Back to the Peak

Chapter 145

Chapter 144 Feng Linqiu died

Control the radiation energy in the body, squeeze them together a little bit…

The last time Cheng Xuze upgraded was decades ago, but these actions are not unfamiliar, because in these decades, he has secretly simulated countless times.

Cultivating energy, mental quality is also very important. Cheng Xuze’s talents are average, but he can reach the point where he is now. He has very good qualities in all aspects. He was very worried before he started upgrading, but when he really started upgrading Instead of worrying about what to be afraid of, instead, he was fully absorbed and never lost his mind at all.

His movements are very slow, compressing little by little, not irritable or impatient. During this period, of course, those radiant energy will not be obedient all the time, but although there is a small mistake, it does not have much effect…

Cheng Xuze didn’t know how long time had passed, he only knew that he finally succeeded when he was about to be unable to stand it!

In the past two years after eating ant eggs and drinking potions, Cheng Ran helped him sort out the radiation energy. All this was not useless. Now, he has become a ninth-level radiation energy fighter.

Level nine! He is actually Level 9! Cheng Xuze jumped up subconsciously, laughed loudly, and jumped vigorously while laughing.

He was fortunate enough to upgrade to level 8 and happily destroyed his own practice room. This time he was unavoidable to have such an impulse, but he thought that there were juniors like Cheng Ranshi Qingyang Chenghui outside, and suppressed himself. He didn’t even dare to use radiation, just jumping around in the room.

Later, thinking that the soundproofing effect of the exercise room is very good, he yelled a few more excitedly and laughed.

“I’m already level 9! Hahahaha!” Cheng Xuze ran back and forth in the exercise room for several laps, and finally calmed down. He exchanged his feet quickly and danced a fast-paced street dance while trying hard to adjust With his own expression, when deciding to wait to go out, he must be calmer and calmer than Shi Qingyang before.

However, there is a saying, it’s called joy and sorrow. He just adjusted his expression, but he didn’t want to suddenly feel a soreness in his waist…

Promoting to level 9 is indeed a joyous event worth celebrating, there is nothing wrong with jumping around. But even a young man like Shi Qingyang will be physically exhausted after he reaches the ninth level, let alone Cheng Xuze is now in his seventies…

When he upgraded before, the radiant energy in his body caused some damage to his body. As a result, after the upgrade, he not only did not have a good rest, but also jumped around…

Cheng Xuze twisted his waist, and at the same time, his body that had already reached its limit couldn’t stand it anymore. He fell directly to the ground and couldn’t even get up for a while, and his whole body seemed to fall apart.

At this moment, the alarm he was wearing suddenly rang, and the door was automatically opened through the original setting.

Cheng Xuze brought this alarm to avoid a radiation riot when he was upgraded. As a result, he was okay when he upgraded, and it didn’t sound at all, but it sounded after the upgrade…

Cheng Xuze, who fell to the ground, supported his waist with his hands, dumbfounded.

Since Cheng Xuze entered the practice room, Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran have been waiting outside, always paying attention to the situation in the room.

It took more time for Cheng Xuze to upgrade than Shi Qingyang, and as time went by, they became more and more anxious.

They provoked Cheng Xuze’s idea of ​​upgrading. If something went wrong with Cheng Xuze during the upgrade, they would regret it very much…

Shi Qingyang and sitting Cheng Ran exchanged an uneasy look, and continued to walk back and forth at the door, but didn’t want to. At this moment, the door of the practice room was suddenly opened and the sound of the alarm sounded. , Without thinking about it, he rushed in immediately.

Sitting next to him, Cheng Ran, who was absent-mindedly looking at the recorder in his hand, also stood up abruptly, and rushed in with Shi Qingyang. Like Shi Qingyang, he is also very guilty now.

If Cheng Xuze really fails to advance… Maybe, they really shouldn’t push Cheng Xuze to advance!

Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran were the fastest to get in, but Cheng Hui and others were not slow. When they heard the sirens, they were already ready to see Cheng Xuze’s riot or directly dying. But I didn’t expect that after entering, I saw Cheng Xuze lying in a very weird posture not far from the door, with a straight face.

More importantly, Cheng Xuze looked now that there were no problems such as radiation energy riots at all. As for the situation where he was lying down like this… the patient could not move around, they all knew that.

After staring with big eyes and small eyes for a while, Cheng Hui spoke first: “Dad, what’s the matter with you?”

“It’s okay, just twisted.” Cheng Xuze, who had adjusted his expression, said calmly.

“The muscles of the whole body are sprained to varying degrees, and the waist is severely sprained. It is recommended to stay in bed for a week to avoid the various problems that the elderly have…” Xu Ye felt someone coming, and the alarm on Cheng Xuze’s wrist stopped the alarm. Sound, but reported his physical condition.

