Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 395

Chapter 379: 1 Carnival!

Xina sent those notebooks to everyone at this time, which included the relevant details of the invasion incident and the points corresponding to various enemies.

Everyone took over the book and looked at it seriously, and then everyone became more and more excited.

Joseph’s eyes at this time fell directly on the task of defeating the legendary superhuman.

He now has the strength to single-kill a level 40 character, and this thousand points are very important to him.

These 1,000 points can support him to perform two key operations, or even exchange for a perfect bloodline, and then directly push his combat ability to level forty-ninth.

At that time, he could not only gain a long life, but even have the opportunity to enter the legendary demigod realm.

On the other side, Chambers and Kenneth also shone brightly.

Both of them are now level 39, and they can enter level 40 if they go further.

But both of them use their own hidden methods. If the two of them find another person to join forces, it is also possible to kill a level 40 legendary superhuman.

Thinking of this, the two turned their heads to look at each other at the same time, and then the two smiled very tacitly.

These high-level members are excited, and the lower-level members below are also full of excitement.

You must know that for them, ten and twenty contribution points are already large numbers. After all, among their usual characters, there is only one task involving superhuman beings at an average of two points.

And when you have a lot of tasks, you can earn five points, and you can only earn two or three points when there are few tasks.

And now, the bottom line for executing the mission is ten points, and killing anyone at random will have five points!

And there are hundreds of such enemies!

Hina said loudly: “This is called an extermination attack. For others, it is a disaster, but for us, it is a carnival given to us by the mayor!”

“I think you’ve all felt the kindness and generosity of the mayor, so everyone cheers me up!”

“Yes!” After reading the list of rewards, everyone was full of energy.

“Finally, our slogan is!”

“Let all foreigners feel the warmth and hospitality of the Arkham people!”

The Arkham Cultural Bureau is full of fiery atmosphere.

Arkham Community Security Agency on the other side.

Danny, like Hina, just announced the news, twenty or thirty people in the entire conference room were completely in a carnival.

It seemed to them that this was not a dangerous battle at all, but a happy party.

Danny said with a smile: “Everyone cheers me up and remembers our mission, which is to protect the citizens of Arkham from any attack, and to nip all attacks in the bud. ”

“Meanwhile, guide those enemies into our amusement park!”

“Understood! Boss!” said the golden monkey Vic excitedly.

At the side, Art and Mark looked at the list of rewards in their hands, thinking similar thoughts to Kenneth’s.

Here, Danny took out another map: “Okay! The rewards are here for the time being. Let me tell you about our playground this time!”

Immediately, the entire conference room fell into silence, all looking at Danny.

“The main playground this time was also the main target of the opponent’s attack,” Danny said.

“First place, Arkham Sanatorium, second place, City Hall, third place, Arkham Flower Club, fourth place, Miskatonic University.”

“The fifth place, New Age Cinema, the sixth place, Arkham Railway Station, the seventh place, Arkham Port Royal, the eighth place, Arkham Extraordinary Library.”

“The ninth place, the financial building, the tenth place, the Arkham City Bank.”

“These ten amusement parks have been memorized for me, and they have been disguised for me. Don’t let the other party see anything wrong!”

“For them, we have been preparing for four months. The mayor’s wife said that no trap can be wasted! Don’t forget our slogan!”

“Let all out-of-towners feel the warmth of the Arkham community!”

At the same time as the mobilization of the two departments, other departments of Arkham are also carrying out related mobilizations.

Arkham Stargazing Club, the relevant high-level officials of the entire college district are gathered here.

Anita of Arkham Public College, now President of the University of Michigan, Dr. Armitage, a former member of the Green Covenant, Dr. Francis Morgan, and a former captain, Kingston, who is now in his forty-eighth grade, all sit it’s here.

At their side, the core members of the two departments, including President Jessica of the Arkham Racing Club, Captain Heimdor of the Arkham Veterans House of Giants, and so on.

Anita, who presided over the meeting, handed down the list and said with a smile: “First of all, let us applaud the great mayor’s generosity.”

Hearing this, no one hesitated, even Kingston.

These people are understanding people, and are very familiar with Ross.

Everyone can see that Ross wants to give them as much benefits as possible in a reasonable way through this incident.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to implement the plan of getting all the contribution points just by assisting without killing them.

What’s more, some of them have achieved some special achievements, which can be directly rewarded.

Such as powerful bloodlines, mechanical prosthetics, alien technology, and even diluted blood of ancient gods, etc.

Contribution points alone are enough to dazzle them with so many direct rewards.

To do this, great mayors are close to having things delivered directly to their doorsteps.

Here, everyone stood up, raised their hands, and sat down after singing the hymn and rhythm to

Anita said: “According to the request of the mayor’s wife, we are responsible for the entire college area, and are responsible for two amusement parks, namely the newly established Arkham extraordinary library, and the University of Michigan.”

Dr. Armitage… To be precise, Principal Armitage said: “I have almost prepared for the University of Michigan, and there are still some details that need your help.”

He was in his 60s and 70s before, and the aging Principal Armitage became younger and younger as time passed.

Today’s Armitage’s hair has begun to turn black, and the whole person seems to have become a middle-aged man in his forties.

All of this is due to the powerful blood therapy technique, which not only made Armitage much younger, but also made his strength grow from the previous seventeenth level to the twenty-seventh level.

Although this level is not strong enough, Armitage is now the president of the University of Michigan. Now, with the help of Shoggoth, the University of Michigan has been renovated and expanded, and there are also various secret passages and Various mazes and traps.

Of course, these are naturally for students to use, but to deal with those outsiders.

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