Back to the Peak

Chapter 3

Chapter 2 Entrance to the city

In 3016, Shi Qingyang was sixteen years old. It was in this year that his life entered the first trough.

Shi Qingyang was born in Xinghuo City, a third-tier city in the southeastern part of China, which belongs to the second-tier city Anhang City.

The third-tier city is the smallest city today, but because humans cannot survive outside the city, although Spark City is not large, it is inhabited by 500,000 people. Most of them live in the underground city, with a family crowded in one. There are also many people in the ten-square-foot hut.

Shi Qingyang’s current life is not particularly bad. At least he can receive 1,500 credits of relief money every month because he is a minor. But before, his life was not particularly good. In this city It’s medium.

On February 24, 3016, Shi Qingyang’s sixteenth birthday, that is, on this day, he was injected with radiation energy medicine and successfully induced radiation energy. Not only that, a month later, his body was stabilized for a physical examination. Good results of double C- for radiation energy tolerance and radiation energy adaptability were tested.

Radiation energy is actually the abbreviation of radiant energy. Since the asteroid hit the earth in 2045, the entire earth has been shrouded in intense radiation. Animals, humans, and plants all died in large numbers. Finally, humans hid underground and built Only after special radiation-resistant dungeons did he finally survived.

After human beings managed to escape the disaster, they found that all mammals were basically extinct, and every plant contained radioactive substances, and the only thing that adapted to such a harsh environment was unexpectedly unremarkable before. Insects.

Insects reproduce quickly and evolve quickly. They also die in large numbers, but many of them have adapted to the environment full of radiation and mutated. After mutation, the insects are exotic animals.

Humans without weapons are vulnerable to a blow in front of them. For a time, humans could only use thermal weapons to deal with these strange beasts, until later they discovered radiant energy.

After human beings suffer from radiation damage, some people can produce a kind of violent energy in their bodies. This kind of energy brought by radiation is named radiant energy, which can make the human body stronger.

Only relying on radiation to possess radiant energy has a very high mortality rate, so later humans have developed radiation energy agents.

Now, as long as they are sixteen years old, they need to go to the hospital to inject radiation energy drugs to induce radiation energy. About 80% of people can induce radiation energy successfully. After success, they need to test radiation energy tolerance and radiation energy adaptability.

Radiation capacity, what detects is how much radiation energy a person can hold, the adaptability of radiation energy, what is detected is how much radiation energy a person can adapt to.

Radiant energy is a very violent force. In history, there are countless examples of body collapse due to the inability to control the radiant energy in one’s body. Shi Qingyang’s previous life was one of the examples.

Of these two tests, the worst is the E-level, both of which are E-level people, who will never become a radiation fighter in their lifetime, and the above is D-level, and they may become a first-level or second-level radiation fighter. The upper level is C-level, which is expected to become a third or fourth-level radiation fighter, B-level may become a fifth-level and sixth-level radiation fighter, and A-level may have the opportunity to become a seventh-level radiation fighter. S-level, and even the legendary SS-level and SSS-level.

Nowadays, some people are born with radiant energy, and the radiant capacity and adaptability of radiant energy can reach S-level. These people are undoubtedly the pride of heaven, and they will never appear in a small third-tier city, in Spark City. , The best physique is only Grade B. Once someone detects double B grade, they will immediately be sent to a secondary city…

Under such circumstances, Shi Qingyang can detect a double C- result, which is naturally a good result. With such a result, he can even go to the Spark Academy, the best college in Spark City, and learn about the application of radiant energy there. .

Nowadays, human beings can only cultivate a small number of plants in cities, which cannot meet the food needs of so many people. The source of food is exotic animals outside the city, and only radiation fighters can leave the safe areas outside the city. Therefore, basically every Everyone wants to become a radiation fighter, and Shi Qingyang is of course the same.

Therefore, after receiving the admission letter from Xinghuo Academy, both he and his parents were very happy. His father was even heartbroken. He contracted a small area out of the city and planned to use it to grow some herbs-after radiation. The plants can no longer be eaten, but they can be used to treat radiation damage, and even make anti-radiation ointments or medicaments to regulate radiation energy.

Shi Qingyang’s father was a second-level radiation warrior, and his mother was a junior pharmacist. The two planted herbs outside the city. As long as they were willing to spend their time, they would definitely make a lot of money, but no one expected that the herbs they planted. It actually attracted a strange beast, first a grasshopper beast, and then a mantis beast…

A second-level radiation warrior, it is impossible to be the opponent of the mantis beast! When the inspection team from Spark City arrived, Shi Qingyang’s parents had already passed away.

The family’s money has been invested in the medicinal plantation field, leaving only a part of the living expenses. His parents originally planned to harvest the first batch of medicinal materials before the start of school and sell them for him to study… Shi Qingyang just got his parents’ double After the sad news of death, I found out that I had to save the tuition for school alone.

