Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 44

Chapter 43 Hildebrad Frontline!

The maple forest outside Stratholme.

After Raphael and Alleria kissed and fell in love.

Raphael took Alleria almost to the side of the temporarily peaceful area of ​​the entire north.

Alterac Valley Experience the warmth of the land of the mountains and the hospitality of the dwarves of the Hinterlands.

Even make a wish at the Dalaran Wishing Pool.

Just when Raphael brought Aurelia into reluctance.

Hillbrad Front, in Lothar’s tent.

Lothar stared at the sand table one by one road carefully.

In front of him are five first-generation Paladins, and Turalyon has become his adjutant.

“Marshal! I still think this plan is too risky!”

“In case the orcs break through us!”

“There is no established legion in the rear that can resist the front of the orcs!”

Uther looked at the sand table and said worriedly.

“The people in the rear are overwhelmed!”

“This battle! I have made up my mind!”


Lothar said decisively.

“No! I disagree!”

“Although you are the marshal! This battle plan! You must get the approval of the alliance!”

“You are taking an adventure with an army of 500,000!!”

“The big lord’s strategy is correct!”

“We used to think that the Orcs had the most backing in the entire South!”

“You want to solve the orc threat once and for all, that’s fine!”

“But the Great Lord’s 100,000 troops are already eyeing the Redridge Mountains!”

“We just need to be patient!”

“Wait for the orcs to slam into our steel defenses!”

“They will collapse on their own!”

“You are taking the lives of the 500,000 troops that do not belong to the Stormwind Kingdom and the lives of the civilians of the six countries to block the national luck of the Stormwind Kingdom!”

Tirion Fordring directly explained the reason why Lothar was so eager for instant success.


Lothar looked up at his always-good comrade-in-arms.

Several other Paladins also looked at him with complex expressions.

Because of Lothar’s recommendation, they can become Paladins, and according to reason, they should be grateful.

But when this battle plan came into view.

Lothar’s long-standing glorious image began to crumble.

“Do you think I’m just for Stormwind Kingdom?”

“Raphael is not as simple as you see it!”

“There is a wild hope in his heart, maybe he didn’t see it clearly..”

“He betrayed his class!”

“I’m not just talking about the Storm Royal Family!”

“He betrayed the aristocracy, okay?”

“He will cause an uproar in the entire Eastern Kingdom sooner or later!”

“Do you know that there are nobles in the territory under his rule now?”

“After getting the news, MI7 returned to the territory under his rule!”

“Not a single noble! He gave all the land to the commoners!”

“All officials are also selected from among the civilians!”

“Do you know how scary this is?”

“This is digging up the foundation of our aristocracy!!!”

Lothar looked at the five knights and said word by word.

Except for Turalyon, the five paladins changed their expressions…

Because Turalyan was the only civilian present, and from the standpoint of a civilian, he felt that Raphael’s actions were fine.

“Even so!”

“Marshal, you shouldn’t take such a risk!”

Although Tirion Fordring had loosened his expression, he still objected.

“Time is running out!!”

“A year ago! Raphael was just a high-ranking knight, leading 10,000 troops to garrison!”

“A year later! He is the great lord of the Argent Dawn, and the rank is a demigod!”

“The first demigod of the Guardian has appeared in human history!”

“You know when the news came! How surprised I was?”

“I can’t give him time anymore!”

“I’m still the marshal!”

“Whether it is a defeat or a victory after the war! I will bear all the consequences!”

“Even if you report to Lordaeron now!”

“But now the order must be carried out!”

“Unless you want to disobey on the battlefield!”

“I announce the official start of the battle plan!”

“Tonight I will retreat with 200,000 troops to build a defense line in Tarren Mill!”

“Turalyon 50,000! Go north of Brynhild!”

“50,000 people in Fording! Hide to the Hinterlands!”

“Uther for 100,000! Go to the coast! There’s a fleet of Kul Tiras there!”

“They’ll take you for a spin and come back!”

“When the time comes, I want you to go straight to the back of the orcs and block their retreat back to the wetlands!”

“Dathohan 50,000, you cover Tarren Mill’s flank! Prevent a small force of orcs from breaking into Silverpine Forest, it will be a disaster!”

“Five thousand of Gavinrad! I want you to attack the Orc defense!”

“Then fall back and lure the orcs into the pockets I have prepared for them!”

Lothar said that in the end, he directly punched the location of Tarren Mill on the map.

“Yes! Marshal!”

The five first-generation Paladins went to prepare their own!

As soon as possible the heart may not want to, but as Lothar said.

The Alliance can be expected to issue warnings, but they must follow orders, because this is a battlefield.

It is a taboo to order multiple doors!

The turning point of the Second Orc War is coming!

That night five messengers headed for Lordaeron from the front.

When Terenas received letters from five Paladins one after another…

Immediately, I was ready to issue an invitation to the meeting to the representatives of the alliance countries, but after thinking about it, I stopped!

Because it is too late to replace Lothar now!

The war might have broken out…

PS2 more! There are 3 more! Get the hell out of here and continue coding! ! The big guy is so powerful! I’m sorry for not working hard to update, and the contract has been mailed! Please eat with confidence!

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