Bao Bao Won’t Die Easily

Chapter 40 - My irritability student (8)

Mu Jingyang also has a memory of everything that happened before, but under normal conditions, he is closer to Mu Jingyang’s personality, loves the stage, perfectionism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, plus a little irritable, a little arrogant, and, can Do not force yourself. Baoyi is actually a little curious. Mu Jingyang’s family conditions are not bad. His inner face is full of the atmosphere of a noble son. He is sensitive and delicate, but he is also a bad temper. What kind of family can raise this “gang “Characteristic”?

His appearance has not changed in the previous two times, so Bao Yi ignores the past as an illusion, although he feels it. Now it seems that this person is mostly to avoid the law of time, and has fiddled with his appearance. He has never recognized her for her safety. I did not expect her to be impassioned, which forced her out.

The law of time is a set of objective laws that pass through time and space and will be discovered by future people after mastering space technology. Once offended, not only the offender himself may be threatened, but those who come into contact with the offender may also be excluded by space, and may cause the space to collapse. This is why the executor bans two or more people from appearing in the same world.

If the law of time is the law that travels through time and space, then Mu Jingyang is the master of drilling into law and space. He obviously knows the existence of the space-time gap, but also quite understands it.

Who is he?

Bao Yi asked Mu Jingyang side by side. She wanted to make a lover. She could always get a senior. The senior is probably one of the few simple presenters in a lover’s personality. Mu Jingyang obviously knew it, but he didn’t want to say more. Even the upright boy didn’t want to say anything. Baoyi became more and more curious.

Nowadays, Baoyi naturally will not hide from Mu Jingyang anymore. The two did not make it public, but they did not keep a low profile. No longer heard Mr. Mu’s roar on the radio. The classmates said that they were still a bit uncomfortable for a while, but as long as the prince turned to evil, he forgot those little fairies outside, and took good care of the school flowers. CP Fan expressed satisfaction.

Bao Yi was extra careful this time. She went to the hospital for a physical examination every month. She did regular exercise on a regular basis and obeyed the traffic rules even when crossing the road. After all, she knew that the world might be at any time, and it was hard to meet her lover again. Died by fate.

Recently, Baoyi is preparing to make another nutritional diet list. After all, it is very likely that in this world, lovers will grow old with their loved ones. Long-term nutritional balance is also important. Recently, Miki’s sister did not give her a bento, probably it was peeled off? Aren’t many star fans like this, idols retire as soon as they get married, and so on.

I hope my sister can cheer up soon.

In the afternoon, Mu Jingyang frowned when she saw what she had copied: “Why, how do you improve food?”

“Yes, I can’t eat junk food anymore, I want to strengthen myself.”

Sorry this has nothing to do with self-reliance.

Mu Jingyang drew the note: “Give me.”

Baoyi knows that Mu Jingyang is very “omnipotent” in some aspects of the world: “Do seniors want snacks?”

“I’m not just making snacks.” Mu Jingyang raised his head, like a proud peacock.

The little peacock walked with his tail tilted away, and Lu Tianye and Cheng Qiange came together immediately, and then they both looked at each other with a look of shame.

“Also said you are not dating?” Lu Tianye blinked.

“Pretend, continue pretending.” Cheng Qiange distressed, “My friend …”

These two guys have always been together recently, but they just do n’t talk about the business. Do you dare to confess by the way, do n’t talk nonsense.

Isn’t it good to help her share some tasks?

Lu Tianye said earnestly: “499, the light of the drama club will be entrusted to you, you don’t want to give up all the more.”

“Never before, thanks!”

“However, the senior chased you for so long, and you didn’t even realize it? You’re really slow–“

“Shut up! Dudu doesn’t want to be told that!”

Are you qualified to ask the heroine to chase someone with five million words?

Cheng Qiange was also full of black lines. His eyes looked at Lu Tianye with resentment, and when he was about to open his mouth, other people’s voices came from the door.

“Excuse Mu Jingyang, is there? The director of the training is looking for him, please tell me about it.”

