Back to the Peak

Chapter 39

Chapter 38 Magistrate

Although it was a bit uncomfortable, Cheng Xuze didn’t care too much. After all, the Cheng family would get huge benefits in this matter.

After seeing Shi Qingyang and listening to Shi Qingyang about his experience, Cheng Xuze even had a better impression of me not to be hungry. How can ordinary people care about a child’s hatred? Not hungry, but designed so many for Shi Qingyang, and even gave a precious recipe.

Cheng Xuze admired the fierce strength Shi Qingyang used to bandage his wounds. Now that he knows that he is a friend’s apprentice, he likes it even more. He soon expressed his willingness to take those who chased Shi Qingyang as soon as he returned to the city. The sheriff.

“Thank you.” Shi Qingyang thanked him sincerely. He knew how precious the medicine was. After knowing that someone would prepare this medicine, Cheng Xuze was not in a hurry to see the pharmacist, but was willing to follow him to solve his problem first. This is enough to see Cheng Xuze’s sincerity.

In his last life, Pengcheng Wanli gave him a lot of advice. In this life… Although he has also paid a lot, if it weren’t for Cheng Xuze, he would definitely not have such a good result if he was replaced by another person.

Entering the entrance to the city, Cheng Xuze couldn’t wait to jump out of the van, and then took off his radiation protection suit at a speed rarely seen by the elderly: “I have finally entered the city. The clothes are the most uncomfortable to wear!”

Wang Qing collected the radiation protection suits of the two of them and sent them to the largest cleaning shop at the entrance of the city. At this time, Liu Qilin had already dragged Red Hand and the others from the side.

The blow that Cheng Xuze gave to Red Hand was very hard. Red Hand hasn’t woken up yet, and the radiation energy in his body has become a mess. The radiation energy in other people’s bodies has been restored, but they are afraid of Cheng Xuze and are **** again. , So I dare not make noise.

These few people were dragged out of the van, and they quickly attracted the attention of others. There was not much news in Spark City, so some people even started to take pictures with the contact terminal, and some people called the police.

Red Hand was in a coma on the ground, unobtrusive at all, but the contact terminal in his hand rang after connecting to the network in the city, which attracted the attention of many people. He just received it from Wang Qing. The boss who had used the radiation protection suit suddenly got excited: “This, isn’t this a red hand?”

Ordinary people in Spark City don’t know Red Hand, and those who often deal with people in and out of the city are no strangers to him.

“Do you know this murderer?” Wang Qing asked lightly.

The boss shook, and quickly returned the radiation protection suit in his hand to Wang Qing: “Murder? You can’t talk nonsense about this. If you frame someone else, you will be sentenced. Be careful to be sent to open up wasteland!” If something goes wrong, he won’t be kept in a cell, either he will be sentenced to death, or he will be assigned to open up wasteland.

The so-called land reclamation can actually be regarded as laying the foundation for a new city. Each city needs to be built for decades before it can be completed and perfected. There are serving radiators, criminals, and criminals who have radiant energy to build the city. Can do the hardest and most tiring work, criminals without radiation, also need to do logistics in a mobile town, which is extremely difficult.

There are large and small mobile towns. The small ones are generally only used for transporting goods, while the large ones can live in tens of thousands of people. People who live here cannot connect to the Internet. Naturally, they are not as safe as living in cities and are only used for transportation. It’s nothing more than moving the town. Those who live or are private… are always full of crime, and the children of many criminals will be deliberately turned into black houses by some people.

The boss didn’t dare to take Wang Qing’s business, so he threw a word and left. Wang Qing paused, asked Liu Qilin for the cleaning agent, and brushed it by himself.

Before Wang Qing finished brushing the two clothes in his hand, the police arrived. The person walking in the front was surprised when he saw the situation in front of him: “What do you guys tie up for? This is illegal!”

“Brother Zhao, Brother Zhao…” a person beside Hongshou called.

“Police officer, these people want to murder, and they also used contraband grenades!” Liu Qilin said immediately.

“You can’t talk nonsense, what evidence do you have?” The person called Brother Zhao frowned. The Yang family had already greeted him and asked him to pay attention to the situation here. He thought there would be nothing wrong. I didn’t expect to see such a scene…

Winking a wink at the person behind him, someone took a step back and pressed it on the contactor.

“The field video recorder on the car recorded everything. I came to Spark City to find people. I found a place to rest and eat on the road. I saw these people chasing and killing this young man. After we saw it, I thought about it. Murder and kill! Seven or eight grenades were thrown!” Cheng Xuze was suspected and became angry.

Cheng Xuze is already seventy years old, and he is strong and has been in a high position for a long time, so he is very majestic. Unfortunately, the person opposite did not take him seriously: “Even if you want to make up a story, you have to make up a reliable one. Last time there was Two wasps broke into the safe zone, and a third-level radiation fighter used six grenades to solve it. What are you?”

What is a grenade? What is the third-level radiation fighter? Cheng Xuze grew up in Yangtze River City, and his level of strength is not enough to see there!

