Back to the Peak

Chapter 56

Chapter 55 Storm is coming

Since Cheng Hui suddenly broke through and became an eighth-level radiation warrior, the Cheng family, who had already attracted much attention because of Almighty Potion, was once again pushed to the forefront.

The people who started investigating Cheng Xuze after the Almighty Potion appeared, are now even more powerful.

Cheng Xuze has a lot of friends, but how could his friend give him the prescription of Almighty Potion so selflessly? There is also Cheng Hui. Although the Cheng family concealed the truth, they would reveal something. At least, the three of the Cheng family, father and son, often practice at home at the same time. This is no secret.

Someone must have taught the Cheng family three things…

Those people finally had the ambition to put the target of suspicion on the online “I don’t want to be hungry”. Unfortunately, this person’s identity was hidden very strictly, that’s all, he never revealed his information in his usual replies. .

Until I don’t want to be hungry and tell me about the Fire Phoenix Company.

The one hundred people who bought the chariots of the Fire Phoenix Company were either rich or expensive. Although they wanted to continue the investigation, they were afraid to annoy others, so they had to give up in the end.

However, no one was investigating the matter outside, but something happened to the Cheng family himself-Cheng Hong failed to break through and was injured and returned to Anhang City.

Cheng Hong was formerly the deputy city lord of Anhang City, and also served as the chairman of the Anhang City Radiant Association. In Anhang City, everyone was flattering. Even the city lord of Anhang City, Lirong, was very kind to him. But when he arrived at Yangtze River City, he was nothing.

In order to allow himself to go further, in order to get more resources for his sons and daughters, he applied for a transfer and stayed in Yangtze River City for more than a year, but in the end there was no effect at all. Sponergy did not even increase…

Just when he became more and more suspicious of the so-called exercise technique that bounced like that, his eldest brother actually broke through!

Since Cheng Hui’s breakthrough, Cheng Hui has become more and more entangled. He even started to spend more time practicing radio exercises a little eagerly.

“Dad, are you dancing?” Fourteen-year-old Cheng Zhenzhen happened to see this scene when she called Cheng Hong to eat supper. She couldn’t help but laugh. Her father has always been a very serious person. She never expected that he still had it. One day to do such a thing.

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Cheng Hong scolded angrily.

“That’s doing exercises? What Dad does is like radio exercises.” Cheng Zhenzhen said again.

Cheng Hong originally did it with Cheng Xuze and Cheng Hui, and didn’t think about anything else. Now when her daughter reminded her, the more she thought about it, the more it felt wrong.

This thing isn’t useful at all when you cultivate, isn’t it really just fooling people? Cheng Hui will break through, is there another reason?

Cheng Hong became more and more suspicious, and then thought of his son again.

Cheng Hong’s son was injected with a radiation inducer a year ago. He used the best inducer, and he kept drinking the Almighty Elixir. The final talent was only double A-, and he might be able to reach the seventh level, the eighth level. But basically no hope.

Although Cheng Hui’s two daughters are not born radiators, they are a little better than his sons!

“Dad, are you still cultivating so late to make a breakthrough? Uncle broke through, can you also break through?” Cheng Zhenzhen asked again without noticing her father’s face.

“Can the breakthrough be so easy? Why don’t you sleep so late? Go back to bed!” Cheng Hong frowned tightly. After his daughter was gone, the more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became.

On the second day of the New Year’s Day, Li Rong, the lord of Anhang City, contacted him again. On the one hand, he visited him on the New Year, and on the other hand, he asked him if he could recommend someone for his position: “Brother Cheng, you I have kept the position for you for more than a year, and I’m just waiting for you to come back, but you should be planning to make a breakthrough in Yangtze River City cultivation by the way. You can’t leave these two positions empty all the time…”

Li Rong’s words are as if they are certain that Cheng Hong can break through. The more Cheng Hong listens, the less he will feel: “City Lord, I will go back soon.”

Not to mention that his strength has not improved, his career is also gone, and others thought he would break through, but he showed no signs… This evening, Cheng Hong gritted his teeth and began to force a breakthrough.

Such forcible breakthroughs without sufficient accumulation have always been taboos for radiation energy cultivation. Very few can succeed, and most of them will only bite themselves back. Of course, Cheng Hong will not be an exception. Not only did he fail to succeed, but he was like the previous Cheng. Like Hui, he suffered a dark injury to himself.

Cheng Xuze knew about this and hurried over, but instead led Cheng Hong into a big quarrel with him, feeling that he was partial.

Cheng Xuze had nothing to do with this son, so he just left his hands alone. When Cheng Hong saw the situation, regardless of his injuries, he returned to Anhang City with his wife and children the next day.

