Back to the Peak

Chapter 53

Chapter 52 Buy a tank

Yin Tiancheng walked quickly, but Shi Qingyang suddenly discovered that Yin Tiancheng was following beside him. Except for the bodyguard beside Yin Tiancheng who had just helped to reprimand him, the other people were all very strange, and he couldn’t see the level of those people. , But just by looking at the demeanor and action, you know that those people should all be radiation fighters who often fight.

The Yin family has become more and more low-key this year, but the strength is still there. Xing Ou is anxious to annex the Yin family, and maybe he will end up in trouble.

“They came first?” Cheng Ran looked at Shi Qingyang with a dazed expression. He was grateful for the manager to arrange a place for him just now, but he didn’t expect the seat to be taken from someone else.

Even if he doesn’t like Yin Tiancheng, he still feels this is not good.

“Is this the arrangement you said?” Shi Qingyang smiled and looked at the manager.

The beautiful-looking manager’s face changed: “I’m really sorry, Master Cheng, the people below are not doing things well…”

“I think those people did a good job, and it just happened to let us meet.” Shi Qingyang said. If the manager really wants to please them, he should clear the place in advance, otherwise it will be fine to change to a box. Some are. Someone gave them a seat, but she just let them grab Yin Tiancheng’s box…mostly she still wanted them to make trouble.

Even if there is no trouble, you can still have enemies, right? Shi Qingyang also saw Yin Tiancheng’s gloomy expression before.

Speaking of which, although Shi Qingyang has no affection for Yin Tiancheng, he did not want to regard Yin Tiancheng as an enemy, but Yin Tiancheng seemed to regard him as a great enemy.

The smile on the manager’s face did not change, just as he couldn’t hear what Shi Qingyang meant: “Master Yin has a bad temper, and we can’t help it. The three of you go in quickly, and the dishes will be served soon.”

There are more than one box on the top floor, and the one arranged for them is indeed the best one. Not only does it have floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the brightly lit city of Starfire at night, and there are even some flowers and plants next to it.

Plants that are not mutated will die if you are not careful. Although there is little radiation in the city, there are some. Generally, flowers and plants can only live for two or three days outside. It is conceivable that there are so many flowers and plants. What a sum of money.

Cheng Ran should be most concerned about such flowers and herbs, but still thinking about what happened just now: “Qing Yang, what happened before?”

“Master, there is nothing to worry about. You don’t have to worry about it.” Gu Changjin couldn’t see that Cheng Ran was uncomfortable, so he immediately consoled him.

“It was Yin Tiancheng who came to this box before. When the manager saw us, he deliberately asked someone to drive away Yin Tiancheng, and let us come up again so that we can face each other…” Shi Qingyang analyzed the whole thing. , And finally said: “Maybe he drove away the people of Yin Tiancheng, and pushed things to us.”

“Is this bad? Why are they doing this?” Cheng Ran didn’t expect to encounter such a thing after eating, his eyes were full of doubts.

“It should be to use us to suppress the Yin family.” Shi Qingyang smiled: “Of course, you just need to know it, don’t worry about it.”

Cheng Ran nodded: “Yes, I just need to follow Qingyang.” After figuring out the whole story, he relaxed and began to look at the flowers and plants next to him with interest. Gu Changjin sat next to him and saw this. In the scene, he sighed and whispered: “I used to protect the young master too tightly.” Like just now, his first reaction was to keep Cheng Ran from knowing these nasty things… Fortunately, Shi Qingyang still remembered to give Cheng Then explain.

“Not just before.” Shi Qingyang whispered, Gu Changjin is now protecting Cheng Ran very tightly. If he relaxes a little bit, he and Cheng Ran will be able to live in the two worlds.

“Don’t think that I don’t know what you think,” Gu Changjin glanced at Shi Qingyang. “You are indeed very good, but there are many young masters who have no other choice.”

“Really?” Shi Qingyang replied indifferently, and Gu Changjin just talked about it. It is more likely to beat himself. If he really disagrees, can he let himself be by Cheng Ran’s side?

As for Cheng Ran, there may be other options…He will kill all his rivals in the bud!

Cheng Ran had already seen the flowers kept in the box, and looked at the scenery outside through the floor-to-ceiling windows: “It’s so beautiful at night.”

“Of course, look at the sky.” Shi Qingyang suddenly said, the taller buildings in the city are close to the protective cover, and this room on the top floor is of course the same.

For example, it’s completely dark today. Outside the protective shield, a group of small flying alien beasts with only half an arm length are hovering in a lighted place. Suddenly, a flame flies nearby, and the alien beasts are all set alight. Fireballs one after another.

“Did the stars in ancient times be like this?” Cheng Ran asked curiously.

“It should be like this.” Shi Qingyang smiled, very satisfied with Cheng Ran’s attitude. The small alien beasts outside are thrips. Most of them feed on alien plants, but some eat meat. Many gather together. After being together, it was a disaster for the injured.

He has always hated this kind of alien beast, or hate all the alien beasts that kill people, so he will feel quick to see such a scene, but before, he has not rarely seen some so-called young masters sympathizing with those alien beasts, every time at that time , Will be extremely speechless.