However, he also knew that evidence must be told in everything. Even the largest family in China, without evidence, could not easily deal with others, otherwise they would definitely be sprayed to death.

The power of ordinary people is also not to be underestimated, because they are too arrogant to commit crimes in the city, and there are not many strong people who have to execute the death penalty in the end.

“You want evidence? Of course there is evidence! Wang Qing, let it out and upload it to the Internet by the way!” Cheng Xuze said immediately.

Just as a person’s contact terminal can record the death of the next person, there are similar devices on the tank. Once in danger, the driver can use the field video recorder to record the surrounding situation, and the data will be released. In the black box on the car, even if the car explodes, nothing will happen.

Cheng Xuze turned it on after seeing that someone was chasing and killing a young man. The time when Red Hand did it was all recorded. This kind of video hasn’t stopped even after the explosion.

Not only was it recorded here, but the contact terminals of Wang Qing and Shi Qingyang also recorded these.

As for himself… he never suffers in the wild, and he forgot to contact the terminal by accident…

Wang Qing uploaded the video directly to the Internet, and didn’t know how to do it, so he used his contact terminal to connect to the big screen next to the advertisement.

Wang Qing is indeed an all-round housekeeper. The video on his contact terminal was very good. Although the picture was not clear because of radiation in the field, the red hand smashed the car window with a wind blade, and it was composed of radiation energy. Shi Qingyang, who was slashed with a knife, asked for help…All of this was recorded. When the explosion sounded, many people shook subconsciously.

Then, I saw Cheng Xuze prop up the protective cover…

Although the old man who is eager to remove the protective cover looks a little unreliable, but the strength is definitely very strong! All of a sudden, everyone looked at Cheng Xuze’s expressions, and at the same time, they had a new understanding of the red hand.

They only know that the Red Hand will **** the prey of others, but they will kill people unscrupulously? This time it’s someone else, will it become them next time?

The inspector of Spark City is Yin Tiancheng’s father, Yin Hao. There are naturally many people close to the Yin family, but now, many people’s moods have changed.

However, Wang Qing coldly retracted the contact terminal and looked at the policemen: “I have recorded what you looked like just now.”

The policemen were shocked, and never dared to make the slightest change.

After all, the evidence was conclusive, and Cheng Xuze knew at first glance that it was not a fool, so the group was quickly taken to the court where the judicial officer was.

The court is also a building connected from top to bottom, which is responsible for handling various cases, but because the city’s security is very good nowadays, as long as it is in a safe area, accidents rarely occur outside the city. This place rarely appears in the sight of the people. in.

When she got here, a young woman in her twenties soon greeted her. At the same time, she looked at Shi Qingyang and others curiously: “A few, come with me, all of you need to verify your identities first.”

She led the way and led everyone to the computer on the first floor of the building. At this time, another man and a woman came here. They looked at Shi Qingyang and the others with a bad expression.

Seeing this scene, Shi Qingyang guessed that Yang Haitao was afraid that he wanted to suppress the incident.

However, Wang Qing has uploaded the video to the Internet just now, and now the best result is to let the red hand cover all the crimes.

It’s just that Cheng Xuze was the “victim” this time. How could things be that simple? The Yang family will definitely get involved, and even the Yin family will probably be involved.

The reactions of the inspection teams, police, and even people in the courts outside the city all show one thing-the Yin family is already too arrogant.

Shi Qingyang stood in front of the terminal computer, and when he swiped the contact terminal in his hand, all his experiences were revealed. Even the experiences of his parents were displayed on it.

Later, when a man and a woman saw this scene, they gave Shi Qingyang a gloomy look. If they weren’t afraid of being caught, they would have spoken sarcastically.

“Senior, it’s up to you.” Shi Qingyang didn’t care about all this, and smiled and retreated to the side.

Wang Qing stepped forward, and when he swiped the contact terminal in his hand, it showed some information, but only the name, age, gender, and personal experience of the family situation. There are a few words below—D-level encryption.

D-level encryption is the lowest level of encryption. If the situation is serious, the judicial officer of Spark City can directly access the encrypted content, but the D-level encryption is enough to show that Wang Qing is not simple.

Moreover, Wang Qing’s attitude towards Cheng Xuze is very good, even completely subordinate…

Cheng Xuze walked sideways in Yangtze River City. After arriving in Starfire City, he was repeatedly provoked, but he did not see the person he wanted to meet. He was in a very bad mood. At this time, he held a cold face and directly reached out and swiped it on the computer. .

There is no name on the computer this time, only four characters—A-level encryption.

Level A encryption, it turned out to be Level A encryption! The young girl who brought in Cheng Xuze secretly glanced at Cheng Xuze. If it weren’t for the facts here, she would want to show off to everyone she knew—A-level encrypted people, ordinary people can come across?

Such information can’t be checked even if the city lord himself goes out!

Compared with the pure excitement of the girl who has nothing to do with the Yin family, the other two who had received some money and just received the message from the Yin family and rushed to “investigate the enemy’s situation” subconsciously stretched out their hands and wiped their sweat.