Just after the Chinese New Year, Cheng Hong returned to Anhang City, and many people who followed the Cheng family saw the Cheng family’s jokes-even if Cheng Xuze had the ability, he didn’t even raise his son!

Cheng Xuze received a lot of ridicule. When he became more and more disappointed in his second son, Cheng Hong returned to Anhang City. When he came back, he was greeted by various banquets. Naturally, there were many people thinking about it. Spying on news from him.

Cheng Xuze is a rough person on the surface. In fact, what should be said and what should not be said clearly. Cheng Hui smiled all day and couldn’t get anything useful from him, but Cheng Hong was different. As long as he had enough skills, You can always know something from him, but it is a pity that Cheng Xuze is hiding a lot of things from Cheng Hong, and Cheng Hong doesn’t know much.

“I heard that Grandpa Cheng met a great figure in the central city of Central City and got the Almighty Potion. That man also pointed out his son. Brother Cheng should have seen him too, right?” Li Rong smiled while holding the red wine. Looking at Cheng Hong.

Li Rong was born in the Li family with a long history in Central City, but his talents are not good, and he even stopped at level six like Cheng Hong. However, in other aspects, he is much better than Cheng Hong. At least, this Licheng master makes friends. It’s vast, and friends are spread all over China. Many people know this.

When Cheng Xuze saw Li Rong’s determination, he was even more angry: “Where can I know those things?”

Although the news hasn’t been dug up a lot, it has provoke the relationship between Cheng Hong and Cheng Xuze Cheng Hui. Li Rong is also very satisfied with this, and comforted: “Cheng brother, don’t care too much. There are some things we don’t need to take back. It’s enough to do your own job well. This time the Spontane Institute in Anhang City will hold a student competition, and you need more effort from the Spontane Association.”

“I will do it well.” Cheng Hong said immediately after being recognized.

“How old is Brother Cheng’s son? Is it seventeen or eighteen? Will he participate in the competition? I heard that the competition here is better in many aspects of actual medicine.” Li Rong said again.

“My child is only seventeen, and it has been less than a year to induce radiation energy. Now he is still getting started. I am afraid I can’t participate in this kind of competition.” When it comes to his son, Cheng Hong’s attitude has eased a lot.

Li Rong smiled, but he had a plan in his heart.

Cheng Ran is a member of the Cheng family, he knew this for a long time, but depending on the situation, the Cheng family didn’t care much about Cheng Ran… At least, Cheng Hong didn’t take this son seriously.

But others didn’t know about this, and Cheng Ran was about to have an accident, the Cheng family would somewhat react.

He didn’t plan to confront Shangcheng’s family, but he had been in Anhang City for several years. Seeing that the day of the change of term was approaching, he had to do something.

As a second-tier city, Anhang City has three third-tier cities, Qinghu City, Jinshui City, and Xinghuo City. Qinghu City and Jinshui City have only arranged some less important manpower, but in Xinghuo City, he controls Yin Home.

When the Yin family had begged him in order to tide over the difficulties, he asked the Yin family to give him all the shameful business, let them “clean”, and let them “clean up” a group of people to help out of the city. He manages those businesses, and now, he and the Yin family are firmly tied together.

It’s not that he doesn’t know the small movements that Yin Ming made. He knows better that the Yin family is now afraid that they want to restore the previous scenery. But he didn’t care about those, for nothing else, just because it was in line with his mind-the business under him wanted to grow, and now he urgently needed to control a city.

Because of Cheng Ran’s presence in Starfire City, the Cheng family has become more closely connected with Xing Ou, the lord of Starfire City, and Xing Ou has also completely fallen to the Cheng family. Such a person can’t be wooed, but he has to guard against this person. Support Cheng Hong when changing term.

Moreover, Xing Ou has been tirelessly looking for troubles with the Yin family for more than a year, and it has also made him a little annoyed. He hopes to get him off the horse soon, and people who can use…

Isn’t Cheng Ran, who is hated by the Yin family, a good breakthrough? Not only that, he left it to the Yin family to do it, and it really failed, and it didn’t involve him.

If you want to succeed, you must have the courage to take risks.

At the end of the banquet, Li Rong quickly found people around him and ordered them carefully.

Before the winter vacation and before Shi Qingyang’s birthday arrived, You Liangping, the dean of Xinghuo Academy, came to the door, not for anything else, just for the upcoming competition in Anhang City.

In every city, there is a Spontane College, which is also the best school in the entire city. It can be said to be the largest school. This concentration of teaching resources has certain advantages, but there are also certain disadvantages. For example, it is easy to stand still.