“It’s okay, it’s just that I got tired after the upgrade, and then accidentally twisted my waist.” Cheng Xuze said again, looking at the few people in front of him, eagerly hoping that someone could be shocked.

He successfully reached the ninth level, these people should be very excited and happy, right? Can he still see how stupid they are?

Cheng Ran was already helping Cheng Xuze for an examination. Shi Qingyang found the medical robot that was originally placed outside the door. Cheng Hui’s attention was also on Cheng Xuze’s injury: “Dad, why did you sprain and what happened? ?”

Cheng Xuze hadn’t answered yet, and the sirens he had on hand that would automatically answer some simple questions responded again: “The following will automatically play the injury situation.” After speaking, it also showed a small projection on it, and then before it started playing. At the same time, Cheng Xuze’s laughter also rang.

“Hahahaha…” Accompanied by Cheng Xuze’s laughter, the screen jittered violently. Although Cheng Xuze’s appearance was not visible due to the angle, it was enough to let people know that Cheng Xuze was doing vigorous exercise before.

The siren’s response was too fast. At first, everyone didn’t react. It was only at this moment that Cheng Xuze suddenly grabbed it, and immediately crushed it as soon as the radiation energy was used.

The expression on Cheng Xuze’s face was still calm. He coughed and reiterated: “I’m fine, just take some medicine.”

Seeing that Cheng Xuze was able to jump like that just now, smiling so happily, I knew that he was indeed okay… Shi Qingyang and the others deliberately avoided Cheng Xuze, fearing that he would laugh.

I don’t want to be ashamed, so why is it even more embarrassing? And he is already level nine! He is ninth level! Why is no one noticed this now?

Cheng Xuze was lifted onto the medical robot and suddenly felt like crying.

Of course Cheng Xuze didn’t cry, but he had planned to hold a press conference immediately after Level 9 but he couldn’t do anything.

He got older, his upgrade made him too tired, he sprained his waist, and had to stay in bed for a week.

“You must not talk about my upgrade now! You must not talk about my current situation!” Cheng Xuze lay on a bed specially designed according to his body and confessed loudly.

“Grandpa, don’t worry, we will definitely not say.” Cheng Ran immediately said, Cheng Xuze loves face, and naturally they will not really let him lose face, although in front of them, his face is no longer at all.

“That’s fine.” Cheng Xuze nodded, then looked at the contact terminal on his hand and sighed-in order not to be ashamed, tell me not to be hungry and upgrade this by myself, so let’s delay it. Fortunately, He didn’t say the upgrade time in advance.

“Father, I found bones for you to stew the soup, you can drink some.” Wang Qing walked in from the outside. Although he was still paralyzed, his eyes were full of joy. On the one hand, he was happy for Cheng Xuze, on the other. On the one hand, it was because Cheng Ran had already said that he could also be upgraded to another level.

He is much younger than Cheng Xuze, and he has reached level 6 for a long time. He was worried about the radiation riots and he never thought of continuing to upgrade, but now he has a chance to upgrade to another level…

“Come on, bring it here quickly.” Cheng Xuze said immediately. He is in a good mood now, and everything he eats feels delicious.

The strong fragrance of the bone soup filled the room, and at this moment, the contact terminal in Shi Qingyang’s hand suddenly rang.

The person who contacted him was the one he sent to monitor Feng Linqiu, and they told him something shocking enough-Feng Linqiu was dead!

Feng Linqiu was killed in the street. These days, they have been controlling Feng Linqiu’s actions and even preventing Feng Linqiu from walking around at will. But today, a friend from before Feng Linqiu came to find Feng Linqiu.

At first, they refused on the grounds that Feng Linqiu was not in good health, but that person and Feng Linqiu were very persistent, and even found some media. They also let Feng Linqiu go out and stare at Feng Lin at any time. autumn.

Basically no one commits a crime in the city, because radiation energy and heat weapons cannot be used here, everyone’s combat effectiveness is greatly reduced, and once a crime is committed and the city gates are blocked, they can no longer escape.

But this time, several people killed Feng Linqiu in public.

They first stopped the people of Shi Qingyang faction who was next to Feng Linqiu, and then let Feng Linqiu run towards them. Feng Linqiu didn’t know why, so he did so.

The people who watched Feng Linqiu saw this scene, only thinking that Feng Linqiu wanted to escape, thinking that those people were here to save Feng Linqiu, but what they didn’t expect was that as soon as Feng Linqiu ran over, those people actually did it. They stabbed Feng Linqiu in the stomach. Not only that, they also used a small chainsaw to smash Feng Linqiu’s body in the street and threw the body around.

