Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 213

Chapter 214 The Flames Of War Are Rekindled! The Fury Of The North Wind! Beheading!

What the hell happened?!

Raphael was very curious, so after Ronin left, he immediately began to read these two letters.

The letter from Stormwind City was naturally sent by Varian. In the letter, Varian first greeted Raphael and his family, and then said in his heart that the Alliance army that landed from Howling Fjord had already been sent by the Lich King. The vanguard began to exchange fire.

But the enemy is stronger than imagined, the enemy is not just those mindless undead soldiers, but also the vrykul of Urgard Castle.

Although the soldiers of Stormwind are very useful, the vrykul are too terrifying.

In order to ensure that more troops could be preserved against the coming war with the Lich King, Varian hoped that Raphael would send an army to support them in their battle against the vrykul.

“Tsk! Vrykul.”

Raphael touched his chin, thinking about the outline of how to reply to the content of the letter.

“How? Are you going to send troops?”

Sylvanas asked Raphael.

“There is no reason not to send troops. What Varian said in his letter is not without reason. Indeed, it is not good news for us if the vrykul continue to consume their troops in the Howling Fjord.” 5

“Don’t forget, our opponents are the Lich King and the Scourge.

“Every soldier who falls is, in another sense, increasing the number of our enemies.”

Raphael judged the current situation and said such words to Sylvanas.

“That makes sense, so who are you going to send?

Sylvanas continued to ask Raphael.

“This… I’ll look at another letter first.

Raphael did not rush to answer Sylvanas’ question, but opened another letter.

In another letter, Thrall also made a request to Raphael for reinforcements.

Thrall said in the letter that the vanguard of the Horde had arrived on the Dragonblight, but they accidentally discovered the long-lost Naxxramas on the Dragonblight!

So, in order to fight Naxxramas, the soldiers of the Horde established a line of defense in Dragonblight.

But what they never imagined is that the danger of Dragonblight is not just as simple as the Scourge Legion, there is a spider legion entrenched in the ground, also launched an attack on them!

The existence of this power was something they did not expect.

Although the soldiers of the tribe were not afraid of death, under the two-front battle, the entire tribe army was soon blocked on the Dragonbone Wilderness.

At the end of the letter, Thrall said this.

“Respected High Lord, I must remind you that if our troops are really trapped in the Dragonblight, your battle plan will definitely be affected.

“In order to cause unpredictable consequences, I implore you to send troops to support us.

After reading the two letters, Raphael could not help frowning.

“What do you think? The battles on both fronts are in a dilemma…”

Raphael asked Sylvanas and Liadrin.

“This is normal.

Sylvanas said to Raphael.

“Although the current army of the Argent Dawn can basically block all the undead legions from the Frozen Crown.

“But the dangers of Northrend are much more than the Legion of the Dead.”

“Don’t forget, we went to Ulduar and saved the world.

Sylvanas’ words can’t be said to be unreasonable, but Raphael sighed after hearing Sylvanas say so.

“Although Azeroth is easy to be destroyed, it has not yet reached the point where it will encounter the forces that want to destroy it, right?”

“I just think…how did the combat power of the Alliance and the Horde suddenly become so low? 35

“To be honest, some things didn’t quite meet my expectations.

Raphael spoke out the final doubts in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Liadrin, who had not spoken, stood up and said to Raphael with a smile.

“What’s this?”

“The Alliance and the Horde were originally only marginal forces! Now in Azeroth, aren’t we the most powerful forces? Isn’t it normal that they are not as good as us?

This is called waking up a dreamer with a single word.

The development of the Argent Dawn will inevitably invade the development of both of them, after all, the whole of Azeroth is so big.

Now that the Argent Dawn is in full swing, the Alliance and Horde will naturally be weaker.

After thinking about this, Raphael became relieved.

“Since that’s the case, it seems a bit unreasonable not to support them.”

“Hehe, so, Leah, you take some people to the Howling Fjord, after all, the Knights of the Silver Hand should be with them, you can probably go (cbcj) to make it easier. 99


Liadrin said immediately after receiving the order.

“Then, Sylvanas, take your blood elf army to help Thrall!

Unexpectedly, Sylvanas did not express any protest after hearing this order, but just asked curiously.

“What about you? I thought you would take someone to deal with these things yourself!”


After hearing this, Raphael shook his head with a chuckle.

“I’m still very busy, so I don’t have time to take care of them.”

“Besides, it’s just Vrykus and Spider-Man, so why let me play, can’t you handle these things?”

Liadrin and Sylvanas looked at each other after hearing this.

Then Sylvanas asked Raphael curiously.

“What else do you have? Is there anything more important than fighting the Scourge?

“Of course!”

Raphael nodded vigorously.

“If you want to do good work, you must first sharpen your tools. Have you heard this saying?


“Huh?! 99′

Liadrin and Sylvanas had naturally never heard of this very common saying.

Raphael laughed, put the two letters in his arms, and then asked again.

“Okay, now, who can tell me, what happened to the Saronite iron ore that I asked you to look for in the Storm Peaks?

“I’ve been waiting for your news!”

Liadrin immediately reported to Raphael.

“We have placed some people to start looking for it, but the current situation of the discovery of the lode is not optimistic.”

“That’s it…

Raphael touched his chin and nodded.

“It doesn’t matter, good things are not so easy to find! During this time, I will keep an eye on the mining of Saron’s evil iron. As for you, show me well on the front line, don’t be ashamed!

