Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Confidant Of The Queen

Clark’s ancestral home is a very luxurious manor. It is the most expensive manor in Arkham, symbolizing the wealth and power of the family.

The location of the manor is in the richest southwest area of Arkham City, 276 Thorntons Street,

This distance can be said to be very far, because Los’s home is just in the most northeast direction, and the distance traveled is almost 20 kilometers.

Naturally, Ross didn’t plan to walk over, or take the tram, because he had a car at home.

The financial situation of the Arkham family is very good. Their family has the right to directly share some of the money from the tax. At the same time, the Arkham Sanatorium, as a private industry, can provide their family with an income of about 120,000 rosa coins every year. .

With such income, he is considered a top noble in the entire city of Arkham.

But this family is extraordinarily low-key and plain, not showing off the mountains or the water.

Their car was newly replaced this year, and the Fowles company adopted the latest flagship model of the clay plastic method, which is worth 10,000 Rosa coins.

In this way, the car already has the appearance of a future sports car. The whole body is dark and streamlined. There are only two seats. It has a very long front cover, which is very cool.

The former Lowes didn’t like cars, this strange guy prefers those retro wagons.

“What a waste.” Ross sighed while looking at the sports car in the garage.

“Master, do you need me to go with you?” Lilith asked.

Ross shook his head: “I mainly pretended to be in the past this time, and here I need you to help me make this pretence complete.”

Although Lilith doesn’t know what the word “pretend” means, but because she should be a very important thing.

She didn’t ask any further: “How many maids do you need?”

“As much as I have, I have a lot of money. What I lack now is people. After people are rescued, they will be brought home directly.”

“Also go to inform Kurvin and Darryl that they can start the operation.”

After finishing all the instructions, Ross picked up the key and started the car directly, heading south along the Peabody Road.

Now the car’s driving feel is very good, Ivan rolled down the window and looked at the scenery on both sides with a smile, his expression was comfortable.

From home to Clark’s mansion, you need to pass through the North District, then cross the West Bridge of the Miskatonic River in the middle of the city, then pass through the business district, the campus district, and finally come to the wealthy district.

The area of the rich area is very large, and the distance between the houses is very large. Almost every house has a small courtyard, some large and some small.

Ross drove the car directly to the door of Clark’s mansion.

Behind the spacious manor is a six-storey, clean white building.

This building has exquisite reliefs and long windows, and the square is like a big box, which is very aristocratic in the period of Queen Ania.

It was the first time that the doorman in charge of the reception saw such a rare and handsome luxury car, and he immediately knew that a big man was coming.

He ran over with a smile, and when he heard Ross’s identity and purpose, he looked a little surprised, and then said, “Wait a minute, I’ll report immediately.”

Ross walked down and looked at the building and said with a smile, “As expected of the Queen’s cronies, the buildings have such royal characteristics.”

Elizabeth Clark, who is really a good friend of the current young Queen Stephanie III.

According to the current time line, she is twenty-six years old this year, and has just come here from the capital for two years. In one year, she will become the deputy commander of the Royal Military Intelligence Department, responsible for the management of the forces on the Arkham side, as well as for the underground The quest of the maze.

“Imperial power and divine power are now going to two extremes. Imperial power is no longer satisfied with the control of divine power. This queen, who is only 22 years old this year, is going to go it alone, and her greatest hope is to find a one-shot control from the underground labyrinth. A powerful method against the enemy.”

Because of this, Ross could pinpoint this woman’s weakness and convince her to help him deal with the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce.

Within three minutes, the guard just now trotted all the way and said, “Mr. Mayor, please come in, my master is very happy to have you here.”

Then Ross moved forward along the white stone road in the middle of the manor, and came to this wealthy area and even the landmark building of Arkham, Clark’s Ancestral House.

The two servants guarding the door already knew what the master meant, and helped Ross open the door with a smile on their faces. Inside was a middle-aged man in a black tuxedo and neatly combed.

Judging from his temperament and clothes, he should be the head servant here, who is also in charge of reception.

“Please! Dear Mr. Mayor.” The middle-aged man smiled and led Ross up the stairs on the left.

“The master is waiting for you in the living room. She is very happy and surprised at your arrival.” The housekeeper said with a smile.

Ross thought to himself: “If she is really happy and surprised, she should be standing here now.”

I came to the Sunshine Living Room on the second floor. There was a simple and luxurious coffee table in the middle of the huge living room, and there were two sofas on both sides.

At this time, there were two dining carts on the side, and you could see the hot tea and the prepared desserts.

At this time, a young and beautiful woman on the sofa stood up with a smile on her face.

She has very special blue hair, a melon-seeded face, and piercing eyes with the same color as her hair.

She is about 1.7 meters Today, she is wearing a pure white lace dress. The delicate makeup and her natural beauty can instantly capture the restless hearts of most men.

This one is Elizabeth Clark, the head of secret agents with level 24 strength.

After seeing Elizabeth, Evan groaned inwardly: “Whose brain supplement is this? My appearance setting is very brief. I remember that her setting is only a mature and dignified beautiful lady.”

“Who made you so beautiful!?” Ross wanted to ask loudly.

“Oh! My dear mayor, your presence makes me feel that the sun is extra beautiful today.” Elizabeth is a person who is truly a joyless person. At this time, her face is filled with a happy smile, like two people A good friend whom I haven’t seen in a long time.

Ross walked over with a smile, and the two of them hugged politely: “I am busy with government affairs. As the mayor who just took office, it is very necessary to visit my city councillors.”

Elizabeth sat down with Loos and asked with a smile, “It stands to reason that you should visit Mr. Tariq who is closest to you first? I’m the farthest away from you.”

Ross said with a smile, “I still remember your beauty from the past few encounters, and it was the desire to see your beauty that drove me here.”

Elizabeth smiled without changing her face: “You are really a humorous and polite gentleman. Your future wife will definitely be able to live happily.”

After a simple greeting, Elizabeth asked with a smile, “The mayor is here today, what’s the matter?”

Ross took a sip of hot tea and said in a very casual tone, “I want you to kill the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce with me and let me control the central area.”

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