“Master Qingyang, we did not protect Feng Shao.” The person at the contact terminal said. He did not use the privacy mode. He and the situation behind him can be seen at a glance. At the same time, the contact between him and Shi Qingyang is also open to the public. One side has gathered in front of the media.

After speaking, he also pointed the camera at Feng Linqiu’s body next to him.

Feng Linqiu’s appearance looked very miserable. His flesh was scattered in pieces, his arms and legs had been removed, his head was intact, but his eyes were wide open, as if he couldn’t squint.

Such a scene is nothing to a person like Shi Qingyang who has experienced many battles, but some passersby have never left the city. Seeing this scene, he immediately vomited. Cheng Ran sat in Shi Qingyang. He glanced at his side inadvertently, and his face changed instantly.

“Where are the murderers?” Shi Qingyang asked again. He noticed that there were other corpses in the screen.

“Those murderers have already taken poison and committed suicide. If there is no accident, someone should have hired them.” The person who reported to Shi Qingyang said again, in this world, there are always some people who have died or have already gotten their lives. Terminally ill, and then will accept some commissions such as murder in exchange for a sum of money.

Shi Qingyang also noticed at this time. The people he sent to monitor Feng Linqiu had more or less wounds on their bodies. Those who had attacked before he came, also injured them: “I’ll come right now, you must Be optimistic about the scene and don’t let anyone approach it!”

When Shi Qingyang saw Feng Linqiu’s flesh and blood scattered all over the place, he always felt a little flustered. He hung up the contact terminal and ran out immediately, and Cheng Ran followed him.

It wasn’t until he got into the car that Cheng Ran, with a pale face, suddenly said, “Feng Linqiu, his genes have the same problem as mine, and he also has the genes of the mysterious person. They kill people, it’s not counted, why not? Broken corpse, is it for something?”

When Shi Qingyang heard Cheng Ran’s words, he suddenly reacted. If those people wanted to seal Lin Qiu to death, they could just kill him directly, so why bother to smash the corpse? After the corpse is broken, why throw it around?

The only function of Feng Linqiu’s flesh and blood should be to do experiments.

Feng Linqiu’s genes…Shi Qingyang’s face became more and more ugly. After the Feng family’s research institute was bombed, he had been paying attention to the research institute, and he also found someone to investigate, and finally determined the Feng family research institute. The researcher of Feng Linqiu and Cheng Ran were born in the academy before they gave up. People like Qin Liu did know about the fact that Feng Linqiu and Cheng Ran were born in the academy, but they should only think that Cheng Ran and Feng Linqiu were due to “natural radiation energy.” Developed by the “Personnel Training Program”…

In this case, who wants to seal Lin Qiu’s flesh and blood? How did they know that there was a problem with Feng Linqiu’s flesh and blood?

“Feng Yunhong’s death is a bit strange. We don’t suspect that Feng Yunhong’s death is related to Feng Linqiu? Maybe it was Feng Linqiu who killed Feng Yunhong, and then contacted someone through the funeral and wanted them to save him. He went out, so he was so cooperative and ran towards the other party and let them kill him.” Cheng Ran said, one after the other, the things that he didn’t understand would come to understand, but when he couldn’t think of it, the other party would actually Using this method is really ruthless! Of course, this is indeed very effective. It is very difficult to save a person like Feng Linqiu who has no radiation energy, but it is not difficult to kill.

However, based on what they have learned, Feng Linqiu didn’t even know about the laboratory where he was born before, and probably wouldn’t know about the mysterious person. In this case, how did those people know?

When Feng Linqiu was not strictly guarded, those people did not take action, and they chose this time…

Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran arrived at the scene as quickly as possible. At the same time, the people who sealed the house had also arrived.

Feng Zhaohai was having fun nearby. After coming over to see this scene, he couldn’t help but vomited–he, an eighth-level radiation fighter, was actually beautiful. He hadn’t experienced many battles at all, so he naturally felt that he was in front of him. The scene is disgusting, and the number of people who have the same reaction as him is very large.

“People who have nothing to do with this matter, all get back!” Shi Qingyang shouted, Feng Linqiu’s blood is everywhere, but nowadays, it is very convenient to test blood samples. If someone finds Feng Linqiu’s abnormality …Even if there are many mutations in the radiation fighters, he is worried that others will find out about it.

Nowadays there are more and more people onlookers. The simple police quickly came here to maintain order and kept them from approaching. Now I heard Shi Qingyang say that, although these people were a little unwilling, they also retreated, just far away. I used my telescope to watch the situation here.