Later, some people organized some activities, imitating the students participating in various competitions in ancient times. The students of these radiation institutes would choose some higher-level cities every year to hold one or two competitions to communicate with each other.

This time, Anhang City organized students from its three third-tier cities to go to Anhang City for competitions. At the same time, Anhang College in Anhang City will also arrange for people to exchange experiences with these people and learn from each other.

The competition of cultural classes can be carried out only through the Internet, so this kind of competition is mainly to compare actual combat and medicine.

Although Cheng Hong had already made You Liangping no longer need to pay attention to Cheng Ran when Cheng Ran fell ill, Cheng Ran is a child of the Cheng family after all. You Liangping still pays great attention to Cheng Ran. Now that there is such a competition, the person in charge is still Cheng Hong, he immediately thought of letting Cheng Ran and Shi Qingyang also participate.

Even if Cheng Ran didn’t have radiation energy, his performance in pharmacy was very good. Even if Shi Qingyang’s talent was poor, his current combat effectiveness was beyond doubt. Letting them participate is suitable for both public and private purposes.

“Dean, can we not participate?” Shi Qingyang asked. He actually wanted to participate in such a competition to hone his skills, but he didn’t want Cheng Ran to face Cheng Hong.

“Don’t participate? Shi Qingyang, you are the first in the actual combat assessment of the college grade. Even the third and fourth grade students can’t compare to you. Would you not participate?” You Liangping was very puzzled: “There is also Cheng Ran. The teacher of pharmacy recommended you deliberately, hoping that you will win honor for the college. Are you really not going to participate?”

“Qingyang doesn’t want to go, so I won’t go.” Cheng Ran said immediately.

“This time you participate in the competition, and if you win, there are prizes. As long as you have won the other two third-tier cities, you can get them. There are still good medicinal materials in it, and you can meet the world in second-tier cities. You Liangping persuaded that the list of participants is almost fixed… “There, you can meet a lot of people. Some things in the second-tier cities are not available in the third-tier cities. The total cost is Only one month…”

You Liangping talked more and more, and Shi Qingyang also thought about it. After he was reborn, he stayed in Spark City. He wanted to improve his strength and develop his influence, but in fact nothing was done, and Anhang City…

He used to stay in Anhang City for several years, where he rose from there. He also knew a lot of people there, including several of his comrades in arms. He was even there and joined a team for the first time. .

Those people are different from Feng Linqiu. They shared hardships with him and did not betray him. It’s just a pity that most of them are only Level 4 in their lives. As he gets stronger and stronger, even if they want to be together again You can’t get out of town…

“Of course, do you want to go to Anhang City?” Shi Qingyang asked.

“I’m with you.” Cheng Ran said. In fact, he always wanted to go to Anhang City. His parents worked in Anhang City, but they left him in a villa in Yangtze River City. At that time, Cheng Hong often said that he If he becomes stronger, he will be taken…

But now, he doesn’t care anymore.

Shi Qingyang could tell that Cheng Ran didn’t care about Cheng Hong at all. After thinking about it, he finally agreed: “We will go to Anhang City.”

“That’s good, then the teachers of the college and some other senior students will go with you. Old Gu can also go with you. We will leave in ten days.” You Liangping said immediately.

“No problem.” Shi Qingyang agreed. This kind of action will take the mobile town to go, and many people will follow. There will be no accidents on the road. Even if the Yin family wants to start, I am afraid that they have no guts to do so…

Although Shi Qingyang didn’t think there would be anything wrong, he was used to being cautious, so he still made a lot of preparations in the end. When he set off, both of them had big bags in their hands.

Cheng Ran had always wanted to take the burden from them, but they refused. They could only follow behind, and then watched all this curiously-he came to Spark City before by chariot, and now he is the number one. Ride the mobile town for the second time.

There are a total of fifteen people participating in the competition of the Spark Academy this time. They should have traveled between Anhang City and Spark City, a mobile town where goods are shipped. But when they really arrived at the gate of the city, they found that they were waiting for them. It is a small mobile fortress decorated very prosperous.

This mobile fortress is about a thousand square meters in size. Above the thick steel plate, there are residential areas covered by a protective cover. Below the steel plate, there are strips of crawlers.

The mobile fortress usually moves along the road for countless times between cities. If it is in the wilderness, it will crush all the alien plants, and it can even float on the water.

The only thing that will block its way is the steep mountains, but this can be a detour-people have already exploded wide passages between many mountains in order to facilitate the movement of the town.

In addition to this mobile fortress, waiting at the gate of the city is Xingou, the lord of Spark City.

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