Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Unilaterally Suppressed Dialogue

At dinner time, Darryl clearly felt his wife and daughter’s admiration and gratitude for Ross. Although he was full of fear, he didn’t say much, because he didn’t want to bring danger to his wife and daughter.

He doesn’t believe in those extraordinary beings, he believes in science.

He wrote to a friend who studied medicine many times about his daughter’s condition. He said that the cause of his daughter’s disease was not the eyes, but the nerves in the brain. method to alleviate.

And now, through the conversation between his wife and daughter, Darryl actually found out that Ross is very knowledgeable about this disease, and even knows the professional vocabulary of neurology.

But although Ross showed enough professionalism, he still felt fear in his heart.

He is very clear about the process of treatment. Even a common cold cannot be cured in half an hour, let alone a brain disease that lasts for several years! ?

He knew that Ross used a special ability that he couldn’t understand. He didn’t understand this ability. He was afraid that while this ability would affect his daughter, there would also be many other risks.

After eating dinner with the same taste, Darryl went back to the bedroom to pick up his pistol, made an excuse to leave the house and ran all the way to Ross’s house.

This is the fastest runner he has run in ten years. His parents died early, and he cherishes his wife and daughter the most in his life. He does not allow anyone to hurt them!

On the other side, Ross, who was eating frantically, got a report from Carrington: “Master, Darryl is here. As you expected, he is very anxious.”

Ross, who was eating with a mouthful of oil, said casually, “Let him in.”

Darryl at the door walked into the old villa under Carrington’s gaze.

He didn’t like coming here, because it was too quiet and gloomy, and he always felt that there were dangers he couldn’t understand, especially the butler who was always expressionless and hoarse, which made him thorn in the back.

But he has to come today because he is very worried about his daughter.

Before entering the restaurant, Darryl heard a chewing sound. For some reason, the sound made him feel hairy, and he couldn’t help but want to hold his gun.

After entering, he saw that Ross was nibbling on a large piece of corbel without any bearing.

It was a piece of beef that was one meter long, at least 20 kilograms, and under Darryl’s watch, Ross ate the beef leg in a short while without even spitting out the bones. , chewed and swallowed directly.

That’s a cow’s leg bone! He knew exactly how hard the thing was.

After eating a large piece of beef, Ross wiped his mouth, looked at Darryl with a dignified face, and asked with a smile, “Oh! My dear city manager, what’s the matter?”

Darryl swallowed his saliva, resisted the fear in his heart and gritted his teeth: “What the **** did you do to my daughter!?”

Ross turned to look at Carrington: “Is there something wrong with Miss Tracey?”

Carrington replied calmly: “Nothing happened, young master. On the contrary, under your treatment, he recovered his eyes and obtained a very healthy body.”

Hearing this, Ross understood and turned to look at Daryl: “My city manager, what happened?”

Darryl gradually gritted his teeth and whispered, “You are not cured. I know that with the current medical level, her disease cannot be cured!”

“And what kind of disease can be cured in half an hour!? What did you do to her!?”

After hearing this, Ross laughed: “So that’s what happened.”

Immediately, he did not answer his question, but asked, “Do you know why I can eat such a large piece of corbel?”

Daryl was silent and did not speak.

“This is the energy used to heal your daughter,” Ross said.

Daryl was taken aback: “What do you mean!?”

Ross stretched out his hand: “As long as we understand the shape and principles of the human body enough, and have enough energy to support it, nothing is impossible.”

Ross said, looking at Daryl and said lightly, “My city manager, don’t take things that you can’t understand as things that don’t exist.”

“That will only make you look very naive and ignorant.”

Hearing this, Darryl gasped for a moment, not knowing how to refute for a while.

For some unknown reason, he suddenly felt a sense of fear for this young man.

As an intelligence officer for many years, he has excellent mental quality and strong insight, but the person sitting in front of him at this time, he can’t see through and understand at all.

Facing Daryl’s silence, Loss stuffed two tomatoes into his mouth: “Tracy is a good girl, she shouldn’t lose her bright future because of her eyes.”

“You don’t need to worry about what I did to her. In the future, her body will only get better and better, and there won’t be any side effects you imagine.”

Daryl asked in a low voice, “Human nature is inherently evil, and unprovoked kindness is the most dangerous. What is your purpose? My support for you if you win?”

Hearing this, Ross sneered.

The laughter was a bit harsh, making Darryl very uncomfortable.

“Darryl, I know your past and your identity very well. Therefore, your support is not worth mentioning to me.”

Daryl remembered the conversation in the office today, and his heart gradually sank: “How did you know?”

Unconsciously, the name has changed.

“I know a lot more than you think. To heal Tracy is to give you a chance. UU read” Ross said and stood up.

“Chance? Give me any chance?” Daryl asked cautiously.

Ross said directly: “I have a chance to be loyal to me.”

“Allegiance to you? I’m sorry, my allegiance is only to the empire.” Darryl refused immediately.

“Any lie in front of me is useless, Darryl. You are a very self-serving and realistic person, and your allegiance has never been to the empire or lofty ideas.”

“Your true allegiance is to you and your family.”

At this moment, Ross stared at Darryl as if he could directly pierce Daryl’s soul and asked, “Am I right?”

Facing such sharp eyes, Darryl’s expression changed greatly, and his body instinctively took a step back. Ross’s words shredded all his disguise, revealing the truest side of his heart.

“Why did you choose me? With your ability, there should be many other candidates, right?” Darryl was silent for a few seconds and asked hoarsely.

Ross thought to himself: “Sorry, I have no other choice.”

Of course, you can’t say that out of your mouth.

“There are indeed many candidates, but it will be a little troublesome. They do not have your identity, and it takes some time and energy to train them. I am lazy, so I directly found the most suitable person.”

Darryl looked at Ross’ calm and casual look at this time, and asked repeatedly, “Can you really protect the safety of my family?”

Ross: “Tracy’s eyes can be regarded as a reward for my future loyal subordinates, and also a means to let you know the future boss.”

Darryl’s mentality has undergone some transformation at this time. As Ross said, he is a very realistic person. As long as it is beneficial to himself and his family, he does not care who his leader is.

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