Dean of students?

The countdown trio looked at each other.

When Mu Jingyang’s personal punishment came down, except for the members of the drama club, all the teachers and students of the school were in an aggressive state.

Fighting and fighting caused serious injuries, serious penalties were abolished, and the post of drama club president was cancelled.

This is too big, but it will be brought to the school records. The last time the drama club and the literature club made a lot of noise, the president of the literature club was hospitalized, and the school just dealt with the past lightly. It can be said that in the past five years, the Star Optical Park has never issued such severe punishment.

Mu Jingyang calmly walked out of the teaching and research room, as if the punishment was not painful or itchy.

Baoyi could not stand it.

“What’s going on? Was it at the school gate that day? Apparently they were wrong!”

She thought they hadn’t been caught. The incident passed, and she didn’t expect the other party to come. This happened because of her. If you are in trouble, you are also looking for her. What does it have to do with Mu Jingyang?

“I’ll tell them!” Bao Yi was out of anger, but was pulled by Mu Jingyang.

“I hit someone.” Mu Jingyang said in a deep voice.

“You have to make sense!” Bao Yi was very angry and confessed to him silently. “It’s just a fight, just a few words, and why should you take the position of your president!”

They rehearsed together for so long, he knows more than anyone else how much Mu Jingyang loves the stage and the performance.

She had investigated the last thing.

The fault-seekers were related to a nearby gang. One of the younger sisters was studying at Xingguang College and had a crush on her school grass. In fact, the sister was just crushing on her and didn’t say anything. Her elder brother, that is the Huangmao, claimed that he had found a few gangsters and wanted to give him some color to look at. He happened to be cleaned up by Mu Jingyang.

In the final analysis, they are just a bunch of middle and two teenagers. Such people are useless to preach. They can only be honest. Mu Jingyang can also help their parents to educate their children for free. Besides, he did not kill them. Several people suffered. Just a minor injury. After the girl knew that her brother had done something stupid, she immediately came to her to apologize, and said that it would never involve them. Why is the school now aware that Mu Jingyang has been punished so severely?

Baoyi couldn’t figure it out, and other members of the drama club were also angry.

“Senior, let’s talk to the teacher again. There is no room for this.” Someone suggested.

“No need to say.” Mu Jingyang pursed her lips. “Don’t embarrass the school, they can’t help it.”

“Who is embarrassing now?” Bao Yi was indignant for a while, but for Mu Jingyang personally, she also felt that this matter was extremely unfair.

Mu Jingyang said: “Amano, the drama club will be given to you.”

Lu Tianye was anxious: “How can I do this, I have too little qualifications.”

“What’s this? I also served as president in first grade.”

“Senior, how can I compare with you, I …” Lu Tianye saw Mu Jingyang’s eyes firm, knowing that the things he decided would never change, so he had to look to Baoyi for help.

After leaving the drama club, Bao Yi was still immersed in anger, but at the same time she also noticed that Lu Tianye’s mood was different. This matter is full of speculations. Mu Jingyang said just now, don’t be embarrassed by the school. Obviously, he knows that it’s stupid, not to mention his bad temper is hurt by the soft underbelly, and now I can’t bear it.

“What the **** is going on?” Baoyi asked.

She knows lovers.

No matter how many years have passed, this person’s bones are still an indisputable temperament. Even if he becomes a high school student, it will never be a patience to swallow.

Now there must be a reason for this.

“It was the ghost of my dad.”

“What?” Bao Yi was surprised.

She vaguely knows that Mu Jingyang’s home is not easy, but how many students from Star Optics Park have a simple background? This is not surprising. It ’s just that there are so many important people in the political circle that they want their children to have a good reputation in school. How can parents force the school to remember their children?

Mu Jingyang seemed to be troubled: “Baoyi, I haven’t told you, I’m afraid you won’t like it. In fact, my family used to be … doing that kind of business.”

“That kind?”

“… My family runs some social groups for a long time.”

