Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 49

Chapter 48 The Lion Opens His Mouth!

Inside the barracks at the Eastern Lumber Mill.

After settling the 1000 war mages supported by Dalaran.

There was one more person in the tent.


“Master Anthony! Is the Alliance rich enough to send a thousand battle mages to help us?”

Rafael looked at Anthony noncommittally. In fact, he already knew in his heart that the league was in a hurry.

“Alterac surrender!”

“The orcs have besieged Lordaeron through Alterac!”

“The Alliance expects the Argent Dawn to launch the Battle of Redridge immediately.”

“Attack the Burning Plains as quickly as possible!”

“Let the orcs go back to the Burning Steppes!”

Anthony is also not procrastinating, because he knows that it is meaningless to hide from Raphael.

It’s better to finish quickly and wait for Raphael to open the conditions.

“It’s not the same as what we said!”

“The Argent Dawn only needs to deter the Burning Steppes after sweeping the Redridge Mountains!”

“How many orcs are there in the Burning Steppes?”

“Not to mention the new red dragons and death knights!”

“Are you trying to drain the last drop of blood from the Argent Dawn?”

How could Raphael let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to offer conditions.

“We also know it’s difficult!”

“So, Your Excellency the Great Lord! Put forward the conditions!”

Alliance and ready to be slaughtered.

“Ironforge, if Morrigan!”

Raphael spat out two names.


“Your Excellency the Great Lord! That is the main city of dwarves and gnomes!”

“You are fantastic!”

“I promise you here today, and tomorrow the alliance will fall apart!”

“Can you be more realistic?”

Anthony almost jumped up when he heard Raphael’s tone.

“Can you hear me finish?”

“Why do I need so much land?”

“The population of the southern border has not been filled yet!”

Raphael signaled to Anthony not to worry.

“Then what do you want?”

“All technical books!”

“And the Argent Dawn can recruit artisans in both places!”

Raphael figured it out, he was already thinking about it after the war.

Science and technology are the primary productive forces, and they are equally applicable in this magical world.

In Azeroth, dwarves are more like engineers, and gnomes more like inventors.

These two races have made Raphael coveted for a long time.


Anthony was silent for a moment.

The magical age limited his thinking, and the noble mage master has convenient magic.

To him, those clunky machines were a pile of shit, not as convenient as a single spell.

He forgot that 90% of the people in this world are not gifted with magic.

And the formative period of the magician is too long..

“at last!”

Raphael spoke to Anthony.

“Your Majesty! Don’t go too far!”

Anthony interrupted Raphael.

“Mama! Don’t worry! This is just my personal request!”

“I see the Dalaran Magic Library!”

“It’s not too much of a request!”

Raphael said to Anthony.

“Isn’t that too much?”

“It’s all the hard work of the Kirin Tor Council!”

Anthony was stared at by Raphael’s blowing beard.

“I might see it too, right?”

“Just a little bit of interest.”

Raphael smiled sincerely at Anthony.

Anthony stared at Raphael, as if to see a flaw in his face.

Intuition told him that Raphael was doing something.

But I can’t figure out where the problem is.

“All right!”

In the end, he could only reluctantly agree to Raphael.

“make a deal!”

“The Battle of Redridge will begin tomorrow at the Argent Dawn!”

Raphael smiled like a weasel who stole a chicken.

This time, the arcane affinity is going to rise.

“I’ll introduce you to the commander of this battle!”

“Introduce yourself! Lancelot!”

Raphael gestured for Lancelot.

“Archmage Antonidas!”

“First Knight of the Round Table of the Argent Dawn, Grand Knight of the Knights Templar!”

“Plenipotentiary Commander of the Battle of Redridge! Greetings from Lancelot!”

Lancelot raised his hand and slapped his breastplate and gave Anthony a military salute.


“Knights of the Round Table? Knights Templar?”

“Plenipotentiary Commander?”

Anthony was as confused as Lancelot just now.

“High Lord! You participated in the Battle of Redridge Mountains?”

Anthony asked the same question.

“My battlefield is not here!”

“The Argent Dawn fleet is already at Stormwind Docks!”

Raphael also answered Anthony.

“Then may I ask where the Great Lord’s battlefield is?”

‘One less demigod-level combat power! ’

“The difficulty of the battle will increase exponentially! The time span will also be extended!”

Anthony looked a little unhappy.

“War of the Argent Dawn! I never shot!”

“I believe in my soldiers!”

“I have my battlefield!”

“Master Anthony! I hope you can trust my subordinates too!”

“Battle begins! You’ll see how great they are!”

“The time of the battle will never be prolonged! You can rest assured!”

“The time is extended, and the conditions I put forward are void!”

Raphael sternly corrected Anthony.

“Okay then! Can I ask the chief to go there?”

Seeing that Raphael had said everything, Anthony could only ask helplessly.


“My love is waiting for me there!”

Without concealing it, Raphael said directly to Anthony.

Moreover, the actions of the 50,000 army cannot be concealed, so it is better to say it openly.


“You mean! Drop 100,000 troops!”

“Leave the upcoming major battle!”

“Ignore the request of the entire alliance!”

“You’re just here to rescue your lover!”

“Is there any danger in Quel’Thalas?”

Anthony stared at Rafael in amazement, which was an unexpected answer…

“That’s right! My love is there! That’s enough!”

Raphael looked at the shocked two and said with a smile of affirmation and domineering…

PS! 2 more! ! ! There are 3 more! ! Finally finished today! You don’t need to dove the codewords! Pictured is Antonidas!

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