Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 418

Chapter 402: Gatekeeper Umr

Hearing Ross’s words, the goddess of the sun and moon was silent for a while, and then asked, “What are your plans?”

Ross stretched out his finger and said, “Judging from the current situation, it is only when the stars are right that the world will be destroyed, and it is not an existence that blindly eats fish.”

“What are you talking about?” The sun and moon goddess didn’t seem to know what this blind eating of fish represented.

Ross asked directly: “What did your previous planet destruction scene look like?”

Beings who have come to the level of gods no longer need to lie about many things, because the way of thinking of gods is completely different from that of humans.

This kind of existence can directly see through all real existence, and the real existence and the false existence can be sensed at the moment of hearing.

This is also the reason why Ross has no doubts and doubts about what the goddess of the sun and the moon said before.

The goddess of the sun and the moon said: “There are many strange and powerful beings sleeping on the planet before me, and I have used many methods to keep them sleeping all the time.”

“But one day, a strange sound came from the universe, and then a red planet with these eyes suddenly appeared outside our planet.”

“That huge planet is much bigger than my planet. With his arrival and the noise he brings, all the monsters that have been sleeping in the planet wake up.”

“The earth cracked, the sea water poured back, the core of the planet was destroyed and fragmented, and the laws of the entire planet disappeared. I couldn’t control the situation at all, and at the same time, I was more aware of it.”

The goddess of the sun and the moon paused: “There is a more terrifying existence outside the planet, not only that planet, but also some other weird existences.”

“But those powerful beings only appeared for a moment, and then disappeared directly, leaving only monsters in madness and a cracked planet.”

Hearing this, Ross nodded and said, “If this is the case, then there is indeed room for manoeuvre in this matter, and my plan can also be implemented smoothly.”

Immediately, Ross said to him: “Listen, judging from the current situation, this is not the real doomsday. The existence you saw that day was called Gehroth, a powerful outer god, who was responsible for destroying the planet. No interest.”

“It doesn’t even have any consciousness of its own, it just periodically does some instinct-driven things, such as awakening the dormant old rulers on various planets.”

The goddess of the sun and moon said: “If you say that the old rulers are those monsters, then it is true. Not only my previous planet, but also on this planet, there are six strange beings.”

Ross asked: “The six weird beings you mentioned shouldn’t be referring to the six ancient gods on this planet, right?”

The goddess of the sun and moon replied: “Of course not, they are too weak themselves, in order to seal the six monsters, the six of them almost destroyed the planet.”

“And after they sealed the old rulers, did you kill the donkey and seal the six of them?”

The goddess of the sun and the moon replied, “It’s all for this planet.”

“They are the existences born on this planet, but there are too many of them, and the rules of the planet that each person is assigned are too few and too few, and even the seals they form against those monsters are so weak.”

“The most incomprehensible thing to me is that the first thing they did after the hard seal of the six monsters was not to consolidate the seal, but to fight each other and start dividing their respective territories.”

“Hmph, these guys are just as ignorant and stupid as humans today.”

“Then I absorbed their power, and then made six larger seals centered on his body.”

“Dungeon Labyrinth?”

“Yes, I used the labyrinth of these six ancient gods to strengthen the seal of the six monsters, so this world can develop so smoothly for the last 300 million years.”

After hearing this, Rosston remembered the ancient **** he had met in Innsmouth.

At that time, the ancient **** who claimed to be the snake around the abyss said that he had sealed Cthulhu, and the goddess of the sun and the moon in front of him called it: outsider, descendant, suppressor, plunderer.

Immediately afterwards, Ross remembered the one who seemed to know him and called himself the gatekeeper to guard the ancient god, and then he was also sealed by this goddess.

But now in the dialogue with the goddess of the sun and the moon, I found that the other party did not know me at all.

“Gods are disdainful of lying. If neither of them lied, then one of them has concealed from me, or both have concealed from me at the same time.”

Thinking of this, Ross asked calmly, “According to my understanding, you once sent a gatekeeper to guard the six ancient gods.”

The goddess of the sun and the moon nodded: “There is indeed such an existence, but it was not sent by me, but He took the initiative to find me and said that he could cooperate with me and help me guard those ancient gods.”

“I was very weak at the time, and I was not the opponent’s opponent, so I could only promise the other party.”

“Is there a syllable of Umr in his name?” Ross asked, and at this time there was a faint answer in his heart.

The light sphere of the goddess of the sun and the moon fluctuated, which seemed to represent his accident, and then said: “Yes, he calls himself Umr Yat Tavir.”


Hearing this, Ross laughed out loud.

Umr Yat Tavel, one of the incarnations of Yoggsothoth, known as the ancient immortal, usually sits in the void with the ancients and waits for humans to come here through the bodies of the ancients.

And when humans pass through, He will serve as a guide and guard to guide humans to the ultimate gate. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

It’s called the gatekeeper, and it’s fitting.

Beyond the door is the final void, beyond all things, the eternal abode of Yoggsothoth.

Ross thought of this, and now he can see that Yog-Sothoth is doing something again. Although he doesn’t know what the other party is doing, what is certain is that the current Yog-Sothoth is at least the wriggling Chaos: Naia Lathotep, and the Star of Judgment, Ghroth, are facing each other.

These two guys want to periodically destroy the universe of all civilizations to achieve reincarnation, but Yog-Sothoth is trying to stop them.

Due to the issue of power, for the observation, understanding and mastery of the entire universe, a group of outer gods such as Nyarlathotep and Gehroth together are not the opponents of Yoggsothoth.

After figuring out the core issue, Ross raised his head and asked, “What about later? What about Umr Yat Tavel?”

The goddess of the sun and the moon shook her head: “I don’t know, when I fully mastered the ownership of this planet and woke up, He disappeared. It seems… It seems that He is here to help me protect this planet when I am weak.”

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