Northrend, Borean Tundra.

Thrall stood in the camp that had just been built, looking at the vast white snow in front of him, the whole person was very uneasy.

“What do you think, Thrall, will Raphael send reinforcements?”

Saurfang, standing behind Thrall, asked Thrall.

“I don’t know, I have to be honest, I don’t know.

Thrall shook his head and turned to look at Saurfang.

“But we should temporarily trust the high lord of the City of Glory, Saurfang.”


Saurfang said with some disdain.

“Sal, seriously, sometimes I really don’t know what to believe.”

“Especially the ones without honor… you know, like Gul’dan…”

Saurfang’s worries can’t be said to be groundless, after all, they are outsiders, especially after experiencing the Gul’dan incident, part of their income is becoming more and more sensitive, and they are unwilling to trust people who are in the same group.

“I understand how you feel.

Thrall raised his hand and pointed to the distant ice field, and continued.

“Not far ahead, in a place we can’t see yet, there are some of our enemies hidden there.

“But you and I both know that the real enemy is not far away, but at our feet.

“Those damn spidermen!

“That’s why, Saurfang, I ordered the team to be stationed in this place.”

“We all know that the enemy is cunning.”9

“But we’re not stupid either.

“Orcs can’t fight against the Scourge under such a situation that they are surrounded by enemies!”

“If no reinforcements are sent, then we will stand here and plant the flag of the tribe on the ground beneath our feet!”

Thrall said this to Saurfang confidently, with a hint of ambition in his eyes.

But in reality, Saurfang knew exactly what Thrall would do.

When they set foot on this land, he had already realized that Thrall’s participation in this expedition was very likely because he saw the land under his feet.

It is not surprising that fighting for a living environment for the tribe is something that Thrall has always been working on.

At this time, a Darkspear troll sentry ran into the fortress riding a raptor.

He rushed all the way to the front of Thrall and Saurfang to report.

“Chief! An elven army has come from the west!”

“It’s just that that unit seems to be entangled by a group of spidermen!”

After hearing this, Thrall’s eyes flashed, and then he said to Saurfang.

“Looks like the reinforcements we’ve been waiting for have arrived.

“This is really good news!

Saurfang said in a low voice.

“But elves? I don’t know when elves joined this crusade.”

“Then you should really care about something outside the battlefield, Saurfang.”

Thrall patted Saurfang on the shoulder and said.

Compared with Thrall, Saurfang is a relatively pure warrior. Since the beginning of the Northern Expedition, he has hardly cared about what happened outside the battlefield.

“The high elves have now changed their names, they call themselves blood elves, and have elected a new queen.

“And that new queen is the sister of Lord Raphael’s wife, Sylvanas. 99

Thrall told Saurfang the biggest news in all of Azeroth of late.

After Saurfang heard this, an unexpected expression appeared on his face.

“I really did not expect such a thing to happen. 35

“In that case, it’s probably the queen who came this time?”


Thrall nodded and continued.

“Looks like we have to go out and meet the queen.”


Thrall and Saurfang rode on two wolf mounts, led a group of orc soldiers, and walked out of the fort…

On the ice field outside the fortress, Sylvanas’ blood elf troops have cleaned up all the damn spider-men crawling out of the ground.

Sylvanas stood in front of a giant spider, looking at the dead Spider-Man and the many small spiders under his feet, with a disgusting expression on his face.


She lifted her foot and stomped a small spider to death.

“These guys don’t seem to have any brains.”

“The orcs were entangled by them?”

Vanessa stood beside Sylvanas and said with some disdain.

“It may not be as simple as we think.”

“Don’t forget, the undead have no brains, but they still bring us a lot of trouble.”

Sylvanas looked at the battlefield in front of her and shouted to everyone.

“Everyone keep going!”

“Our destination is not far ahead!”

Just as the blood elf team was about to set off, an orc woman suddenly ran over from the side.

The orc woman’s face was full of panic, she looked at Sylvanas and said.

“Valez and Karmaso have been captured!

“Captured by two humans!”

“Please, please help us! 55

Sylvanas stood up to her words and asked with a frown.

“Who are you talking about?”

“Valez is my son, Carmaso is my husband! 35

The orc woman said in fear, her eyes were full of fear.

“Who took them?”

Sylvanas asked interest-bearingly, trying to get the whole thing straight.

“A group of humans in black robes!”

“They took Wallace to the cave over there!”

Humans in black robes, Naxxramas…

Associating these two words, Sylvanas’s mind immediately came up with the name of an organization: Cult of the Damned!

But what did the Cult of the Damned do with the two orcs?

Sylvanas felt that there was something strange in this matter, so he spoke to the others.

“You guys keep going! I’ll go take a look at the cave!

So, the blood elf team divided into two groups, all the way to the orc’s fortress, while Sylvanas went to the cave pointed out by the female orc.

Sylvanas was extremely agile, and she sneaked into a cave, but unexpectedly, a believer of the Cursed Sect in a black robe was sitting not far from the cave.


The cursed sect believer saw a dark shadow flash past and immediately shouted.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Sylvanas’ blade slid down his throat!

Sylvanas set aside the corpse of the Cult of the Damned.

At this moment, the voice of another member of the curse sect resounded in the cave.

“Anka, what happened?”

Then, footsteps sounded from inside.

Sylvanas suddenly had an idea and hid his body behind the guy named Anka.

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