Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 14

I linked my senses to the nest and spread them throughout the ship. The ship’s structure and the movements of the human occupants were transmitted to me without missing a beat. The auxiliary systems swiftly analyzed their movements to align with their master’s intentions.

If you were to imagine a spaceship as a living being wandering through space, I was akin to a parasite inhabiting the brain of a mineral-based organism. I knew what was happening on the ship as well as the ship’s owner did.

The auxiliary system reported to me that the captain and the officers were gathering on the bridge.

‘Perhaps they’re planning to command from the bridge.’

Like them, I was also devising a plan from my perch in the cooling chamber.

‘How should I respond?’

First, let’s consider the starting points of the enemies. There aren’t many ventilation ducts large enough for an adult male to pass through. The agricultural area duct, the storage area duct, and the armory duct were the largest, with the others being just over 1 meter or even smaller.

However, the likelihood of them all gathering in one place was low, as that would slow down their search efforts.

‘On the contrary, it’s more likely they’ll start from two places.’

Six individuals. Not a large number, but not a small one either.

In any case, attempting to conquer the ventilation ducts with a large number of personnel would be difficult. It seemed they were opting for a small elite force strategy, compensating for the lack of numbers with good equipment.

‘They’ll probably be wearing intermediate-grade combat suits.’

The model was unknown, but it was likely to be of the same grade or lower than what Arnold was wearing. If we were to engage in a direct confrontation, I wouldn’t emerge unscathed either.

‘There’s a narrowing of the passage after the intersection.’

Depending on the facility, there were places where ventilation needed to be well-distributed, while others didn’t require it. Areas like the cooling chamber had excellent air circulation systems, so the ventilation ducts were wider, but most other areas were not.

‘Narrow passages aren’t suitable for humans to navigate.’

Adult men would have to crouch down. It was better than crawling, but it would greatly reduce combat efficiency. Not only was it difficult to use weapons, but the uncomfortable posture also made it challenging to take full advantage of the combat suit.

‘That’s where I’ll launch the ambush.’

The broad outlines of the plan were beginning to take shape. The details would need to be adjusted based on the enemies’ armaments and movements.

It seemed they were prepared as well. I could sense their movements.

They had arrived at the two locations I had anticipated: the runway duct and the armory duct.

‘Shall I go and greet our guests, then?’

After disconnecting the link with the nest, I rose from my seat.

Tonight, everyone who dared to target my nest would meet their end.


[This is A1. A-Team, commence operation.]

“B1, report.”

[This is Juzz, B1. B-Team, commencing operation. Juzz.]

“B1, check your communication status as it doesn’t seem optimal.”

[Juzz-Juzz, B1. Understood]

The command center.

On the holographic display in the center of the command center, the movements of soldiers were divided into six squares and broadcasted in real-time. It was the result of real-time transmissions from tactical cameras attached to the soldiers’ combat suits.

Arnold, the crisis management officer, watched alongside the higher-ups as the soldiers entered the ventilation ducts.

‘The entity that killed Miss Keisaragi, it’s probably him.’

It was originally his duty to handle this situation. There were no changes to the plan itself, but he didn’t know how the entity would act as a variable.

The entity was a dangerous organism that had killed eight people, including Miss Keisaragi Yujin.

Others might think the Materials Management officer is the culprit, but he could state with certainty that the Materials Management officer had been killed by the monster.

“Monster. Eliminate variables as much as possible.”

Until this ship reaches Space Dog, or rather, its owner, Si-hyun Yujin, who is preparing a grand plan, there can’t be any disruptions. If it succeeded, it would change the course of MegaCorp’s history.

‘When this night is over, you’ll all be dead.’

He stared at the holographic images with a cold gaze, and reports came in from the scene.

[A1. We’ve reached a junction. Move to the right.]

[B1. We’ve also reached a junction. Moving to the right. Juzz.]

[B3. Juzz-Juzz. Communication status isn’t good. Will repair and follow. Juzz.]

“This is the command center. B3, join as soon as your repairs are completed.”

The passageways in the ship, like veins in a body, were like a maze. A and B teams had both reached junctions at the same time.

“The paths are complicated. Everyone, move cautiously.”

“This is the command center. Even if it’s slow, search thoroughly.”

[A1. Understood.]

[B1. Understood.]

Five out of six white marks on the map received their orders and moved slowly while conducting searches.


Arnold, who had been looking at the screen, felt something was amiss. The camera from B3, which was supposed to be under repair, wasn’t moving.

“Check B3’s camera.”

“This is the command center. B3, confirm the camera’s status.”


“B3. This is the command center. Repeating, confirm the camera’s status.”

[It’s okay.]

With those words, the screen moved again. At first, it shook slightly as if in disarray, but soon, like the other soldiers, it regained stability.

