Back to the Peak

Chapter 11

Chapter 10 Diarrhea

When Gu Changjin came in, he was carrying two big bags with vegetables in them.

Now the whole world is full of radiation. Even in the city, the radiation is only a little bit smaller, and the molecular formula of plants will change and then mutate after being irradiated.

Plants in the wild have long been mutated and cannot be eaten, and it is very difficult to cultivate plants in the city.

Although Shi Qingyang didn’t like to eat vegetables, he still knew the price of vegetables. Gu Changjin had two bags of things in his hand, which would cost tens of thousands of credits.

Although the country now has many security systems, including not only relief funds, but also shelters, there is still a big difference between the bottom and the top. His life and status after becoming stronger is beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

“Gu…Grandpa Gu, he, the meat he cooked is delicious.” Seeing Gu Changjin, Cheng Ran immediately stood up, and eagerly wanted to explain, so that he stumbled when he spoke. It was looking at Gu Changjin nervously.

Why does Cheng Ran seem a little afraid of Gu Changjin? Shi Qingyang was a little puzzled, but he smiled and looked at Gu Changjin: “Uncle, have you eaten? I’ll make more, do you want to eat it?”

Gu Changjin looked at Cheng Ran and sighed, and finally said, “Thank you, it’s troublesome.”

“Uncle, I’ll go get it.” Shi Qingyang left a portion for Gu Changjin. He took the barbecue and came out and saw that Gu Changjin and Cheng Ran seemed to be talking, and perhaps he heard the movement. Cheng Ran immediately raised his head and smiled at him, but Gu Changjin was not very enthusiastic.

Don’t you like cooking Cheng Ran by yourself? Shi Qingyang only thought he hadn’t noticed Gu Changjin’s indifference. After all, the meal just now greatly shortened the relationship between him and Cheng Ran. Even if Gu Changjin was unhappy, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.

Moreover, what he ate for Cheng Ran was specially selected good things. Apart from not being a whole piece of meat, there were no other problems. Even the meat he left for Gu Changjin was relatively good.

Shi Qingyang ate the most, but was the first one to finish. After he finished eating, he could only watch Gu Changjin and Cheng Ran eating quietly.

Although Cheng Ran is very immature in many ways, and is different from the very skilled and communicative fellows that Shi Qingyang has seen, the way he eats can be seen at a glance. He is not a young man.

Even if Shi Qingyang stood on a high place in his previous life, he still did not learn to eat in such a gentle manner. At the beginning, he had no chance to learn. Later, there were people who fawned on him everywhere, so there was no need to learn. During that time , Even if he took a large plate of snacks at the dance party and gobbled it up, others would only praise his true temperament, and some would even follow him.

Cheng Ran is very educated when eating, but he always glances at Shi Qingyang from time to time, and the smile on the corner of his mouth is always hanging, making people know that he is in a good mood at a glance. Seeing him like this, Shi Qingyang is in a bad mood. Avoid the ground to get better.

However, he also noticed that Gu Changjin kept looking at Cheng Ran, but he stopped talking.

What is wrong? Shi Qingyang was a little puzzled, but didn’t delve into it. He is now playing a simple sixteen-year-old boy. At the age of sixteen, he grew up in a simple environment and doesn’t think too much.

After Gu Changjin finished eating, Shi Qingyang asked, “Uncle, what is it that you are looking for me?”

“You are going to the Spark Academy to sign up? I want to be your sponsor.” Gu Changjin said directly.

A sponsor, as the name suggests, is a person who finances other people’s studies.

Building new cities, hunting exotic animals, laying optical fibers outside the city, etc., all rely on radiation warriors, which makes radiation warriors, especially intermediate or advanced radiation warriors, very high.

But if you want to have that kind of strength, you need a huge investment in the early stage… Shi Qingyang did so much, in fact, to get Cheng Ran’s support.

“Uncle, my test result is double C-, and I can become a third-level radiation fighter at most…” Shi Qingyang hesitated. According to normal conditions, a person with both radiation capacity and adaptability of radiation energy may become a third-level radiation energy fighter. Level 4 or Level 4 Radiation Warrior, he is all C-, and generally can only reach Level 3.

