Becoming the Luna

Chapter 355

They all regrouped back in the Crimson Pack House, Luke had been taken to the clinic with the rest of the injured warriors while the Alphas of both Pack as well as Leon and Darian who refused to be treated went up to the Alpha's floor.

The rest were seated tensely waiting for the news, Dia and Renee sat hugging each other while Jaxie paced, Ian furiously checking his tablet.

"The cars going to the interstate were a fucking decoy." Virgil says tightly when they are all settled in the adjoining room of Virgil's office.

A heavy silence falls on the room, grave expressions all around.

"Do we have any idea who they could be?" Dia asks, her hands in fists.

"I don't think it's related to the LeBarons…" Renee started to say, doubt on her face… "Oh my God, I have to inform my parents…" she sighs heavily, her eyes puffy.

"Ian is currently checking all the flights right now, none of them match the description…."

"Figured, if this was well planned I doubt they'll try to escape through ways we can predict…." Dale mutters, his eyes staring holes into the far wall.

"A private jet perhaps…"

"That would be too obvious." Leon cut his twin off.

"I'll be right back." Renee mumbles, making her way out.

They all watch her go, hopelessness settling like a heavy stone in their middle.

Virgil barely restrains himself from punching the wall, this was all his fault now his pregnant mate was gone…

"We can't just sit around here doing nothing, let's get to interrogating the captives." Virgil orders calmly, his expression icy. "If they were taken for the reasons we fear then…" he trails off, his voice choked up.

Dia looks like she might cry. "Hay is pregnant…." She whispers, covering her mouth with both hands.

Dale grits his teeth at this, his wolf raving mad that he could barely hold it in. "Not just Hayden…" he drops the bomb.

The rooms goes deathly silent at this, realization dawning on everyone.

In the split second that follows, Darian throws himself at Dale, slamming the Alpha against the wall.

This doesn't sit well with Dale who is already in a rage, he growls in Darian's face, fangs snapping, eyes flashing.

Renee choses this moment to come back in, the relief on her face dropping when she takes in the scene in front of her.

"W-what's going on?" She stutters slightly, her phone still clutched in her hand.

Dia gets up, finally breaking from her initial shock to clutch Renee's arms. "Dream might be pregnant too." She says in ghastly terror, going pale.

Renee's mouth drops open. "Oh my God…. Good thing I called daddy first, he said he put a tracker in all of his children when their born…" she turns to the side to mutter to herself. "I had no fucking idea by the way…" she turns back to them with a shaky but reassuring smile. "So he has his people on it and will send us their location soon." 

This is enough to separate even Darian and Dale who look like they want to tear out each other's necks.

Virgil sinks into his seat, Dale doing the same against the wall, sliding down on it.

"That's a relief but we can't rest yet, the major problem of where they are is out of the way but we still have to get them back." Jaxon surmises when it seems neither of the Alphas are in the shape to speak.

"Most of the Warriors need to rest up." Leon steps forward to say.

"I'm sure that won't be an issue, getting men to go get them back."

"Yeah but it's a pride thing with them." Leon works out the cricks in his neck. "They're not going to be happy if outsiders are the one to get their Lunas..." He gives a pointed look to Dale at this. "...back for them... so..."

"A lot of research is going to go into getting them back." Dale speaks up in a level voice, "we'll need Intel on the place, what kind of crappy Pack it is and their manpower."

"I'm still interrogating someone." Virgil says stubbornly, the initial despair that enveloped him turning to anticipation. "I have an idea of who it might be." He mutters darkly, his thoughts going back to when he and Hayden went to the city.

Those weird guys in the tinted car that had been watching him weirdly, the other Alpha in particular, then Virgil had thought the Alpha was staring at him, he hadn't known then that it wasn't him but his mate.

"There's a lot for you to interrogate, although from the looks of things they are just the hired help, it'll marvel you how many Werewolves live among humans." Darian spoke up for the first time since he pried himself off Dale, he had gone to the far end of the wall to stand unnaturally still. "I doubt they would know shit about the Pack or the plans."

"But it'll help pass the time." Leon offered, an upsetting twinkle in his eye.

"What are we going to do about Mr. Micall?" Jaxie asked tentatively, the man was still tied up in his office - he had been moved there so Darian or Virgil didn't bash his head in on a whim.

"Throw him out the window, I'm taking Ren to go make us some tea." Dia said without a second thought, tugging her friend up, they would both need as much comfort as they could offer each other.

"W-what?" Jaxon splutters. "I-I can't do that." 

"I'll help you." Darian steps forward immediately to offer, his usually stern face softening slightly.

"That's not better."

"We'll still monitor him, it's quite a coincidence that just when he comes back, the Male Omegas in my Pack gets taken." Virgil says darkly. "I just might add him to my interrogation list."

Dale makes a face at this. "Sure..."

"He was an asshole to Dream." Darian mutters.

Dale does a double take at this. "On second thoughts, count me in, we could be good cop, bad cop."

Dia shrugs, "I really don't care." She waves, sweeping out with a distracted Renee in tow.

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