As for not going to school… If he doesn’t go to Spark Academy, how can he learn how to use radiant energy? If he hadn’t learned how to use radiation energy, how could he kill the alien beasts and avenge his parents?

Shi Qingyang can’t give up going to school, and his double C- results are not enough to make the school pay attention to the reduction or exemption of his tuition. In the end, the only thing he can do is to work and save money…

This is undoubtedly a very gloomy year in his life, and now, he is back?

After regaining his senses from his memories, Shi Qingyang was a little afraid to be sure that all of this was true or false at the moment. He hesitated for a while, looked at the contact terminal in his hand, and then clicked to check the balance.

Every citizen of the Earth Alliance can get a chip bound to himself after birth, which records all the information. This chip is placed in everyone’s contact terminal so that people can use the contact terminal to do many things, such as Buy food.

18,798 credits…Shi Qingyang remembers that the tuition fee of Xinghuo Academy is 20,000 credits a year. He spent 20,000 credits in a year. He paid the tuition, but in the end he didn’t have the money to pay the miscellaneous fees. It attracted ridicule from his classmates, even I didn’t even buy the dining card.

Of course, based on his situation at that time, he didn’t have the money to eat in the school cafeteria.

Shaking his head, Shi Qingyang walked along the streets of the dungeon.

The dungeon is built of steel and stone. The sky is not visible here. The lighting relies on sparse street lamps. However, everyone is used to such an environment and will not be uncomfortable.

Shi Qingyang walked along the street. There were not many shops in the underground city. After walking for a while, he saw a store selling food and water.

A box of 15 credits for nutritious meals and a bottle of 5 credits for water.

In the past, Shi Qingyang would only buy a box of nutritious meals and a bottle of water at night every day. After eating half a box of nutritious meals in the morning, he would have to wait for the evening to eat. However, this time, he did not feel wronged and bought it. A box of nutritious meal and a bottle of water, I ate it hungrily, and drank half a bottle of water.

After eating and drinking, he became more and more sure that all of this is true now. Facing this situation, he was fortunate and sad.

Fortunately, I got the chance to do it again, and I was sad that he never returned before his parents died.

His parents were the only people in the world who would treat him unconditionally, but they died in the mouth of a strange beast, with no bones left!

And he himself died under the mouth of a strange beast…

The picture of the entire city being destroyed before his death seemed to be in front of his eyes. For a while, Shi Qingyang didn’t even know where he was.

Clenching his fist, he ran along the road of the dungeon. Although it has been twenty years apart, the road he used to run twice a day is still very familiar. It didn’t take long before he came to the entrance.

Go up the steps, brush the connector at the door and go out, and then from the dim underground world, to the ground.

The buildings on the ground of Starfire City are not high, and there is a semi-circular protective cover above. The protective cover is transparent, but because it is coated with a thick anti-radiation paint, it finally becomes translucent, but even so, it is relatively It is also much brighter than the underground city.

The shopping malls, schools, and various guilds of Spark City University are all on the ground. The roads here are still very wide, and there are more chariots going back and forth on the road.

Before the death of his parents, Shi Qingyang had been studying in a nearby school, but after his parents passed away, he did not go to school. Instead, he took a job as a car wash. His work location was at the entrance to the west gate of Xinghuo City.

People who have been out of the city will carry radioactive substances on their bodies when they return to the city. They need to clean their radiation protection suits at the door. Naturally, they also need to clean their tanks. This job will be exposed to strong radiation. People who have not induced radiation energy simply He couldn’t do it, and he wouldn’t do it at his age. After all, the radiation damage was not small, but he was really short of money.

Moreover, this job has another advantage, that is, you can get in touch with the radiation fighters who return to the city. These people often talk about the world outside the city, and even exchange some radiation knowledge. He never gave up such a learning opportunity when he was young. .

There are countless entrances between the underground city of Spark City and the above-ground city. Except for public passages, all buildings on the ground have basements to connect to the underground city, but there are only four gates from the city to the city, one each in the southeast, northwest and northwest.

Shi Qingyang lives in the west of the city, where he works, which is a car wash shop at the entrance of the west gate.

The west gate has an entrance to the city and an entrance to the city. It occupies a very large area. There is an entrance square and an exit square. The exit square mainly prepares the people in the city. Some people sell various radiation-proof shops in the shops around the square. For clothing coatings and even ointments, there are many car washes and laundry shops in the city square, and some people sell food that is more expensive than in the city. Of course, the most are the shops that buy strange animals and deal with them.

In order to prevent radioactive substances from entering the city and polluting the city, he must go through a frequent passage to enter the city. Shi Qingyang once again swiped his contact terminal on the machine, walked through the long passage, and then felt the clarity. The radiant energy also smelled the strange smell and **** smell brought by the strange animal.

All this is very familiar to him.

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