“It’s okay,” Gu Changjin smiled, “You are a good boy, I don’t lie to you, I just hope you can take care of my young master in school, if you are willing, your tuition and living expenses, we will all bear.”

“Grandpa Gu?” Cheng Ran was surprised.

“Uncle, even if you don’t fund it, you should take care of your classmates.” Shi Qingyang also said.

Gu Changjin glanced at Cheng Ran and then at Shi Qingyang: “You should know that this is the best choice. I know that you are doing a part-time job, and you can also make up for your own tuition, but you want to become a Sponergy. Soldier, it’s not enough to pay the tuition. I asked people at Spark Academy that the price of renting a training room there is very cheap compared to outside, but it also takes 20 credits an hour. After you start studying, it’s impossible to be like Now that I work for a long time, how do I get the money out? Moreover, as a radiation fighter, if you want to make the radiation in your body obedient, you must take medicine, a bottle of mass-produced most basic soothing medicine One thousand credits, better ones are more expensive. If the radiation energy in your body is restless, can you get the money?”

Shi Qingyang fell silent. In his previous life, he had no money to rent a training room at the school. He could only practice at the entrance to the city. He had no money to buy a soothing potion. When he encountered a radiation riot, he had to stand up… Those years were very painful for him. Said, it also laid hidden dangers to his health.

“You haven’t been exposed to radiation energy much before, so you may not know that radiation energy is very violent. If you are not careful, people with radiation energy will be backlashed by the radiation energy in your own body. That’s all, if you want to reach Level 3 and Level 4, you must have the aid of medicine.” Gu Changjin said again.

Gu Changjin said that Shi Qingyang could not know that radiation energy was caused by radiation and was extremely violent. When this energy was first discovered, almost all radiation energy fighters died of radiation energy riots. Until later someone discovered the medicine.

Certain mutated herbs in the wild are not intended to be poisons for ordinary people, but after refining, they can be used as potions to treat radiation damage or to appease radiation energy riots in the radiation energy fighters.

Moreover, the higher the level of the radiation warrior, the greater the demand for medicine, because of this, there is also a profession, that is, the pharmacist.

“I know.” Shi Qingyang fell silent. His mother was a junior pharmacist, and his father and mother had planned to plant some herbs outside the city that would be bought in large quantities…

Twenty years have passed since the death of his parents, but it still made Shi Qingyang a little sad. However, he quickly recovered and saw Cheng Ran’s hopeful eyes.

“Uncle, thank you, I will definitely take good care of the young master.” Shi Qingyang said seriously, the stone in his heart finally fell.

He will take good care of Cheng Ran, and he will definitely not go the same way again!

“I, my name is Cheng Ran, you call my name, I call you Shi Qingyang, okay?” Cheng Ran suddenly said, also breaking the somewhat solemn atmosphere.

“Okay, Cheng Ran.” Shi Qingyang smiled, and couldn’t help but sigh for Cheng Ran’s innocence. He and Cheng Ran didn’t approve their names, but Cheng Ran was able to call out his name and change to someone else. , I must feel that Cheng Ran is investigating himself, and therefore unhappy: “How do you know my name?”

At this time, of course, it is impossible for him not to react at all. Instead of asking Gu Changjin to feel that his heart is deep, it is better to ask clearly.

“I and you are both studying in Class 10.” Cheng Ran showed a big smile, not knowing how to hide it.

Gu Changjin next to him saw this scene and heaved a sigh of relief.

Shi Qingyang finally said a lot with Gu Changjin and discussed what to do in the future.

Of course, I can’t continue to wash the car at Tao Rubao. After all, the entrance to the city is too far away. In fact, according to the meaning of taking care of Chang Jin, even Shi Qingyang’s job of delivering food should be quit, but Shi Qingyang But did not agree.

Although he had spared a lot of effort to allow Cheng Ran and Gu Changjin to support himself, he didn’t plan to really rely on them, so he connected the money he would use, and he planned to return it in the future.

Moreover, it is just a part-time job, which has no effect on him and will not delay the course. After all, he has learned those things in school a long time ago.

