Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: The Power Of The Blood Of The Ancient Gods

After eating 30 pounds of beef with bones, 15 tomatoes, 24 eggs, and some milk and desserts, Ross felt as if he was a fully charged battery, and his whole body was full. energy.

During the whole process of eating, Loss clearly realized that his body had been separated from human beings. The moment the food entered his stomach, it was completely decomposed, and even things like beef bones that ordinary people could not absorb were also absorbed by his body. clean.

At the same time, he found that he observed his body through this perspective, and could see the tissue structure, state and performance of every part of his body very clearly, and then made corresponding changes at any time.

It’s like looking at a set of very simple building blocks.

After the energy was replenished, after a while of peristalsis, the stomach returned to the smooth skin of an ordinary human again, without any abnormality.

After everything was ready, Ross came to the living room.

Reaching out, his five fingers gradually turned into five slender tentacles full of barbs and suckers.

These tentacles swayed nimbly, quickly gathered Carrington’s scattered internal organs, and put them into his body.

Then the five tentacles wriggled for a while, and instantly disintegrated into hundreds of very slender tentacles, each of which had a tiny hole at the end for injecting Ross’ blood.

These hundreds of tentacles swayed twice, like countless nematodes, directly burrowing into various parts of Carrington’s body, and then began to inject the blood of the ancient gods.

The blood injected by Ross was not much, only about 5ml.

But this is just 5 ml of blood, which is already very terrifying for an ordinary person.

With the blood of the ancient gods entering Carrington’s body, countless slender blood-red silk threads appeared, and then began to entangle on his body frantically, weaving each other, and swallowing his body tissue and blood.

Soon, the necrotic organs resumed movement again, and the coagulated blood began to flow again.

With the further fusion of the blood of the ancient gods, Carrington’s body began to twitch violently. The blood vessels under his skin were like countless crazy poisonous snakes, burrowing out of his skin and swept back and forth around his body, as if on alert, as if looking for prey.

But when they sensed Ross, it was as if they had seen their father’s child, and they wilted, not daring to make any extra moves.

In the ten minutes that followed, Carrington’s body underwent several disintegrations and reorganizations, sometimes turning into a hideous monster, sometimes a bloated piece of flesh, and sometimes an inhuman being with a broken body…

In the end, along with all the reorganization of the body, a man with dark hair, about forty years old, with a strong face and a strong body, lay on the ground.

Ross nodded with satisfaction. After the evolution and reorganization of the blood of the ancient gods, the reborn Carrington went directly from level 18 to level 38, which is considered the top combat power among the entire human race.

With a slight movement of the palm, Ross’s hundreds of tentacles retracted and combined with each other to become an ordinary palm again.

The mutation of the blood of the ancient gods is very crazy and uncontrollable. The reason why Carrington can become like this is because Ross has been deliberately controlling and transforming it.

Otherwise, Carrington has now become a pool of meat that only knows how to multiply and devour indefinitely.

Carrington, who became a normal human, calmly opened his eyes, and then his body stood up straight in a strange way.

Then he knelt on one knee on the ground and said with incomparable reverence and gratitude on his face: “Thank you young master for giving me a new life. I now feel stronger and healthier than ever.”

“From now on, your order will be the goal of my actions, and implementing your will will be my highest action criterion.”

In the process of mutation, he already knew the cause and effect of the whole thing, so at this time, apart from reverence and loyalty, there is nothing else.

Ross wanted to nod his head slightly, but unfortunately he doesn’t have such a function yet.

“I’m very happy to see you now, Uncle Carrington.” Ross said.

After all, this is the only person he is a family member now.

Carrington was filled with warmth and happiness when he heard this familiar name.

“Master, you look like this, are you alright?” Although Carrington knew that his young master was very powerful now, he lost his head after all, and it seemed that it really worried him.

Although he had been in contact with the evil gods many times, he knew very well that even people who believed in other gods would die if they were killed.

But the young master in front of him was killed but not dead!

“Do I look like I’m in trouble?” Ross asked rhetorically.

After pondering for a few seconds, Carrington said tentatively, “You look like something very important.”


Loss’s invisible head let out a brisk laugh: “I have received special care. Now not only do I have no problems, but I feel that my mind has been liberated.”

“And through the sacrifices in the basement, I gained a lot of knowledge.”

Hearing this, Carrington whispered, “So you already know? I… don’t want you to touch this, it’s very dangerous.”

Ross came over and patted Carrington on the shoulder. He was a cruel and crazy person, but his loyalty to the Arkham family was unquestionable.

In the design of the final battle, during the fierce battle with the headless mayor, Carrington, who has been killed, will appear in the form of a soul, helping Los Arkham block the deadly attack and successfully transform it into the final stage.

Ross didn’t go into too much detail on this matter, and asked directly: “Who killed you, and then took my head?”

Mentioning this, Carrington’s face turned gloomy instantly, and his eyes flashed with violent bloodthirsty light: “He is a mad believer of the Hand of Chaos, he is called Crazy Heim, and he is the strongest of the Vankes Gang today. Great fighting power.”

“I’ve seen him a few times before. It’s a disgusting guy. He has the habit of cannibalizing and collecting human heads. His whole body exudes a disgusting smell.”

Ross was a little surprised after hearing this, because in his design, there was no such character, or in other words, he did not make detailed settings in this regard.

“This is a complete world, and other places where I didn’t design have been completely filled in naturally!”

Thinking of this, Ross said directly: “Uncle Carrington, you now have the power to easily kill Crazy Heim, go find him, kill him, and take my head back.”

Hearing this, Carrington’s muscles began to wriggle as if alive, highlighting his excitement and desire at this time.

“Master, now I only need an hour.”

Ross nodded with satisfaction: “I’m waiting for your good news.”

Just as Carrington was about to turn away, he asked again, “Master, what about the Vanks Gang and the rest of the Hand of Chaos?”

“Don’t move for now, they are useful to me.”


Carrington left quickly, and Ross stood up and went to the study on the second floor.

Now Arkham’s situation is much more complicated than he originally designed, because many of the blanks he had no time to fill have been filled.

There are many details and new relationships and existences that he doesn’t know about.

Now, his first priority is to gather intelligence.

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