Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 398

Chapter 382: Leave Home

While the capital was undergoing a military coup, and the outside world was already starting to figure out how to divide Arkham’s technology and resources, Ross hugged the beauty and slept comfortably all night, and then ate a hearty and delicious meal the next morning. breakfast, then pack up and go straight out.

Outside the mayor’s villa in the East District, Minesa with a suitcase waited quietly here.

Today’s Minesa is very casual. She wears a very close-fitting sports vest on the inside of her upper body, which can fix the two big burdens. She wears a relatively loose pink sweater outside and a pair of blue jeans on the bottom. , on the feet is a pair of sports shoes for easy movement.

Although it is very loose, because her waist and abdomen do not have any excess fat, her chest is still very raised.

Although this time is a sweet trip for herself and the mayor, she also knows what the mission is this time, and naturally she can’t dress so **** and public right as soon as she goes out.

On the other hand, things like skirts and high heels are really inconvenient to move and fight. Although she couldn’t help showing her beauty to the mayor, it was clear that this was not the time.

“It’s okay Minissa! Focus on the mission first, I can’t leave the mayor with a big-chested image.”

Minissa thought and squeezed her suitcase tightly, not only the daily change of clothes, but also some mysterious things that made her face hot even just thinking about it.

While Minissa was contemplating, Ross drove a black off-road vehicle out of the compound, then smiled and waved to Minissa, “Get in the car, Minissa.”

After listening to this, Minissa hurriedly put her things in the trunk, and then after a very strong inner struggle, she resolutely walked to the co-pilot’s position.

But when she just opened the car door, she saw Lilith, who was smiling, looking at herself and asking, “What? Do you want to sit here?”

At this moment, Minissa’s face suddenly became extremely embarrassed and embarrassed, and she could not wait to get in through a crack in the ground.

She used to be very shy and reserved in front of the mayor, but now she is not only embarrassed, but even embarrassed in front of her biggest enemy, which almost made Minissa faint.

Just when Minissa was about to sit back in embarrassment, she heard the mayor’s voice rescuing herself like a god.

“Okay Lilith, don’t tease Minissa, you still have your tasks.”

Hearing this, Minissa’s waist that was about to turn around immediately corrected, and looked at Lilith with her head held high, her face full of pride waiting for her to come down.

Lilith stepped out of the car with a weird smile in her eyes. When she just stood up, she whispered in Minesa’s ear, “Serve the mayor.”

When Minesa heard this, she immediately wanted to refute, but the next second she remembered what she was carrying, and then rolled her eyes at her and quickly replied in a low voice: “Hmph, I don’t need you to tell me what I want to do!”

After speaking, Minissa directly staggered away from Lilith and sat happily in the co-pilot of the car.

Ross looked at Minesa’s outfit today with a bright look.

Today, Minissa’s body can be said to be mature, **** and youthful. Her thick curly hair is tied into a ponytail, just like a mature young woman who insists on exercising every day and lives a delicate life. It just looks full of temptation and makes people imagine .

“Sure enough, Yujie has the dignity of Yujie, and the young woman has the charm of a young woman.” Ross sighed in his heart.

“Master, the journey is smooth.” Lilith waved from the window at this time.

Loosen snorted: “Arkham will be handed over to you.”

Immediately, after raising his hand and pressing the window, Ross started the engine.

According to today’s technical strength, there is no technology to automatically lift the windows.

But these two large off-road vehicles are completely out of this era.

With a mind of ancient god-level thinking and the knowledge of Yoggsothoth, Ross has a half-knowledge of his previous life, and even the knowledge that he can’t understand completely.

This car is the exclusive mount that Ross built for himself with the technical help of the Ur people.

The power system of the whole car adopts the engine technology of the starship level, using the blood engine of the Ur people, and the fuel is the blood of the guilty people.

And ten milliliters of the guilty person’s blood is enough for this car to travel 10,000 kilometers at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour.

Of course, the engine is only the foundation. The entire body’s site, shell, structure, etc. are all using a very special structure. The cell tissue of Los is mixed into it, and it is converted into organic metal through the special technology of the Ur people.

This metal can be said to be the hardest existence in this world, and it can establish a perfect link with Ross.

Needless to say, the technology system of the entire vehicle is of course based on the battleship system of the Ur people, and the interior is designed by Ross himself, and then produced by Shoggoth.

The entire interior is mainly black, and the leather is very soft and looks seamless, without any splicing components.

And there are also a large number of ancient god-level black technologies. Any ordinary person can have a forty-level combat power as long as he is proficient in driving this car. It can be said to be a real car!

Minissa felt extremely comfortable sitting on the leather chair at this time.

She obviously felt that at the moment she sat down, the entire seat was constantly being adjusted according to her body structure, such as the degree of depression of the seat, the support of the lower back, the back, the back of the neck, the angle of the backrest, etc., everything Everything fits her perfectly.

Although it was very comfortable, Minesa’s attention was naturally still on the mayor. She glanced at Ross and said, “Mayor, the seat of your car is so comfortable. Those other vehicles are completely incomparable.”

Ross smiled: “It seems that the body is quite sensitive. Have you felt the details of the seat?”

Minissa nodded slightly: “Very delicate, this seat seems to have life.”

Loss held the steering wheel, reached out and tapped twice on the large screen of the central control, and then Minesa suddenly felt bright, the roof and sides of the entire car gradually folded and disappeared, and in a blink of an eye it became a convertible car.

“I like the feeling of the wind blowing in my face while galloping.” Ross said that he was directly in gear. With the roar of the engine, the entire vehicle began to speed up rapidly, and left the city directly from the northeast side of Arkham along Colvin Street.

Minissa looked at the scene where the two sides quickly retreated, feeling the breeze blowing across her face, and gradually closed her eyes and said, “It’s really comfortable.”

But as soon as the words fell, Minissa’s mind suddenly twitched, causing her to suddenly open her eyes with a look of vigilance.

“What’s wrong?” Ross tilted his head slightly.

Minissa said solemnly: “Someone is following us, and there is an aura that makes me extremely disgusted.”

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