Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Arkham Sanatorium

Ross believes in how much Darryl values his family and also in his abilities.

His next focus is not on the city government, but on finding some suitable servants and subordinates.

Although Darryl is a municipal manager, he doesn’t have much substantive power in his hands.

And if you want to run a big city, you don’t have some reliable people. It is estimated that you will be sold and you are still helping others count the money.

Now that Ross is surrounded by tigers and wolves, there are not many places for him to find suitable servants, but it is not impossible.

That night, Ross sat in the study and read the municipal materials and summaries overnight, and finally got a general understanding of the current Arkham city.

The situation is much more complicated than he imagined.

In the report, he saw spies from the three major imperial military intelligence offices, who were looking for the entrance to the ancient dungeon labyrinths under Arkham, as well as the forbidden things hidden in them.

I also saw twelve cults headed by the Hand of Chaos, the Forbidden Gate, and the Egg of the Black Goat. They used the chaos and darkness here to worship the three evil gods that symbolize chaos, time and space, and nurture.

He also saw the large gang that controls most of Arkham’s land transportation, the Danny Gang, secretly digging Arkham’s rich mines.

There are also extraordinary organizations that claim to protect human beings and maintain justice, including the Green Covenant that blocked the Dunwich incident seven years ago; the Guardian of the Night, which expels alien monsters; and the Oath Foundation, which specializes in collecting all kinds of extraordinary creatures.

There are also mercenaries specializing in transcendental aspects, the Eye of Alam and the Alliance of the Hidden.

He even saw the most mysterious and most powerful secret society in the world, the Arkham branch of the Redemption Society, which claims to be able to dominate the course of human history.

These behemoths are lurking here for their own purposes, and they seem to be waiting for something, and they seem to be brewing something.

In the early morning, the sun shines through the window to illuminate the dim study, Ross stretched out his body and looked out the window.

“Grass, this question is a bit out of line.”

Looking at it all the way, all his previous basic settings have become a thing of the past, and the development of all organizations has far exceeded his expectations.

“Master, breakfast is ready.” Carrington’s voice came from outside the door.

Ross restrained his thoughts: “The matter still has to be done step by step, let’s go find his men first.”

After eating about twenty catties of food, Ross put on his decent suit and did not go to the city hall, but walked north along the street.

I went to the Arkham Sanatorium behind my house.

The Arkham Sanatorium was built forty years ago under the leadership of his great-grandfather, and his family and the government cooperated to fund it for unknown reasons.

The sanatorium has fifty beds, and the normal cost of hospitalization is 110 yuan per month, which is quite a sum.

Of course, there are also many poor patients here. These patients have almost no chance of being cured. They are the forgotten people who are here waiting to die.

The sanatorium is a rather huge gray-white building with five floors above ground and three floors underground.

There are huge dark red walls around the sanatorium, and there are ferocious iron fences on the walls to prevent those patients from casually climbing over.

But that’s it, patients often run out through various magical operations.

There are not many staff in the nursing home. There are three attending doctors, fifteen medical staff, five security personnel, and two maintenance workers.

According to Ross’s memory, the Arkham Sanatorium was normal a few years ago, but it has gradually deteriorated in the past ten years.

With the decline of the Karam family, the power of each region has gradually increased. Although this place is still the property of the Arkham family, it has become a prison of changing directions.

There are many people who are imprisoned here who are not wanted by others to be seen by various organizations, but who cannot die. These people are generally insane due to some special circumstances and cannot communicate, but they still hide important secrets.

Since then, the income of the employees of the entire nursing home has been significantly improved, and the overall income has also increased by 15 times compared with the previous one, becoming the main source of income for the Arkham family.

Standing at the dark gate of the sanatorium, the thick iron gate is heavier and stronger than the prison’s.

There were two fully armed guards standing at the door. When they saw Loss approaching, they saluted respectfully, and then opened the side door for Loss.

The staff here are not loyal to the Arkham family, but they still have to have superficial respect.

Walking in through the gate is a relatively empty playground. This playground was originally used for patients to move around. Unfortunately, today’s patients have almost no chance to come out of that building.

Ross came here today to announce something, to bring all the people here under his control. This is his backyard, the core talent pool, and there is no possibility of betrayal.

Walking into the building, the first thing you see is a relatively wide hall, with two stairs leading upstairs on both sides of the hall, and a counter in the middle.

At this time, behind the counter, sat a middle-aged female nurse in white.

“Master Ross!” Seeing Ross approaching, the female nurse hurriedly stood up to say hello. UU reading

Ross smiled and nodded: “Morning, hardworking lady, is Dr. Culvin here?”

“He’s here, Master Ross, in his office.” The female nurse said and walked out of the counter.

She was a little surprised at this time. In her impression, Young Master Ross was a relatively introverted and gloomy person who didn’t like to laugh. He was always straight-faced and inhumane, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

But today’s Master Ross gives people a sense of ease and approachability.

“This way, please.” The female nurse smiled and led Ross to the office on the second floor.

“Isn’t there anything unusual about the nursing home recently?” Ross asked as he walked.

The female nurse said: “Patients 305 and 307 suddenly had a mental breakdown for no reason. They kept hitting their heads against the wall, and we had to limit their movements with restrainers.”

“Patients 401 and 419 didn’t know what method they used. They secretly went to the ward on the second basement floor, and then yelled that they were the sons of the ancient gods.

“Patient 513 seems to have recovered, but I always feel a little weird. I think releasing him like this will definitely threaten the safety of others.”

Listening to the female nurse talking about the situation here, Ross also looked for familiar characters according to his own settings.

Unfortunately, he didn’t know any of the five patient numbers.

In the setting, he designed five special patients here, two are related to the dungeon maze, and two have undergone a mental mutation, which is one of his goals today, is a downright crazy person.

However, now he has the confidence to heal her.

Turn this patient into his faithful servant, and it will be much more convenient for him to do things in the future.

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