Back to the Peak

Chapter 61

Chapter 60 Ant eggs

Shi Qingyang has taken care of his body very well in the past two years. Although he has injuries on his body, after a short rest, he feels that his physical strength has recovered a lot.

Although he has to take care of two people now, he is much better than he used to be. At that time, he was alone in this small nest, surrounded by pitch black, and all the strange animals outside would eat him, and his heart was desperate. And fear can be imagined, and now, at least someone is with him.

After a short rest, Shi Qingyang sat up. There was no way to stand upright in this place. He had injuries on his leg. He simply moved his body, and then put all the ant eggs in the middle of the nest to the side, and then let Gu who was unconscious. Chang Jin lay in the middle, and looked towards Cheng Ran: “Of course, you are also sleeping here for a while.”

“How about you?” Cheng Ran asked.

“I’m guarding at the entrance of the cave.” Shi Qingyang said.

“Will the ant beasts outside get up? The ant beasts are very powerful…” Cheng Ran asked again.

“Don’t worry, those ant beasts don’t take us seriously. From their point of view, it might be food reserves. Even if they want to deal with us, the ordinary worker ant beasts don’t know how to move the stone. It’s us. When I’m resting, I can open a hole that only allows one ant to pass through, and then deal with them one by one.”

In the darkness, Cheng Ran couldn’t see Shi Qingyang’s expression clearly, but what Shi Qingyang said so surely made him relax.

“You have a good sleep, and when you wake up, we will kill the ant beast together.” Shi Qingyang said again.

“Okay.” Cheng Ran responded and lay down in the dark.

Shi Qingyang touched the water and food on his body, and sat down against the rock at the entrance of the cave. He used to slept here for a long time. At that time, what he looked forward to most was to escape and never come back again. He didn’t expect that now, he would go back. Sit in this position.

He was already hungry after running so long and walking so long before, and Cheng Ran should have been hungry too, but he only let Cheng Ran sleep, and didn’t let Cheng Ran eat. It’s just because He doesn’t know how long they will stay here.

Outside the city, there is no way to communicate with people. Maybe someone will come to them soon, but the field is so big, how easy is it for rescuers to find them? He was fine. He could survive by eating the meat of a raw animal, but this time he wouldn’t die easily, but Cheng Ran was different. Cheng Ran now counted on the food he brought to live.

Shi Qingyang suddenly regretted it. Although he had the habit of bringing food, he didn’t bring much, and he didn’t know that Cheng Ran could eat for a few days…

There are also Gu Changjin. There are many ant eggs in the nest. This was his first food in his previous life, but this time he didn’t eat it right away. It was because Gu Changjin was in a very poor condition, if it weren’t for him. He was originally a fifth-level radiation warrior, and he was very adaptable. I was afraid that he would have died long ago. Of course, he would not eat the meat of ant beasts directly. But these ant eggs can be used for him to eat after breaking open.

Although he is stronger than in his previous life, there are too many ant beasts outside, and he will be surrounded as soon as he goes out. Naturally, he can’t go out to find ant eggs. You must save these foods.

After being reborn, Shi Qingyang had never been so hungry. After touching his stomach, he fell asleep next to the rock.

In this cave, there is no way to see the day and night. After sleeping and waking up, Shi Qingyang checked the time and realized that it was already the next day.

At this time, the people in the city should have discovered their disappearance, and they don’t know how they will respond…

Xing Ou must be very regretful at this time. He was also the first person to be suspected. After all, he found the mobile town. Cheng Xuze must be very anxious now, eager to find them. Unfortunately, it is so big in the wild. not easy……

And who planned it this time…Although those people have been clamoring to exchange Cheng Ran for the prescription of Almighty Potion, they have been doing the killer and have no intention of catching Cheng Ran alive. Shi Qingyang is convinced that the so-called Almighty Medicine, but they were looking for a guise, just to divert others’ attention.

The person who made the move is most likely the Yin family. They have been operating in Spark City for so many years. It is easy to place a few people beside Xing Ou. Naturally, it can be said that Xing Ou will arrange a mobile town for them and arrange people on the road. Interception.

Moreover, after the Yin family did this, others would certainly not doubt them. You know, the Yin family only has two fifth-level radiation fighters, just a small family in Spark City. How did they drive the fifth-level radiation fighters? Can a fighter? The Yin family did have a little contradiction with him, but he was really just a little contradiction. In the past two years, the Yin family has been very peaceful…

Who would have thought that the Yin family would dare to do something with them? Who would have thought that the Yin family could make such a big scene? When Cheng Xuze checked, he might just check the big families in Yangtze River City!

At the same time, Xinghuo City is under the management of Xing Ou, and Xing Ou will definitely be held accountable if such a thing occurs. At that time, the Yin family will be the biggest beneficiary.