Even the Patriarch of the Yin family only has D-level encryption…

Level D encryption can be obtained as long as it contributes to China, but level A encryption…

Not only the people in the court were stunned, but even Liu Qilin and others who were brought behind Cheng Xuze were stunned. When they first entered the city, they wondered if it would be too reckless, but I didn’t expect to see such a situation now!

Liu Qilin used to think that Shi Qingyang was lucky, but now she feels that Shi Qingyang is very magical. After learning about the battle between Shi Qingyang and Yin Tiancheng from He Ming, she immediately checked Shi Qingyang, all The information is very ordinary, how do you know such a big man now?

As soon as her thoughts turned, Liu Qilin quickly thought of a person—Cheng Ran.

The data here was quickly transmitted to the headquarters, and it didn’t take long for the justice of the Spark City to hurried down from the upper floor, respecting Cheng Xuze.

At this time, Cheng Xuze became a little bit cherish the words. He stood sullenly by the side, without saying a word, completely letting Wang Qing negotiate. Wang Qing was born with a cold face, and people who knew his character would not feel that What’s wrong with this, but the magistrate of Spark City doesn’t know.

This official who had always been close to the Yin family and was supported by the Yin family broke out in a cold sweat, but he didn’t even dare to wipe it. If it weren’t for worrying about fainting, it would be harder to clean up.

Wang Qing didn’t take him seriously at all, explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly, and after leaving a copy of the video as evidence, he asked indifferently: “Can we go now?”

“Yes, you can!” The sheriff nodded repeatedly.

Wang Qing looked at the judicial officer blankly: “Shi Qingyang is the victim, and those people are just passers-by to help…”

“Everyone can go!” The magistrate said immediately.

“Those criminals can also go?”

“No, those people are extremely vicious, they should all be taken into custody!” The judicial officer didn’t even think about it. The Yin family who was A-level encryption couldn’t provoke them. At this time, only the strong man had to break his wrist.

Cheng Xuze was finally satisfied at this time and walked out of the court slowly. He walked very slowly, but none of Liu Qilin and others dared to walk in front of him.

“Old man, who are you? Too strong!” Liu Qilin’s young man in his twenties said admiringly.

“Buddha said, don’t say it.” Cheng Xuze’s expression eased, and then smiled again: “Besides, how do you know that I am strong?”

“Father, are you not strong? You connected the billboard to post videos at the entrance to the city, so you are actually not very strong, just because you hacked that computer?” Someone said, A-level encryption is too much for them. It’s so far away that it’s hard to believe.

If this kind of terminal computer is so dark, this world is the world of hackers! The suspected Cheng Xuze blew his beard and stared.

Liu Qilin also knew that her subordinates had passed. After smoking a stick from the nonsense person, she said goodbye to Cheng Xuze, and then quickly left with a group of subordinates—she had found a lot of news that was unfavorable to the Yang family and Yin family over the years. , It’s time to go back to sort out.

Seeing these people go, Cheng Xuze’s gaze was placed on Shi Qingyang again.

“Where is your home?”

“My house is not far away, will Senior go to my house?” Shi Qingyang asked.

On the way back, Cheng Xuze already knew that Shi Qingyang’s parents had died, and now he lives with his pharmacist friend.

Cheng Xuze admitted that he was eager to get the prescription right away, but if it was dark today, he had to disturb others in the past, and maybe he didn’t have a place to live.

Moreover, his eldest grandson lives here alone, since he is here, he always has to check it out.

“No, I won’t go to your house today. I will visit again tomorrow. You leave me the address and exchange the contact number.” Cheng Xuze smiled at Shi Qingyang.

Shi Qingyang could guess Cheng Xuze’s plan, but he couldn’t reveal it now, so he just sent the address of Cheng Ran’s villa to Cheng Xuze.

Cheng Xuze glanced at the address, and said: “Your friend knows the kind of medicine that is prepared, and the method must not be told to others.”

“I know, my master has confessed, I can only tell you.” Shi Qingyang smiled, Cheng Ran would never tell anyone, the only one who knows is Gu Changjin, and even if Gu Changjin knows it, The same will not say.

I just don’t know what Cheng Xuze’s expression will be after seeing Cheng Ran…

“Thank you.” Cheng Xuze smiled, and then looked at Wang Qing next to him: “You can contact Lao Gu, let him send the address, and we will go over.”

“Yes.” Wang Qing nodded and quickly contacted Gu Changjin.

Shi Qingyang reluctantly discovered that the two had no intention of exchanging addresses at all, and Wang Qing had already called out the navigation and planned to go to Cheng Ran’s.

“Senior, I’m leaving now!” Shi Qingyang smiled, and after saying goodbye to Cheng Xuze, he took a small path and ran towards the villa-he was delayed for a whole day today, and Cheng Ran couldn’t get in touch with him, should he be worried?

When he entered the city before, he also received a delayed message, but he had no time to go back…

When Shi Qingyang just returned home, Cheng Xuze and Wang Qing, who followed the navigation, also arrived at the door of the villa.

Looking at the house number of the villa, Cheng Xuze always felt very familiar, so he subconsciously looked at the message sent by Shi Qingyang before.

How does it look the same?

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