Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Run Away When You’Re Done

Hearing Ross’s words, Elizabeth was completely unable to calm down.

She has already known about Heim’s death through spies inside the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce, but so far the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce does not know who killed Heim.

She had also thought about who could have such a powerful power to kill Haim. She had seen Haim twice before, and he was a lunatic. Although he was not her opponent, it was not easy to defeat him. thing.

Both she and the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce thought it was a mysterious force they didn’t know.

They thought about a lot of people, but they didn’t think about this young mayor who just took office.

At this time, Elizabeth did not think that Ross was lying, because the matter had not been made public yet, and few people knew about it.

“You were able to kill Heim.” Elizabeth’s eyes were a little solemn. At this moment, she had to re-examine and evaluate this young man who had always been despised by everyone.

Ross still didn’t answer her question: “The fact that your five regional forces are united to impeach me is nothing more than wanting to support a mayor who will make you obedient after I step down, and the fundamental reason is a matter of interest. ”

“It’s obvious that I rarely go to the city hall, but I know very well the content of our conversation.” Elizabeth said lightly.

Ross: “Tracy’s eyes were cured by me.”

“Elizabeth, you are really stupid! Can’t think of such a simple thing? Calm down! Calm down! He hasn’t shown hostility yet, so don’t mess with your senses.” Elizabeth scolded herself inwardly.

Rose could naturally feel her panic and shock, and continued: “Our family is the lord who was conferred by Queen Wei Ya herself. The royal family has treated our family very favorably for more than 300 years. Among these forces, I am the only one who has no interest in the royal family. Too much hostility, and that’s why I’m here today myself.”

Hearing this, Elizabeth quickly gathered her messy thoughts, took a deep breath and asked, “Then mayor of Arkham, what kind of demands do you have?”

“Become my helper instead of my enemy in ruling Arkham. This is good for everyone. I have the technology, and you have the resources. Isn’t the purpose of the current Her Majesty seeking the dungeon labyrinth for technology that can turn the situation around?”

Speaking, Ross opened his arms: “The technology you need now is here!”

Recalling the return just now, as a superhuman herself, she is very clear that the technology that Ross now masters is definitely not only for curing diseases, but there is even a way to directly turn humans into superhumans.

Elizabeth took a deep breath: “Then how do we cooperate? What do we need to do, and what can you give us?”

Ross laughed: “Finally speaking, the beautiful Miss Clark.”

“First of all, I need the Queen’s edict to give me enough free control over Arkham.”

“I have no right to decide that,” Elizabeth said.

Ross said unhurriedly: “Don’t worry, listen to me, where is the calm and elegant Miss Clark?”

These words immediately made Elizabeth’s face turn red, and she felt that she had suffered a huge humiliation.

Ross continued: “Second, I want to reorganize Arkham, Hand of Chaos, Forbidden Gate, Egg of the Black Goat, Danny Gang, these cults and gangs, I want to clear up all the cults and gangs of the whole city. The rights are taken back into my hands, and I need your intelligence and manpower in this process.”

“Thirdly, when the researchers on my side need some supplies, I hope they can purchase them from the royal family’s channels, not asking for price concessions, but seeking concealment and safety.”

“Fourth, help me block all political factors from the outside world. You should know very well that there are the Empire’s Military Intelligence Department and the spies of the other two empires.”

“There are only four points at the moment.”

Elizabeth carefully savored these four requirements and asked directly, “What can you give us?”

“I can give you the invention patent of the blood therapy technique I invented, and you can say to the outside world that the blood therapy technique was invented by you, so that you can win people’s hearts and build your own power.”

“Blood therapy!?” Elizabeth was a little surprised when she heard the name.

This ancient technique with no scientific basis has been taboo for many years.

Ross had a clear insight into Elizabeth’s inner thoughts: “Don’t compare those stupid things with my skills.”

Elizabeth suddenly panicked, and then gathered her mind: “What about the core technology?”

“Don’t think about the core technology, I won’t give it to anyone. You can only take out the finished product from me, and you can also specify your requirements. We will develop some special blood according to your requirements.”

After a pause, Ross added: “The premise is, don’t overdo it, blood therapy is not a panacea.”

When Elizabeth heard this, she said plainly, “Our side seems to suffer even more.”

“If you think about the powerful relationship, you will know that you are not at a disadvantage.”

“Not to mention that this blood therapy patent can bring countless benefits, the loyalty generated by this healing power alone is not comparable between the pros and cons.”

Hearing this devil-like temptation, Elizabeth suddenly thought of those soldiers who had experienced many battles but were discharged because of missing arms and legs.

If possessing this potion allows them to regenerate, then Her Majesty the Queen will definitely be able to collect a large amount of elite dead soldiers.

Thinking of this, her eyes lit up and her heart pounded.

“You seem to have figured it out, Miss Clark.” Rossna’s voice always came with a faint smile.

Elizabeth coughed: “I can’t decide this matter myself, I need to discuss it with the didn’t intend to stay, stood up and said, “I hope you will be faster, although Darryl has sworn allegiance to me , but he is a spy of MI3 after all, maybe he has quietly reported this matter to MI3, hoping to let his boss and me take the lead. ”

“Darryl is from MI3!?” Hearing this, Elizabeth was shocked.

That’s the city manager, and his actual power is even greater than the mayor. The MIIT’s hand actually stretched so long! ?

Ross was a little surprised: “Don’t you know? Oh! I’m so sorry, Darryl.”

After pretending to say something, Ross said, “This news is a gift for this meeting, Miss Clark who is like a white rose.”

“Besides, Darryl is now my loyal subordinate, I don’t want you to have any disadvantage against him, otherwise…”

Ross narrowed his eyes, and two substantial murderous auras burst out and pierced Elizabeth’s skin.

In an instant, Elizabeth suddenly and instinctively stepped back two meters, because she felt two icy sharp blades stabbing her skin.

And when I looked up, I realized that the two sharp blades just now… just sight! ?

“This guy! How terrifying is that!?” At this moment, Elizabeth was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she almost pulled out her weapon.

On the other side, Ross said with a smile, “Miss Clark, your panicked appearance is like a rose after the rain. Although you are a little flustered, you have a different style.”

“I wish you a good day too!” Ross said, bowed and saluted, turned and left with a tune.

“This **** guy! Are those last words humiliating me!?” Looking at Rose’s back, Elizabeth suddenly clenched her fists.

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