Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 404

Chapter 388: Angry Red Emperor

The Red Emperor looked at this group of Arkham residents who looked a little abnormal.

In the transformation of his field over the years, he has seen the fear and struggle of countless people. Some of these people were directly overwhelmed by fear and fainted, and some were tortured into madness by this despair.

Some people knelt down and begged for mercy, some people fought back frantically, and some people abandoned all moral standards and wanted to do all kinds of dirty things before dying that they dared not do before.

People in despair and fear can always break out all kinds of unbelievable ugliness, and he has always enjoyed this ugliness.

He knew Arkham very well, and he knew that the residents of Arkham were born with a kind of evil and madness, because people who were born and raised in this land would be affected by the underground labyrinth of ancient gods, and it was easy to tell inhumans direction of variation and evolution.

So he was just looking forward to the performance of these people.

But now, he was stunned.

He has never seen anyone who sees his body being transformed not only without any fear, but with extra excitement and joy. It seems that this is not a desperate death, but a once-in-a-lifetime adventure!

And it’s not one or two people but a group of people!

When he heard Janet and the crippled middle-aged call him a frizzy monster, he even thought that his corrosion rate was too slow! ?

Such a casual address, such a contemptuous tone, completely angered the Red Emperor.

I am a demigod! Can easily destroy the entire Arkham! To all you demigods in despair! You ordinary people actually call me that! How dare you despise my demigod domain! ?

In an instant, the Red Emperor’s calm heart and aura experienced huge ups and downs like a tsunami.

“Hey! Red-haired monster! Hurry up! Hurry up and corrode my back. Recently, my lumbar muscles have been strained at work. The whole back is stiff and I can’t sleep well. After you corroded me, I Good for a silver-blood steel spine and 50% metal-strength back muscles!”

When Hongdi fell into great anger, a civil servant in his thirties said.

“Corrode my hair! I’ve been bald for more than ten years.”

“That… I’m a little embarrassed to say it, can I corrode my bull! I want to change one…”


For a time, this was not a catastrophe at the end of the day, but a carnival of adventures.

All of this is an indescribable humiliation for the Red Emperor.

However, the patching continues.

Darryl, who was evacuating the crowd, said loudly, “Okay, okay! Don’t embarrass the attacker too much! They are also terrorists who came to attack us. Pay attention to the atmosphere, okay?”

Hearing this, the Red Emperor clenched his fists tightly, and the blue veins burst out on his forehead.

Here, Artes said: “The municipal manager is right, they are here to carry out terrorist attacks, not to reshape your body, but also to specify the scope of corrosion? Give this gentleman some face, and what will happen to them in the future? Going to sabotage? What if people are shy and dare not come?”

Hearing this, everyone understood, and then looked at their body that had been corroded by almost 30% and said, “That’s right! We can’t go too far, and we have to leave some opportunities for others, let’s go! ”

“I killed you bugs!”

At this moment, the red emperor’s eyes widened and burst out instantly, the cable symbolizing his hair skyrocketed in an instant, and then a large number of terrifying red lightning **** were released.

Walking sideways in the whole world, in this superhuman circle all over the world, wherever you go, the enemy is full of fear, and your subordinates are always respectful, all superhuman legends! Mighty demigod! Great red emperor! My Red Emperor is actually being teased and mocked by these ordinary people!

At this moment, the Red Emperor wants to completely blow these guys into dust! Let them not have a single hair left.

In the face of such a threat, the people around were not too afraid. At this time, they still left the city hall in an orderly manner under the leadership of Darryl and Artus, completely ignoring the words of the Red Emperor.

It seems that the Red Emperor is regarded as a terminally ill patient who is talking to himself there.


The terrifying red electric ball exploded directly after a short accumulation.

At this critical moment, Lilith let out a happy laugh.

The next second, a hazy, slightly transparent black halo burst out at an extremely fast speed.

Immediately, the halo formed a black shape like an oval eggshell, directly surrounding Lilith and the Red Emperor.

Surrounded by an electric ball that is about to explode.

After these destructive electric **** hit the surrounding black barriers, they only saw that these barriers began to squirm for a while, and then they were absorbed by these barriers and then disappeared.

Seeing this moment, the Red Emperor calmed down his anger, because he found that the situation here was much more complicated than he imagined.

He can’t continue to be disturbed by this group of ordinary people.

Here, Lilith said with a happy smile: “Mr. Red Emperor, please don’t be angry, we Arkham haven’t had some decent attackers for a long time, and the last time the Brotherhood of Kings in Yellow was only a sneak attack. Hospitals and very few people were attacked.”

“And there has never been an attacker like you who can attack the city hall in a fair and open manner, so they are inevitably a little too excited, please don’t be angry with them.”

Hearing this, the red emperor’s face became even more ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said, “I gave birth to nmlgb!”

He hasn’t swears for almost 40 Because at his level, wherever he goes, he is an existence that everyone fears and respects, and no one dares to provoke him. It’s fine to just kill it directly, it can’t provoke him at all.

But this time, he was really irritated. The series of teasing, contempt, and ridicule made him feel that his dignity as a demigod had been greatly humiliated and challenged.

After scolding here, there was a strange twist around the Red Emperor, and then countless desks and documents began to rapidly deform, becoming strange mechanical monsters.

Seeing this, Lilith immediately restrained her smile and her face became gloomy.

“Damn it, it cost me 20,000 Rosa coins to purchase these desks! Those documents are the key to our civil servants’ work! Do you really think that transforming these things can show your strength?”

As she said that, Lilith’s jet-black hair lengthened rapidly, and bursts of breathtaking black continued to appear from her body, like a black hole that could swallow everything, and it seemed like the primordial darkness that nurtured everything.

“I’m going to unload your whole body today, and then use your parts to make up for my 20,000 yuan purchase cost!”

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