Back to the Peak

Chapter 23

Chapter 22 Smear

The kitchen in this villa is not small, but after Cheng Ran brought in all the equipment and bottles for making medicines, it was a bit crowded and looked very messy.

But Shi Qingyang actually felt that this place made him feel very safe, and Cheng Ran, who was standing in those bottles, wearing white rabbit pajamas and talking lumpyly, was even more cute.

He suddenly felt that he might be planted.

In the life he used to live, Shi Qingyang always hoped that after becoming strong, he could marry a gentle wife and have a lovely child, but his mind at that time was all on improving his strength, and his wife and children did not It might have fallen from the sky, so he stayed single until Liang Liang took the initiative to approach him.

Liang Liang prepared food for him, cared about his life, and took the initiative to confess that he naturally had feelings for Liang Liang. Although the two of them stayed together, he had already begun to plan their future and planned to marry Liang Liang. .

He didn’t know if Liang Liang really liked him, but then it was Liang Liang who told Feng Linqiu about his physical condition.

He found a pharmacist to treat his body at the time, intending to slow down his cultivation and make up for the loss of his body. At that time, even if he can’t live a long life, he will still be able to live to 70 or 80 years old like Cheng Xuze, but in the end, Feng Linqiu and Liang Liang worked together to lead him out of the city. He had just rescued Liang Liang who was surrounded by alien beasts, and he was conspired…

In the eyes of others, Liang Liang is his lover and Feng Linqiu is his good friend. How could they think that instead of taking him for treatment, they sent him for research?

Shi Qingyang thought that after he was reborn, he would never like anyone again, but he didn’t expect that it didn’t take long before he fell again.

Cheng Ran is too clean, too pure, and really good for him. He was with Liang Liang at the beginning, mainly because Liang Liang took the initiative, but now he wants to take the initiative.

In fact, he has always liked people like Cheng Ran, right? Otherwise, in his previous life, he would not have paid so much attention to Cheng Ran, and after rebirth, he would not choose to be close to Cheng but not someone else.

Although he had rejected Cheng Ran’s favor, he couldn’t deny that he always remembered that scene.

He had always thought that one should rely on his own efforts and strength to get everything, but in fact, after he became a strong man, who threw an olive branch to him, who didn’t want it? It was only when he was in the most difficult time that Cheng Ran, who was willing to divide his food, had no selfishness. What he always thought about was that he had no selfishness?

Shi Qingyang thought a lot in an instant, but soon calmed down. He has experienced a lot and can understand his feelings, but Cheng Ran is too young. Even if Cheng Ran treats him well, it is not necessarily love…

Cheng Ran now has too few people in contact, so he will try to please everyone who approaches.

“You give me candy and I will make a potion for you.” Cheng Ran didn’t notice Shi Qingyang’s distraction. He smiled brightly at Shi Qingyang, and took out another bottle: “I have made a bottle. .”

“Thank you.” Shi Qingyang recovered, smiled immediately, and then looked at the unfinished medicine next to him: “Do you want to watch the medicine you are boiling now?”

“I want to watch, I almost forgot.” Cheng Ran quickly went to check the time, and then he was relieved. After weighing a powder with a balance, he put it in the potion.

Shi Qingyang stood by and looked at Cheng Ran quietly. Although he had a good impression of Cheng Ran, Cheng Ran was only sixteen years old, and the gap between him and Cheng Ran was very big. It is too early to say confession, he can do it. , Is to treat Cheng Ran a little better, and then a little better.

The medicament for relaxing muscles is not troublesome to make, and it is also one of the basic medicinal materials. Cheng Ran quickly finished the second part, and then looked at Shi Qingyang: “Shi Qingyang, this medicament should be rubbed and rubbed ten times. Twenty minutes, and then it can be absorbed.”

“How to rub?” Shi Qingyang was curious, as if he didn’t understand at all. Of course, he couldn’t help but know how to rub it, but he wouldn’t give up the good opportunity for Cheng Ran to rub his hand.

Sure enough, seeing that Shi Qingyang didn’t understand, Cheng Ran was eager to try: “I’ll help you rub it, I won’t hurt you.” He looked at Shi Qingyang expectantly, as if helping Shi Qingyang rub his hands. It is a very important and worthy thing to do.

“Okay.” Shi Qingyang nodded, and then saw Cheng Ran smile and bend his eyes.

Cheng Ran’s movements were very careful. He put the potion on his palm, and then began to smear Shi Qingyang’s entire hand, and then gently rubbed each finger, as if he was using Shi Qingyang’s hand. Become a baby holding it.

Shi Qingyang let Cheng Ran do what he did without moving, and at the same time clearly felt how soft Cheng Ran’s hands were. Compared with Cheng Ran’s, his hands were so rough and faceless.