Fortunately, Cheng Ran didn’t have extra sympathy for those killers.

The box was snatched, and the food was probably prepared ahead of time after the back door was opened. The food was served soon. Mr. Ling always brought more than a dozen kinds of pies. Gu Changjin called for the pies, and they were all kinds of fillings. I have brought a copy.

Of course, although there are many dishes, because the country has regulations not to waste food, the amount of each is not much.

Although Gu Changjin’s craftsmanship is good, it’s not as professional as it is. The food here tastes very good. After Shi Qingyang waited for Cheng Ran to finish eating, he would eat everything he could eat, but he did not eat the remaining pies. He took out a small metal box and installed it.

“You don’t leave the city, why do you put food on your body all day?” Gu Changjin asked suspiciously. Shi Qingyang would go to the kitchen to make some jerky or meatloaf in a few days, and bring food with him at all times. He was not afraid of being uncomfortable, water and medicine, and he couldn’t understand such behavior.

“There is no way, if you are hungry for a long time, you will form a habit.” Shi Qingyang smiled. He is actually a kind of mental illness. Although there is plenty of food now, the hungry days have left him too impressed, and The act of bringing food and water on his body has saved him many times: “Grandpa Gu, maybe in two days, I will be out of town.”

“Go and find herbs for Young Master?” Gu Changjin asked. Shi Qingyang had gone out of town to find herbs for Cheng Ran, and he would follow.

“Yes, stop by and take a look around.” Shi Qingyang said, that ant nest didn’t know if there was any change.

“I’ll go with you.” Gu Changjin said.

“Thank you, Grandpa Gu,” Shi Qingyang said immediately.

Now that he had made up his mind to leave the city, Shi Qingyang made some preparations as before. Finally, after thinking about it, he even went to the Fuzhan Mall in the south of the city.

The Fuzhan Mall sells all kinds of items used by the Radiant fighters, such as combat uniforms, potions, and chariots. What Shi Qingyang wants to see is the chariot.

Spark City is a third-tier city. There are not many types of tanks. Many tanks must be booked in advance. After paying the deposit, they will be shipped from Anhang City the next day.

Shi Qingyang came here to buy a chariot.

Before he and Gu Changjin went out of the city, they had been renting a chariot. Not only was the quality of the chariot poor, but it was inconvenient to rent it when they wanted to use it, so he planned to buy one.

The robot shopping guide of Fuzhan mall followed Shi Qingyang loyally. When Shi Qingyang went to which car, he would introduce which car. Shi Qingyang listened very seriously at first, but was suddenly played on the screen next to him. The news attracted attention.

The person in charge of the Fire Phoenix Company recalled one hundred new tanks that had been launched before, apologized and compensated everyone who bought the tank, and also admitted to all the people in China that they had made mistakes in their design and promised the future. Will definitely do better.

If Fire Phoenix’s tanks have been put on the market in large numbers, of course they will not be able to recall them all. In the end, I am afraid that many people will complain. But now, they only put a hundred vehicles on the market, and all this can be restored. Not only that, Their attitude has won the favor of many people. After all, not many people are willing to admit their mistakes in this way.

“Is there a chariot of Fire Phoenix?”

“Sir, please go this way.” The robot led the way.

Shi Qingyang finally spent two million to buy a Huofeng F-series tank. This tank is not big, but it is very dexterous and has good defense. The only disadvantage is that the energy consumption is relatively large. Shi Qing Yang is not short of money, and he doesn’t care about it.

The chariot was not in Spark City. After Shi Qingyang happily paid the deposit, he took away a code that could be used to pick up the car tomorrow, and as soon as he left, several people walked out from the side, just a few days ago. Shi Qingyang had met Yin Tiancheng for dinner, as well as a few strangers around him.

Only this time, the leader is no longer Yin Tiancheng.

“This kid bought a tank and wants to go out of town? Tiancheng, do you want to do something on the tank?”

“Second Uncle, would it be dangerous to do this? If they inspect the tank…” The car was bought from here, and something wrong would definitely hurt it.

“Then it’s better to do it directly.”

“Second Uncle, Gu Changjin is Level 5…”

“I used to think that level five is very strong, but now that I think about it, level five is nothing…” A very handsome man took out a cigarette from his body and lit it. This cigarette was made from mutated tobacco after roasting to radiate it. , Ordinary people have a certain amount of damage to the body, but it has little effect on the radiation fighters.

“Second Uncle, can you really do people?” Yin Tiancheng couldn’t help asking.

“Do you hate that Shi Qingyang?” The handsome man sprayed a puff of smoke on Yin Tiancheng’s face.

Yin Tiancheng’s eyes did not blink: “Doesn’t the second uncle hate him?”

“Why hate, if it weren’t for them, I would not have the good life now… But this person, I still have to deal with it.”

“Second Uncle?” Yin Tiancheng was full of excitement.

“Don’t be eager to be happy. No one knows if this happens or not.” The man smiled and said, “Even if it can be done, we have to think about it. We must not get involved in our Yin family…”

“The second uncle is still thoughtful!” Yin Tian said in a moment.

