Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 51

Chapter 50: Summarize The Aftertaste

“Really wiped out!?” In the villa in the river area, Thomas Peak, the boss of the Tide Pirates, had a look of shock on his face.

The second officer who had just returned from the investigation nodded: “Yes, Captain, now Shar’s frozen body is placed in the public square. Our people have confirmed that it is Shar, the Pope of the Hand of Chaos.”

After hearing this, Thomas sat down slowly. The news was a little too unexpected. He thought that the two sides would fight for a while, and then ended with the victory of the Hand of Chaos. He even planned to buy some corpses for his pets. as food.

But I didn’t expect that it would be completely over in just two hours, and the result was that the Hand of Chaos was completely destroyed! ?

After a long silence, Thomas asked again, “What about the casualties at Los Arkham?”

“Including soldiers and civilians, a total of 53 people were injured, but… none of them died,” the second mate said.

Thomas raised his head suddenly, his wide eyes flashing terrifyingly: “Not a single one died?”

“Yes, according to our information, there are more than 30 police officers under Los Arkham. This group of police officers is very brave and powerful. They completely suppressed the core believers of the Hand of Chaos, and the whole process was completely crushed. ”

Hearing this, Thomas slowly leaned on the sofa: “It seems that we have to re-evaluate this little mayor.”


North District, in the conference room of the Redemption Society branch.

The huge conference room can accommodate twenty people, but at this time, only Dr. Laban Shrewsbury is alone, and the lights have not been turned on.

Dr. Laban took off his sunglasses, looked at the table with his dark eyes without eyeballs, and asked, “What should we do about Los Arkham?”

“The president said to stay on the sidelines and not to make enemies.”

“The dungeon labyrinth has begun to appear, and the major forces are secretly dispatching personnel. At this time, it is good for us that Arkham has a powerful ruler.”

Laban nodded after listening, “I see.”

“Monitor the witches in the French mountains. What they have done recently is a bit too much.”


Putting on his sunglasses again, Dr. Laban walked out of the conference room and looked at the adjacent central area: “The weather has changed.”

Looking back to the central area, Arkham Central Hospital.

Injured citizens and soldiers have been sent here for treatment, and the entire hospital is also guarded and protected by police and military personnel.

Daryl is now expressing condolences to the injured on behalf of Ross.

“Everyone, please rest assured that all cultists have been executed and will not continue to threaten the central area. At the same time, the mayor announced that all medical expenses in the future will be borne by the city government, and all the injured do not need to pay a penny. treatment fee.”

Hearing this, there was a huge shock in the entire hospital for a while, and the reporters surrounding them quickly recorded this important event.

The wounded lying on the ward, especially the people at the bottom who were not rich, immediately burst into tears when they heard this, and said excitedly, “Thank you to the great mayor, thank you to the great mayor!”

This decision, which Arkham never had, and Darryl’s brilliant work, began to spread as a headline in the Arkham Morning News at six o’clock the next morning.

Great mayor! Free medical bills for all injured in this terrorist attack!

No matter what kind of person, seeing it will cause a huge shock in the heart.

Danny O’Bannon, the boss of the Danny Gang who had eaten breakfast, saw such a newspaper and sneered: “It’s stupid, it’s such a waste to spend all this money on these useless commoners!”

The golden monkey Vic, who was standing aside, said: “He wants to buy people’s hearts with money, so as to control the central area, the boss. Now the hands of chaos are completely destroyed, and the entire central area is in a state of no owner. Do we want to…”

“No master? Keep your eyes open. The master in the central area is much more dangerous than the hand of chaos before!” Danny said loudly while eating the **** beef.

After hearing this, Vic said with a clear face: “So it is, the subordinates never thought that the wisdom of the boss is really not comparable to the subordinates.”

“Gather up the staff. You can go to the French mountains in the afternoon to find Mason to discuss the next thing. I don’t think the new mayor will be so stable. Find your allies first.”

“My subordinate understands.”


After a busy night, Ross spent half an hour eating 15 pounds of food, and then moved his body comfortably: “Yesterday’s bite was really comfortable.”

The phantom that appeared yesterday was not an energy body or a spiritual body, but a semi-ancient **** form unfolded through his body tissues and cells.

Well, that’s a half-ancient **** in the true sense, because it has only half of the body.

That ancient **** form is only the outer shell, there is no inner thing.

But even so, the powerful power presented is still level 80.

“Why does it appear like this?” Ross felt a little weird.

That form is contained in the vast knowledge of It does not look like the aesthetics of an outer god.

After all, when Ross wanted to transform and show his strength, the first plan was all kinds of tentacle monsters and flesh with eyes and teeth.

Because these things are in line with the style and aesthetics of the Outer Gods.

“Could this ancient **** form be the knowledge that the master of time and space learned from somewhere else? Well, that’s the only way to explain it.”

For this form, Ross doesn’t care too much, he cares more about the unfolding process and the power displayed.

“It’s a complete transformation of form, it’s very beautiful. In that form, I can take the initiative to let others see my level, so as to scare them to death.”

“You can also use the powerful power of more advanced species.”

“The body in the form of this ancient **** can instantly process extremely cold air-conditioning and spray it out, and the nature is somewhat like Godzilla’s atomic breath.” Ross touched his chin and summed up the aftermath of this pretending.

“However, my current body structure is still too fragile, and the energy accumulated in my body can only support the cold air that made me take this breath. If I take a second breath, I will be sucked dry.”

“After solving the central area this time, I finally have a territory of my own. Don’t rush to deal with other areas first, let me understand myself first.”

“The gastrointestinal nutrient absorption rate is too low, and the way the body structure stores energy today is too low. It is really stupid to store energy through excess fat.” Ross muttered.

As a fat man who used to weigh 200 pounds, he hated the excess fat, especially his round and plump abdominal muscles, like dog skin plaster, he couldn’t get rid of it no matter what.

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