Bao Yi blinked, then opened her mouth wide, but after a while, she reexamined Mu Jingyang, remembering the fierceness of this guy’s fight, and thought everything seemed to be explained.

It is actually a family of extreme truth!

“But that’s all in the past!” Mu Jingyang said busyly. “They only do serious business now!”

How old was this before?

Yesterday or the day before yesterday?

Only then did Bao Yi understand Mu Jing’s personality that likes to speak with strength. As an extremely young man, he can safely be the president of a drama club at school. There are no two followers around him. He is really low-key!

“The people I was stabbed with last time were related to a small gang who used to belong to my family. When their parents knew about this, they immediately went to my house and the old man to apologize, so that the old man knew about the school. He was originally Oppose me to act and hope that I will go back to inherit the family business, this time it is his pressure test at the school. “

The principal of Xingguang Park is a respected old man. If someone came from other people, he would never do it, but it was the family of his father and son. He couldn’t make it offensive, so he had to follow the old man’s meaning. When the faculty coach was looking for him, the principal was also there. The meaning revealed in the lines was that the school could help him coordinate with it, but in the final analysis, they had to solve it with their father and son.

Baoyi did not expect such a relationship.

“Are you okay with your father?”

Mu Jingyang looked a little awkwardly: “Okay. The old man is old, and I don’t want to see him in general.”

Mu Jingyang lost her mother at an early age. Since she was a child, she has taken care of her gang with her father.

Counting it, Zhou Yunxi killed Prince Gong angrily, and Tang Chengqi destroyed the Tang family, which was regarded as precious by his father. After two lifetimes, his lover is considered a master of daddy. Although he disagrees with his father in this life, his father and son are especially affectionate Deeply, this makes her a little thankful. Although his background is not glorious, but someone really loves him, protects him from growing up, has a healthy body, and is not subject to bullying.

Thinking of it this way, she was quite grateful to the awkward old man.

“… Is there anything I can help?”

She still feels a pity. Mu Jingyang likes acting so much, can’t she communicate with Mu father?

Mu Jingyang shook her head: “I want to handle this myself. But …”

His eyes blinked: “Would you like to go home with me and meet my father?”

When Baoyi came downstairs to Mu Jingyang’s house, she was still very nervous.

Although the two had been lovers for two lives, and even had been married for a month, at that time she was dying of illness and had no special experience. Suddenly, she was about to meet her parents in the Eighteen Classics.

This is Mu Jingyang’s very important family, and the family’s impression of her also determines the smoothness of the road between the two of them in the future. There is a father-in-law who is the boss of the river and lake.

Mu Jingyang’s home is a villa located on the middle of the mountain. The environment is extremely quiet and the scenery is unique. The Mujia Residence is a two-story Japanese-style building with traditional-style courtyards, gardens, dojos, and even a pure natural hot spring developed by its own back mountain.

It is indeed rich people!

In order to leave a good impression on Mu ’s father, Baoyi deliberately changed her dressing style today. She chose a solid-color suspender dress with white chiffon, and a simple hairpin in the short hair. People have a strong rural style, pure and fresh. She is tall, even if she intentionally wears an affinity style, she comes with a kind of elegance, and I do n’t know which young lady came for an outing.

If this dress is seen by the people in the school, I don’t know how many young girls will be sad, and the young boys will frown.

When the porter saw her, she apparently froze. After careful questioning, she called another person, and then respectfully invited people in.

“Master and master are both at the dojo. Please ask the lady to go directly.”

Bao Yi nodded, smiling indifferently, dignified and ladylike, and told the concierge old man to have a good impression.

He watched the door of the Mu family for more than 20 years, and the young master also grew up watching him. He thought that the young master would eventually marry a big sister on the road like a family heir to be a daughter-in-law. Knowing the type of scholarship, this is really comforting to him.

Women and men are not the same. Who wants their daughter-in-law to look fierce all day long, and wherever they go, a group of men bend over and call “big sister’s head”!

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