The two talked in low voices, they seemed very close, and they were called “Second Uncle”.

Yin Tiancheng’s father had only one younger brother, Yin Ming, and Yin Tiancheng would only be called Yin Ming Second Uncle, but Yin Ming was exiled more than a year ago…

Why on earth is this person who looks completely different from Yin Ming called the second uncle by Yin Tiancheng?

After Shi Qingyang bought the car and went home, he turned on the computer. He also went to the spokes battle network a few days ago. Some people have been scolding him. He felt that he mentioned the problem of the Huofeng company’s tank, which is completely nonsense. After all, The Fire Phoenix Company had not responded before, but the situation is different now.

The chairman of Fire Phoenix Company recalled those tanks and personally admitted that these tanks had design problems. Not to mention, the moderator of the combat skill exchange section also posted a thank-you letter on this section. The thank-you letter is from Fire Phoenix Company. Those who sent me, there are not many words on it, but they express their gratitude very clearly.

There were still many people spraying Shi Qingyang on the forum, but all those voices fell silent. On the contrary, the people who had originally supported her became even more supportive after this incident.

I don’t want to be hungry and I’m not short of money, but I’m still willing to point them to these unpromising radiation fighters. How can this make people not moved?

“Master Not Hungry, are you here?” Cheng Xuze’s message was sent quickly.

“What’s the matter?” Shi Qingyang asked.

“It’s Fire Phoenix. They asked all the customers about you when they reclaimed the vehicle, but no one admitted that they couldn’t thank you. Finally, I went to our website and expressed my gratitude. I told you to ask for money. I told them about the matter, and now they have paid a sum of money, do you want me to directly call your account?” Cheng Xuze asked.

“No problem.” Of course Shi Qingyang would not refuse such a windfall. After he saw the number on the contactor, he couldn’t help but smile.

The Huofeng Company is a wealthy company, so much money is enough for him to buy two tanks.

“Master, they actually asked to see you…”

“I don’t see anyone.”

“That’s what I said.” Cheng Xuze smiled, even he hadn’t seen me as if I didn’t want to be hungry, how could I be seen by others.

“Master, there is also the mobile fortress. I have obtained two quotas and applied for modification. After I buy it, do I register directly under Shi Qingyang’s name?” The mobile fortress has a very strong defensive power and a protective cover. Many of the materials used are better than urban protective shields, and they will be equipped with special weapons. The modified ones are even more amazing…

Of course, ordinary people cannot afford or buy such things. They need to apply for it. Once they are bought, they need to be registered under someone’s name.

“No problem.” Shi Qingyang directly agreed.

“Then I will have someone refit immediately and strengthen the protection. At least it needs to be able to block the defense of the sixth-level radiation warrior’s full palace and the attack of the eighth-level radiation warrior!” Cheng Xuze said, moving the fortress in general. Not at this level, for the sake of safety, he still decided to help Qing Yang to upgrade.

“Thank you.” Shi Qingyang also expressed this love.

The next day after talking with Cheng Xuze, the chariot ordered by Shi Qingyang arrived. Gu Changjin looked at the chariot and his eyes widened: “Shi Qingyang, where did you get the money to buy such an expensive chariot? Did you sublet your parents’ land? No, even if you sublet it, there won’t be so many.” This chariot is not top-notch, but Shi Qingyang can’t afford it.

“My master gave the money.” Shi Qingyang smiled. Cheng Xuze knows about his worship of a good master, and Gu Changjin knows too.

“Your master really spoils you…” Gu Changjin sighed, “Check again, and we will be out of the city tomorrow.”

“No problem.” Shi Qingyang nodded, and the Chinese New Year will be around in two days. Naturally, the sooner you leave the city, the better.

As long as they are spoken fighters, there is no one who doesn’t love chariots. Even Cheng Ran walked out of the house and touched the new chariot carefully: “This car is much better than the one at home, it’s a pity. I can’t get out of the city.” The white car used by his family for transportation can be recessed by pressing the body carefully, but the one is extremely strong. The two are completely the difference between his arm and Shi Qingyang’s arm.

“I will definitely take you out of the city in the future.” Shi Qingyang thought of the mobile fort that Cheng Xuze had agreed to buy him, and said.

“Okay.” Cheng Ran’s hand touched Shi Qingyang’s. He was not as embarrassed to touch Shi Qingyang casually as before, so he scratched Shi Qingyang’s hand with his little finger.

Gu Changjin wanted to tell Shi Qingyang that it was impossible for him to take Cheng Ran out of the city with his strength, but he didn’t say anything when the words came to his lips.

Don’t hit the children… Gu Changjin was thinking so, and he saw Cheng Ran’s movements at a glance: “Shi Qingyang, since you want to take the young master out of the city, I will take you to practice.”

Shi Qingyang had explained some of Gu Changjin’s behavior to Cheng Ran before. Seeing this scene, Cheng Ran immediately knew that Shi Qingyang was implicated by him: “I… Grandpa Gu, I will practice together!”

Cheng Ran wants to practice together, what else can Shi Qingyang practice? Gu Changjin suddenly felt sad.

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