Shi Qingyang didn’t care. After the police recorded all the conditions at the scene, he immediately found someone to clean up all the blood and the like. At the same time, Feng Linqiu’s body was also specially collected.

When doing all this, Shi Qingyang paid attention the whole time, and after discovering that the weight of Feng Linqiu’s corpse was not right, he knew that he and Cheng Ran’s guess was right.

What made him more sure of this was that the monitor on this street happened to be broken, so no one knew the whereabouts of some of the flesh and blood that was thrown away!

Shi Qingyang’s face was ugly, but from a distance, someone saw all this in his eyes.

This is a hotel located not far away. It is one of the tallest buildings on this street. The view above is naturally very wide. Today, two people are sitting here, and there are seven or eight dishes in front of the hotel. chef’s special.

The eyes of these two people were covered with telescope equipment, watching the **** scene not far away from a distance, until Shi Qingyang cleaned up Feng Linqiu’s body, one of them took off the glasses on his face: “President, Feng Linqiu definitely has a problem, otherwise, that Shi Qingyang would never be so nervous. He has checked the land several times back and forth, and there is no blood bead left.”

“It’s really unexpected that Feng Yunhong’s most beloved grandson, Feng Linqiu, who was considered by everyone to be the next ninth-level master, turned out to be an experiment.” The person who was called the dean was a chubby middle-aged man. He looks kind and good-looking, and smiles when he speaks.

He had just seen the **** scene, but now he still stuck a piece of red meat into his mouth without the slightest discomfort.

“President, now that Feng Yunhong’s flesh and blood has been taken, what are we going to do? Seeing that Master Qingyang looks like, he doesn’t seem to let go.” The other person said again.

“What are you afraid of? We are so careful that the people who kill people are dead. Can anyone know that we can’t do this?” The dean smiled: “Speaking of which, I really want to thank the seal. Lin Qiu, if it weren’t for him, I would never have known that there was such a magical person in this world. Even this time, I was inspired by the scene in the chip he gave me… …”

He was the one who got the chip in Feng Linqiu’s hands before. Not only was he born in a big family in Central City, but he was also the vice president of the Huaguo Research Institute.

The National Research Institute of Huaguo has strict management, and can’t study anything that is slightly out of bounds. As the deputy dean of the research institute, he actually has more contact with politics than research. But even so, he is still full of interest in research. He has always had a desire since he was little to make everyone in this world a radiation warrior.

And he had such thoughts, it was entirely because he was born in a big family, but he was born without radiation energy.

Without the interference of radiation energy, it was more convenient for him to do research, but his unwillingness persisted until he got the chip that Feng Linqiu gave him and saw the contents of the chip.

Feng Linqiu had the genes of that mysterious person, and he became a genius, and Cheng Ran, who had the genes of that mysterious person, became a master of pharmacy that countless people sought after…

If he studies well, can he benefit all mankind?

Feng Linqiu hoped that he would save the other party. He planned that way at the beginning, but these days, Shi Qingyang took Feng Linqiu too tightly. He went to save Feng Linqiu. It is very likely that people did not save him and put themselves up. Go in…

Isn’t the value of Feng Linqiu in his body genes? He rescued Feng Linqiu. Feng Linqiu might not be able to cooperate with the research. It is better to use some cells for research, just like Feng Yunhong did.

In his capacity, it is really not difficult to find a few people who don’t want to live, and then disrupt the surrounding surveillance.

With Feng Linqiu’s flesh and blood, whether it is cloning or cultivating Feng Linqiu’s next generation, they can do it. As for Feng Linqiu, he can go to those mysterious people…

The big deal is that they will wait for their experimental products to grow up before going. When the news comes out, the mysterious people may come to the door. They can also catch them and see where they are different from the Chinese.

“Dean, it’s a pity that you can’t get Cheng Ran’s genes. Otherwise, the research will go more smoothly.” The researcher was a pity.

“Cheng Ran’s identity is unusual, and he will not go out alone. We cannot get him for the time being, but as long as our research results come out, it can benefit all mankind. Isn’t he going to cooperate with our research?” Chubby Deputy Dean He smiled, and then ate the food in front of him with relish.

After the two of them finished eating, they calmly found the waiter to settle the bill, and then asked, “I saw a lot of people gathered there from a distance, what happened?”

“President Xia, there are people dead over there, and the one who died is Feng Linqiu.” The waiter immediately said, Feng Linqiu’s death has been spread on the Internet, and they naturally heard some of it.

“What? Why did Feng Linqiu die? I’ll go and see it right away!” Xia Junliang immediately said, and after swiping the contact terminal, he hurriedly passed over. In his capacity, this is the right time to do this!

At this time, he passed openly, and others might not doubt him.

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