“Cheng Ran, do you think it’s too strange for us to use our first name and last name?” Shi Qingyang said suddenly, planning to fight for some welfare for himself.

Cheng Ran looked at Shi Qingyang in surprise: “You can call me… Call me Ranran. Others have a nickname, but no one calls me that.” He wanted to tell Shi Qingyang a long time ago, but he hasn’t Knowing what to say, I’m afraid I’m too abrupt.

Things are going really smoothly: “Then I will call you Ranran from now on, you call me Qingyang?” Yangyang or something, it seems to be too soft…

“Okay.” Cheng Ran nodded happily. After helping Shi Qingyang rubbed his left hand, he began to help Shi Qingyang rub his right hand, and then put Shi Qingyang’s two hands together, kneading it very conscientiously for ten minutes.

Shi Qingyang wanted Cheng Ran to help him rub it more. What surprised him was that Cheng Ran was holding his hand and reluctantly said: “Master…no, Qingyang, I will rub it for you again, two Ten minutes is the best.” Cheng Ran said, pouring some potion, and kneading it firmly for 20 minutes before letting go of Shi Qingyang’s hand with some reluctance.

Shi Qingyang believed that if the person sitting opposite him was not Cheng but someone else, he would definitely feel that that person was taking advantage of him, after all, the action of holding his hand was a bit wretched.

But it was changed to Cheng Ran… He really couldn’t say that this was whether Cheng Ran took advantage of him or he took advantage of Cheng Ran.

Cheng Ran didn’t have any affection on his face, but he was obviously happy when he held his hand, and he didn’t know what was going on…

“Of course, it’s late, you go to bed quickly.” Shi Qingyang looked at the time and said immediately, it’s almost midnight now.

“Well, you go to bed early too.” Cheng Ran said as he moved the equipment.

“I’ll help you!” Shi Qingyang immediately stopped Cheng Ran, letting Cheng Ran’s small body move these things, it is absolutely very immoral!

“I can…” Cheng Ran saw that Shi Qingyang easily lifted the largest cabinet, and wisely swallowed the following words.

He used to exercise all the year round and had some strength, but now he has recovered from a serious illness, but he can’t move it at all. Before, he avoided Gu Changjin secretly underground and moved these things into the kitchen, which really took a lot of time.

Now I changed to Shi Qingyang… Shi Qingyang only walked twice and moved everything into the restaurant easily.

Cheng Ran went back to the room to sleep obediently, and Shi Qingyang was in a good mood and went back to the room soon.

After returning to the room to lie down, Shi Qingyang suddenly reacted. He went to the kitchen to find food, not to knead the medicine… So it makes sense to look good. After he was busy eating human tofu, he even forgot. To eat meat…

However, it is late now…Shi Qingyang was originally a person who fell asleep, although he is hungry, but sleeping hungry is no stranger to him…

Various mutant plants towered into the clouds, and among these plants, there were strange animals that were deadly enough to make people hide.

He carefully shuttled between the alien plants, feeling that the radiation energy in his body was a little unwilling, but more importantly, he was very hungry.

He is very, very hungry, so hungry that he has no strength, everything around him becomes more dangerous to him, and if there is no food, he is likely to be starved to death.

However, there is no food at all here, and a strange beast appears, and he can only wait for death.

So hungry… He ran for a while, but suddenly he smelled a strong fragrance, and then he saw a large table full of all kinds of meat.

Braised, boiled, steamed, grilled meat, braised pork, sauced pork…

“Do you want to eat meat?” The man behind the table blinked and looked at him curiously.

“Yes!” He said immediately, sitting down and eating it unceremoniously. It was really delicious!

The alarm clock rang suddenly, and when Shi Qingyang woke up from his dream, there seemed to be a meaty smell in his mouth.

He usually woke up before the alarm clock went off, but this time he went to bed late… Shi Qingyang was about to get up, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

Men who didn’t find someone to solve their physical problems on their own would always unknowingly happen something while sleeping, and Shi Qingyang felt that his pants were sticky.

What exactly is going on? When he was dreaming, he was obviously eating. The plot of the whole dream was that he was very hungry and wanted to eat meat. Could it be that he was in estrus with a table of meat?

No, besides a table of meat, there are actually others who are sitting on the other side of the table in the dream and asking him if he wants to eat meat. Isn’t it Cheng Ran?

I finally dreamt back to my dream, but I didn’t even know that I would attack someone and ate the “meat” seriously, instead patronizing the meat…

Shi Qingyang sighed disappointedly, and helplessly packed up and went downstairs to help Gu Changjin make breakfast.

The author has something to say: The saddest spring dream in history!

Shi Qingyang: Of course, I’m not saved. I finally had a spring dream. I forgot to strip you off and then make the sauce again.

Cheng Ran:…

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