returned and didn't think it wise to go wandering around for somewhere to clean up their dusty feet or soiled clothes, especially not when a couple Werewolves were watching over them.

Thankfully, they had all left sometime later when it was evident that neither Omega was making a move anytime but Hayden was pretty sure they were outside.

He wasn't about to encounter any of them, especially not with the way he felt this morning.

He also makes a sound of surprise at the sight of the cupboard.

"Ah, I see you've seen it too." Dream says patronisingly from across the big room where he was replacing the sheets. "At least they were nice enough to put in boxer shorts…" he peeks down at the flimsy, silk shirts by lifting his skirt. "If you could call them that."

Hayden was already raging. "I want to put the Alpha in one of these and beat him bloody…"

Dream cheering from the sidelines. "Yes!!! I absolutely, one hundred fucking percent approve!"

If the Alpha was trying to emasculate them by putting them in dresses, then he had another thing coming for him because Dream didn't hate dresses but at least they could have had a little bit of taste with it.

First of all, what is with the fucking neckline and oh fuck! Don't even get him started on how sheer it was…

Hayden waddles back, looking so done with everything. "I want chocolate." He states grimly, marching forward to the tray. "I swear to fucking god if there is no chocolate in… oh chocolate filled croissants!" He cuts himself off instantly reaching for the chocolate filled bread with grubby hands.

"Oh my! They're so good, you have to try one Dream…"

Dream laughs at his instant mood change. "Slow down, Hay, or you'll end up throwing everything up."

Hayden forces himself to slow down, watching Dream pick at the food, gorging on the croissants before joining Dream to pick at the food.

"Dream, you should eat more." He nags at the other Omega, encouraging him to try more of the waffle.

Which he does, the honey that was poured all over the food making it worthwhile, although the whipping cream spritzed on the top of it gets yeeted to the tray.

They eat as much as they could without triggering their gag reflex, covering the tray politely and retiring to the bed.

"How long do you think it'll take them to get here." Dream asks in a low voice, no planning on tipping the enemy off.

"I have no clue." Hayden shrugs, hoping it was soon enough, heavens knew when else the Alpha would stumble in.

They had been quite lucky ever since they got taken, that might not last for very long.

"Hopefully it wouldn't take too long." Hayden tags on, a little uneasy. 

"Yeah…" Dream mutters absently, distracted. 

"It usually doesn't." Hayden continues, memories reopening.

This grabs Dream's attention. "What?" He prompts, sitting up and clutching his knees closer to himself, the skirt of the robe he had on falling away, his bare legs peeking through the slits.

"What?" Hayden glances at him, slightly confused.

"You said, it usually doesn't so this has happened before?"

Hayden winces. "Quite a lot of times, shockingly, it's apparently a side package of dating people like Virgil and Dale…"

Dream chokes at this, his eyes going wide. "You know what? While we're waiting, mind telling me how it was growing up?"

"Oh? Sure!" Hayden beams. "Doubt it would be interesting though but here goes…"

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