In fact, if he wasn’t even a Radiant Warrior now and needed to train in the city, he wouldn’t have a problem even if he didn’t go to Spark Academy.

Shi Qingyang insisted on the part-time job, but he agreed to all Gu Changjin’s requests to move to this villa.

The place where he originally lived was a little far from the Starfire Academy, and it took a lot of time to go back and forth. He had already planned to follow Cheng Ran at the Starfire Academy next, and he didn’t need to insist on spending money to rent another house.

After talking for a long time, when Shi Qingyang finally left, it was already late, but he had already greeted Tao Rubao in advance, and it would be fine.

Things are finally done, everything will change in the future, Shi Qingyang is in a very good mood, even the gray sky is very cute, he can’t help but want to eat something to celebrate.

Thinking of eating, he subconsciously touched his pocket, only to realize that the jerky on his body had been given to Cheng Ran.

There are still a lot of jerky that he made a few days ago in the house, and he will have to put another bag on him when he returns…Shi Qingyang touched his nose and quickened his pace.

He likes to bring some food with him. With food around him, he feels at ease.

Shi Qingyang has already left, but on the other side, Gu Changjin sighed while watching Cheng Ran.

No one knows Cheng Ran’s stomach and intestines better than him. It used to be okay. At most, he ate less than others. But since the radiation inducer was injected four months ago, Cheng Ran has been extremely repellent to radiation. For a period of time, even a bit of meat could not be eaten—the meat of alien animals still contained some radiation, even humans, only a few of them did not have radiation in their bodies now?

Cheng Ran is better now. Unlike at the beginning, he couldn’t eat a bite of meat, but he also had to focus on vegetables. He had signed a delivery contract with the vegetable cultivation plant in Spark City before and bought a lot of vegetables. .

He planned to make food for Cheng Ran when he got home, but he didn’t expect to see Cheng Ran eating meat as soon as he came back… logically he should stop it immediately, but Cheng Ran immediately stood up to help Shi Qingyang speak, but he said nothing. Out.

“Grandpa Gu, it’s okay, it’s just a bit of meat.” Cheng Ran smiled very happy.

“Master, you should know that if you eat so much meat, you will definitely be uncomfortable.” Gu Changjin was a little helpless. He wanted to talk to Shi Qingyang about this matter before, but Cheng Ran watched closely, and he knew that Cheng Ran He wanted friends so much… Seeing Cheng Ran’s constant smile, he didn’t say anything in the end.

“Grandpa Gu, I…I want to eat meat myself, it’s really nothing.” Cheng Ran’s words were quick, and it was a little uncomfortable.

Gu Changjin found some medicine for Cheng Ran: “Master, you don’t want to be like this in the future. Since you can’t take it, you must tell him clearly, otherwise he will know that you are uncomfortable after eating meat, and he will definitely blame himself.” Sometimes I don’t know how to refuse. It’s okay to have such a character at home as before, but I’ll definitely suffer when I go to school.

Cheng Ran took the medicine obediently. When Shi Qingyang heard about it, he might blame himself, and his face became a little tangled: “Grandpa Gu…you just said I like to eat vegetables, okay? Don’t say I don’t eat them. meat.”

“You…” Gu Changjin couldn’t help sighing again. Cheng Ran’s parents didn’t see him once a year, and other relatives didn’t care about him. He didn’t go to school before, and there were really too few people in contact.

Maybe it’s a good thing to come to Spark City. At least Cheng Ran can know a few more people. Shi Qingyang looks very good. I hope he can always treat Cheng Ran well…

That night, Cheng Ran naturally had diarrhea and ran to the toilet several times. In the end, the whole person was a little weak. Gu Changjin regretted seeing this situation, but he himself was still very happy.

This is the first time he has a friend.

Finally settled down. It was midnight. Cheng Ran ate a small bowl of mashed potatoes and returned to the room, then touched the jerky in his pocket, slightly disappointed.

He has a diarrhea, these jerky can’t be eaten for now…

Although this thing is difficult to chew, it only has a mouthful of scum after chewing for a long time, but it was given to him by a friend who just met. He thought it was more delicious than the high-level alien beast meat he had eaten at his grandfather’s birthday banquet.

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