Thinking of this, Shi Qingyang felt something was wrong again. How could the Yin Family drove the fifth-level radiation fighter? The fifth-level radiation fighter, even in the Cheng family, is highly regarded. Gu Changjin would never be just a housekeeper if he had not committed a crime. He would be more than enough to be the dean of an academy like You Liangping. , How could such a person be willing to help the Yin family? How could such a person be willing to offend the Cheng family to kill?

Shi Qingyang became more and more confused, and suddenly thought of the mobile town of the Yin family that Liu Qilin had been paying attention to.

There is no doubt that the Yin family has done a lot of illegal things in that mobile town. Since they don’t even care about killing, they naturally dare to take in some criminals.

There are many wanted criminals in China, and many of them are strong. After committing crimes, they will escape from the city in order to evade the sanctions of the law.

In the wild, it is difficult for humans to survive for a long time. For them, the best way is to find a mobile town to settle in, and some private mobile towns will also take in these people.

In this way, the whole thing made sense. The Yin family had always wanted to bring down Xing Ou and regain control of Spark City. Whether it was the Cheng family or Xing Ou, they were thorns in their eyes. This time they simply killed two birds with one stone.

The people who chased them should be the criminals who were found by the Yin family and escaped from the city. Shi Qingyang once heard that there are special murders outside the city, and they can help people kill outside the city. Most of the people who chase them are .

Cheng Ran is an ordinary person. He is only a second-level radiation fighter. He is only eighteen years old. Although Gu Changjin is amazing, he is now in his sixties…

In the eyes of those people, it is probably very easy to kill them. They must have never expected that there will be such a loss in the end…

Gu Changjin hasn’t woken up yet, Shi Qingyang doesn’t know what happened to the fifth-level radiation energy fighter who chased them, but even if that person did not die, he would definitely suffer a big loss. It’s a pit, the people he dumped… They probably hate themselves as a driver.

Shi Qingyang made up his mind that after he went out, he must practice his car skills, and then buy two of the best tanks to stock up!

Of course, the most important thing now is to find a way to get out.

After Shi Qingyang figured out everything, he suddenly felt shocked. He provoked the Yin family. Without him, Cheng Ran had nothing to do with the Yin family.

Even the excuses those people made when they wanted to kill Cheng Ran were to exchange Cheng Ran for Almighty Potion. This was caused by him. If he didn’t find Cheng Ran after he was reborn, Cheng Ran must be safe now… …

Shi Qingyang punched the stone next to him. He finally calmed down until the severe pain in his hand. No one can say such a thing. The only thing he can do now is to do his best to protect Cheng Ran. And Gu Changjin.

“Qingyang, are you awake?” Cheng Ran asked when he heard Shi Qingyang’s movement.

“I’m already awake, what’s the matter?” Shi Qingyang asked, and at the same time opened the contact terminal, so that there was a little light in the cave.

“Grandpa Gu has a fever.” Cheng Ran said anxiously. There are a lot of small things on his body, including a tester to detect his physical condition. He was not sleeping peacefully, for fear that it would disturb Shi Qingyang before he went to bed. Shi Qingyang’s side, but Gu Changjin’s body will be checked from time to time.

After each test, the tester will light up the red light, asking him to send the patient to the hospital as soon as possible. A very high temperature was detected just now. He was about to wake up Shi Qingyang, but he didn’t expect Shi Qingyang himself to Woke up.

“Let me see.” Shi Qingyang said, and when he saw the temperature, his face became as ugly as Cheng Ran.

Gu Changjin’s body temperature is too high now, if this continues, he will definitely burn to death!

“Qingyang, is there still water?” Cheng Ran asked.

“Yes.” Shi Qingyang took out all the water and food on his body. Even if he likes to bring food, he didn’t bring too much. Now there are four bottles of specially packaged water, five bottles of liquid nutrients, and some Packaged dried meat. He originally planned to leave this to Cheng Ran. As long as Cheng Ran doesn’t exercise, he can barely hold on for a while: “Give Grandpa Gu a bottle of water first.”

Gu Changjin has taught him a lot of things and has been taking care of him. His parents are very far away from him, but Gu Changjin has given him the feeling of his elders.

Neither he nor Cheng Ran could have watched Gu Changjin die.

Cheng Ran knew how much food Shi Qingyang brought, and also knew Shi Qingyang’s appetite. He hadn’t eaten for so long, even if Shi Qingyang swept away all the food here, I’m afraid it’s not enough, but now, from Since they left the mobile town yesterday, Shi Qingyang hasn’t eaten anything.

Without them, Shi Qingyang might not be involved in this matter at all, and he would definitely have a better life. Without them, Shi Qingyang would not have two hindrances now.

Cheng Ran opened the package, put water on Gu Changjin’s mouth, and fed Gu Changjin a little bit of water. Shi Qingyang opened the contact terminal to expose the light, and at the same time rubbed and pressed Gu Changjin’s body over and over again. , So that Gu Changjin could swallow better.