“B3. How’s the reception?”

[It’s okay.]

As B3 had reported, there was no more noise. His mark moved toward where the other B team members were.

“B2. Join up with B3 coming from behind and move.”

[B2. Understood.]

The B3 mark on the screen got closer to the B2 mark. Just as they were about to overlap, a scream came through the communication device.

“B2! What’s happening?”

[Ugh, aaargh! It appeared! It… thud!]

“B3. Lost contact with B2. Report the situation.”

[It took B2 with him.]

“I can’t see anything on the screen. Explain in detail.”

[It suddenly attacked, so I can’t confirm.]

B2’s camera showed nothing but darkness. There was no sound, as if the communication device had been damaged.

A sense of unease spread through the command center like a contagion. The captain and officers were buzzing with questions about what was happening. The communication officer continued to try to contact B2.

While everyone was in confusion, Arnold stared at the black screen.

‘Did it end this quickly?’

Soldiers wearing intermediate-level reinforced suits couldn’t respond at all. Arnold had considered the threat to be somewhat like a dangerous wild animal until now, but he was completely mistaken.

The enemy was a much more agile killer than he had imagined. Having recalibrated the creature’s abilities, Arnold gave instructions to the communication officer.

“Relay this to everyone. If you see anything move even a little, open fire immediately.”

“Yes, officer.”

The communication officer relayed Arnold’s orders, and tense responses from the soldiers could be heard over the communication device.

Team A was conducting a search for the monster, while B1 and B3 from Team B were chasing after the missing B2. Although the screen showed their diligent movements, there was no sign of B2.

“They might end up divided and conquered.”

In the end, Arnold decided to abandon B2. The communication officer conveyed Arnold’s message to Team B.

“This is the command center. B3, halt the search for B2 and join up with B1.”


“B1, once B3 joins you, resume the search for B2.”

[B1. Understood.]

B3’s marker moved toward B1. The distance between the two marks on the screen gradually decreased. Just when they were about to see each other, a message came through the radio from B1.

[B1. I hear something.]

“This is the command center. What exactly is the sound?”

[B1. I’m not sure, but someone is getting closer. It’s at a junction, so I can’t confirm exactly.]

“B3. Join B1 as quickly as possible. Repeat, join as quickly as possible.”


The situation grew tense. The silence in the command center was broken by B1’s voice.

[B1. The source of the sound is B3.]


Someone let out a sigh of relief. Even Arnold, who had been keeping his eyes wide open to avoid missing any enemy movements, was relieved.

“Phew. This is the command center. B1, report once you’ve joined up with B3.”



[B3 was taken by the enemy.]


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B1’s report shocked everyone in the command center.

Even Arnold, who had always remained calm, found it difficult to maintain his composure as the unexpected situation continued. He pushed the communication officer aside and put on a headset.

“officer here. Explain the situation in detail.”

[I couldn’t confirm it because it happened so quickly.]

“Damn it! It’s right in front of you, and you couldn’t see it?”

[I apologize.]

Two soldiers had already disappeared. Yet, B1 and B3 claimed they didn’t see anything on the video. Unless the creature deliberately avoided being captured on camera, it was impossible…

‘Wait a minute…’

Arnold suddenly had a terrifying assumption. He put the headset back on with a stern expression.

“officer here. B1, state your location immediately.”


“I repeat. B1, state your name immediately.”


There was no response from B1. The command center froze as they realized what Arnold was trying to confirm.

[Sshh, I got caught, huh? Juzz.]

B1’s communication channel remained disconnected. A black hand appeared in front of the camera, and then the screen went black.

[This is A1. What the hell is happening?]


[This is A1. Command center, please respond.]

The bewildered voice of A1’s officer filled the command center, but Arnold couldn’t say anything.


‘For now, the B Team is finished.’

I crushed the signal device attached to B1’s reinforced suit under my foot. Three headless bodies lay beside me.

Originally, the plan was to engage them in the narrow corridor behind the junction. While I was rushing ahead to prepare for the ambush, an idea occurred to me.

Using the psychic device.

I got the hint from my conversation with the Bubble Amoeba. If I could communicate with the creature using the special waves generated by the psychic device, could I disrupt wireless communication devices that operated on frequencies? It seemed to work quite well.

Due to the waves I emitted, B3, who was at the rear, experienced interference in his equipment. He had no choice but to stay behind and fix it, becoming an easy prey as a result.

‘After that, it was easy.’

Even when his head was pulled out by my combat arm, B3 didn’t twitch a finger. It was thanks to my newly acquired fusion ability called the ‘Neurotoxin Gland.’

When you have the Neurotoxin Gland, everything in your body, including nails, teeth, and bodily fluids, turns extremely toxic. When affected by this toxin, you’d experience shock or paralysis of your muscles, rendering you incapable of any action.

It seemed like a powerful debuff ability, but in the game, it was considered a rare attribute. Since there were many creatures with transcendent physical abilities, it went unnoticed.

‘But not here.’

Unless you were a specially modified human, it was impossible to block the neurotoxin. If you were alone and exposed to it, you might as well consider yourself dead.

After that, it was a breeze. I approached the other team members pretending to be B3, using my ‘Mimicry’ ability.

While everyone was on high alert, they wouldn’t have suspected a friendly approach. Their lack of imagination allowed me to fill my belly with ease.

‘Next is Team A, I suppose.’

I tucked B1’s head under my arm and headed out. When the cerebral cortex burst open in my mouth like fresh juice, my body filled with energy.

With four combat arms, I easily moved through the narrow corridor. While crawling, the auxiliary device under my chin constantly monitored Team A’s movements.

Whether they received orders from above or not, they were moving slowly and carefully, investigating every speck of dust on the alloy.

‘They’re in a completely defensive posture.’

Team B had no idea about me, but that wasn’t the case on the other side. They knew that I could mimic human voices, so it was only natural.

‘Now, should I try using the information to my advantage?’

Many say that knowledge is power, but is it really? Sometimes, knowing too much can be a burden.

I hid my body not far from the junction. Soon, the enemy would pass through here.

Then, darkness settled in the steel corridor. The light emanating from the helmet of the lead soldier illuminated the junction clearly.

“A1. We have reached a junction. We will proceed to the right.”

They had no idea that I was hiding nearby. If they didn’t know, I had to inform them. I shouted loudly in B1’s voice.

“Over here! Help me!”

“It’s the enemy! Open fire!”

As expected, A1 immediately issued the order to fire. Three team members began firing their laser guns in my direction.

While they were pouring firepower into the spot where I had been, I slipped away into another corridor. By going this way, I could circle around behind them. I used all six of my limbs to move quickly.

“Cease fire!”

[This is the command center. Confirm the enemy’s status.]

“A1. Understood.”

Unaware that I had already escaped, A1 walked forward. The other soldiers were focused solely on his back, fearing that he might still be in danger.

I attacked A3, who was neglecting rear security.


“Behind! There’s an enemy behind us!”

“Cease fire! Our comrade is captured!”

[Damn it! Shoot him now!]

The air ducts were filled with A3’s cries of pain as I held him, the terror-stricken shouts of his teammates, and Arnold’s screams from the command center. I had no intention of staying in such a noisy place for long, so I incapacitated A3 and withdrew.

[A1! Open fire immediately! That’s an order!]

“Opening fire! Opening fire!”

The enemies fired lasers at me belatedly. The corridor was filled with pure energy beams. Even though I was agile, I couldn’t avoid all of them, so I took a few hits.

It went beyond just hurting; I was in severe pain. Nevertheless, I gritted my teeth and moved away from the spot.

“A2! Reporting to the command center! We have a casualty!”

[No retreat allowed! We must capture him at all costs.]

“Darn it, Squad Leader, what should we do?”

[…Damn it, treat A3, and then pursue him.]

Their voices echoed in the darkness as I hid in the shadows. I didn’t know how good their medical kits were, but detoxifying my neurotoxin wouldn’t be easy.

During the brief maintenance time that the enemies took, I checked my own condition.

‘Thanks to the Chitinous Exoskeleton, there aren’t any major injuries. But it hurts like hell.’

The trained soldiers managed to hit me in the chest and head due to the enhanced targeting of their powered suits.

‘It’s all because of the suit’s calibration.’

The calibration of the powered suit’s targeting had turned out to be a double-edged sword.

Unlike regular animals, which would have been killed by the previous attack, I was an Amorph, and my forehead and chest, protected by an exoskeleton reinforced with chitin, were as sturdy as the titanium alloy used in spaceship hulls. Furthermore, my current chitinous exoskeleton was even more resilient.

Even though the enemies didn’t realize it, I’d barely suffered any damage despite their trained shots. If they had targeted my tail or limbs, it would have been a different story.

‘One down.’

Two prey remained. Since I didn’t expect to be ambushed here again, I needed to use a different approach.

Come to think of it, there was a suitable place to butcher them, a location I had considered when planning. It was the narrow corridor.

‘Let’s lure them in.’

I extended my claws and inflicted minor wounds on my arm, causing black blood to drip onto the floor. Each drop of blood created a puff of smoke rising from the corridor’s floor.

This was spider silk, a trap set by a spider to catch prey.

The prey, who had mindlessly followed me, would finally realize what had happened. They would understand that they had fallen into a web of doom.

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