The two worked together and finally gave Gu Changjin a bottle of water to drink. Shi Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief and was a little worried–Gu Changjin obviously couldn’t eat ant eggs directly like he thought at the beginning.

After a moment of silence, Shi Qingyang removed another bottle of nutrient solution.

Cheng Ran fed Gu Changjin a half bottle. Gu Changjin couldn’t swallow it anymore. Shi Qingyang took the bottle and screwed on the lid: “Of course, this bottle of nutrient solution has been in contact with Phoeneng. Grandpa Gu eats it. It doesn’t matter at all. You may be harmful to your health if you eat it. You can take another bottle and eat it directly with the mouth.”

“I’m not hungry, let’s eat it.” Cheng Ran said immediately, they only had this little food left.

“I don’t need it, I can eat something else, but you must eat something, or you won’t be able to stand it.” Shi Qingyang said.

“Others?” Cheng Ran subconsciously looked at the ant eggs in the nest. The eggs of ant beasts and ant beasts were said to have been eaten in ancient times. But now, it is too troublesome to destroy the ant nest without bombs. The price is still very expensive.

Although he has never seen life eaten, it is indeed edible.

“I can eat meat directly.” Shi Qingyang swallowed. He is indeed very hungry and thirsty. He should find something to eat for himself. The only food he can find now is the ant beast outside. .

Shi Qingyang slightly moved away the stone blocking the entrance of the cave, and immediately there was an ant beast that had crawled over and wanted to drill in. Shi Qingyang drew the surrounding radiation energy, raised the knife and dropped it with his hand, and directly made it into two pieces from the joint. Half, and then killed two more in the same way. After a simple treatment, only the edible meat was left, and all the leftovers were thrown down the hole.

“Aren’t they coming for revenge?” Cheng Ran was a little surprised.

“As long as the queen ants don’t care, they won’t care about us. The ones I threw down should still enter their stomachs. Moreover, even if they want to kill us, only the entrance of the hole can enter.” Shi Qingyang said. After that, it generally doesn’t care about these, it is only responsible for laying eggs.

In fact, he had good luck in his previous life. He even hid in such a place. In the end, he was grind one by one, killing these ant beasts, and he inexplicably hit the third level.

There are not many ant beasts that can eat, but the three ant beasts are enough for Shi Qingyang to eat, but the taste of raw meat is very poor. He has been eating and drinking at Cheng Ran’s place and was raised by Gu Changjin. , I almost couldn’t eat it.

Obviously he thought it was pretty good in his previous life.

Although I can’t see the appearance of Shi Qingyang in the darkness, Cheng Ran doesn’t need to think about it. He also knows how unpalatable meat that has not undergone any treatment is. Gu Changjin never bought ant meat before. Nothing else, just because it doesn’t taste good.

“Of course, you drank the nutrient solution.” Shi Qingyang said again.

“I can try to eat something else.” Cheng Ran said, “There is only such a little nutrient solution. What will Grandpa Gu do if I eat it?”

“Ant eggs…” Shi Qingyang hesitated. Gu Changjin is in a very poor state now. If the ant eggs are cooked, it may be okay to feed him, but if they are raw, Gu Changjin may not be able to digest them. In contrast, the specially configured nutrient solution is indeed more suitable for Gu Changjin now.

Cheng Ran thought about it carefully and guessed Shi Qingyang’s plan: “I can eat ant eggs. Ant eggs are food with relatively little radiation. I can drink some with a straw.”

“Take the nutrient first.” Shi Qingyang insisted: “If you are also sick, I will take care of two people.”

Cheng Ran is very sure that he is no different from being ill now: “I was exposed to radiation and just got sick. As long as the rescuer finds us, they will be fine. Why not try?”

“No.” Shi Qingyang insisted: “If you have an accident, I…” He clenched his fists, his nails were bleeding from his palms, and Cheng Ran could be said to be affected by him now.

“I will be fine, I think the ant eggs are also good.” Cheng Ran said again.

“Next time Grandpa Gu drinks water and nutrient solution, you can drink some first. If it doesn’t work, I will go out to report.” Shi Qingyang said, he took advantage of killing more ants in the past few days, and said at that time There may be a chance to escape.

“Qingyang, I want to eat ant eggs,” Cheng Ran insisted for the first time. “I have eaten ant eggs in the city. Now they are only eaten raw. Just be careful not to eat the ant eggs contaminated by radiation. Something will happen, otherwise you can also let me eat ant meat.” He moved slightly, and he had already encountered the ant eggs. These rugby-like ant eggs had almost no sign of hatching, and they seemed to be full of liquid.

For some reason, Cheng Ran had a strange feeling when he encountered these ant eggs.

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