Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 208

Chapter 209 Front Body! The Awakened Liadrin!

“What’s wrong?”

Brian Bronzebeard looked at Raphael with a curious expression on his face.

“The Faceless is done, don’t hurt my armor.

Raphael looked at the faceless warrior who fell to the ground and said.

“Your armor?”

A hint of doubt flashed in Brian’s eyes.

“Uh, I mean, haha, this armor is very interesting, I want to study it.””

“Okay, Brian, go and support Sylvanas.

“I’m going to wake up Liadrin!

Raphael said to Brian Bronzebeard.

“As you wish, High Lord! 39

Brian Bronzebeard raised his hammer and shouted loudly.

Then, he rushed towards Sylvanas on the other side.

At this moment, Sylvanas is gathering those blood elf rangers and mages who have awakened from Yogg-Saron’s dream with firm willpower, wanting to build a line of defense and buy time for Raphael.

And there are more blood elf rangers who failed to wake up from Yogg-Saron’s dream.

Moreover, they were unfortunately turned into a violent and unstable monster by Yogg-Saron.

“What are they?!

Sylvanas shot a blood elf corrupted by Yogg-Saron with one arrow and asked with a frown.

Sylvanas is no stranger to this attack mode.

But these corrupted blood elves in front of them are undoubtedly not undead.

Because in a way, they weren’t dead at all.

They are changed!

“The Curse of Flesh…”

An unfamiliar term jumped out of Brian Bronzebeard’s mouth.

“Curse of Flesh?!

A look of surprise crossed Sylvanas’ face.

“Yes, I don’t know how much you know about this. You only need any creature that has been cursed with flesh and blood, and it will become that extremely unstable monster.”

“They break down themselves little by little and change themselves.”9

“Finally, be a part of Yogg-Saron! 35

Brian Bronzebeard said to Sylvanas.


“Damn it, why didn’t the Taitas get rid of these guys completely? 35

Sylvanas asked Brian curiously.

“Ha! Not even the Titans can do everything!”

“Actually, it’s not that the Titans didn’t try to clean up the ancient gods. 99

“The most powerful of the four ancient gods, Ya-060 Shaji, was exterminated from Azeroth by the Titans himself.

“But that’s what’s so scary about the Old Gods, they’ve become part of Azeroth.”

“Forcing them to clean up will definitely leave wounds on Azeroth!”

“These wounds may be fatal, or they may not!

“But elf girl, hehe, you are no strangers to cleaning up the wounds left by Y’Shaarj.

“Because the name of that wound is, Well of Eternity!”

Brann Bronzebeard told Sylvanas this little-known history while fighting the Faceless of Yogg-Saron.

“The Well of Eternity…

Sylvanas repeated the name, his face gloomy.

The Well of Eternity can be said to be a symbol of the glory of the elves and the beginning of suffering.

Speaking of the Well of Eternity, Sylvanas couldn’t help but think of another elf queen, Azshara!

“I will prove myself! I will be more qualified to lead the elves than Azshara!”

Sylvanas thought silently in his heart, and then fired two more bows and arrows, shooting the two Faceless!

On the other side, Raphael is trying to infuse his holy light power into Liadrin’s brain.

Completely remove Yogg-Saron’s dark power from Liadrin’s consciousness.

At this moment, in Yogg-Saron’s fantasy.

Liadrin has been cornered!

She became a sinner that thousands of people refer to, and in front of the expressionless people of the same family, she couldn’t stop crying.

“You have to pay the price.”

The indifferent voice sounded again from the mouth of the blood elf of the same race.


Liadrin raised her head, looked at the cold-faced clansmen, and defended herself.

“I didn’t do anything wrong, I just wanted to protect you! Protect our home! 99


A high elf man stood up and looked at Liadrin.

Liadrin didn’t know him, but he could tell from the way he was dressed that he was a blood elf with status.

“You are too weak! There is no way to protect our subjects!

“You need to pay the price!”

“Make yourself stronger, and then protect Silvermoon City! 35

The man said to Liadrin in an orderly manner.

“Become stronger!

Liadrin’s eyes suddenly firmed.

She crawled at the man’s feet, and said in a pleading tone.

“Tell me, how to become stronger! I am willing to pay any price, even my soul!”

“very good!

Finally, a smile appeared on the man’s face.

Then, the ground suddenly split open, and a swirling black hole appeared in front of Liadrin!

“Jump from here!

“Jump down, and you can become one with the great Yogg-Saron!”

“At that time, with the protection of Lord Yogg-Saron, you can protect all of us.

The high-ranking blood elf pointed to the voice and said to Liadrin excitedly and excitedly.

“Power! Get stronger!”

Liadrin’s eyes no longer have any reason at this moment!

She murmured to herself and walked towards the black vortex, and then she was about to jump down!

Just at this juncture!

A holy light is as fierce as the sun, shining down from the sky!

It just hit Liadrin’s body.

“Huh? This is?!

Liadrin’s eyes returned to clarity!

That is to say, at the same time, the faces of the high elves surrounding Liadrin suddenly became extremely hideous!

“Leah! I can’t make Yogg-Saron completely drive out your spiritual world! 35

“I can only remind you here! 39

“Remember your beliefs! Do not bow to anyone and strength!

Raphael’s voice seemed to come from the sky, loud and clear.

“My belief…

Liadrin felt the power of the Holy Light on her body, and her eyes gradually became firmer.

“Light, please forgive me! 35

“I actually wanted to bow my head to the shadow just now!”

Liadrin was no longer afraid at this moment, after demanding Holy Light’s forgiveness.

She stood up and looked at the grim-faced high elves around her, her eyes firm and persistent.

“It’s not my fault that Silvermoon City was destroyed!”

“I want to protect you! I will not allow you to be controlled and used by other forces! 55

“I will restore the power of the high elves with Sylvanas!

After saying these words, Liadrin decided to fight for the Holy Light!

No regrets, no retreats!

Only charge!

At the moment when Liadrin’s courage and the power of the Holy Light burst out!

Everything in front of me started to fall apart!

Liadrin faced everything with a fearless face, still not timid or withdrawn.

But in the next second, she returned to the real world.

“You finally woke up!

Raphael looked at Liadrin who opened her eyes, and the expression on her face was a little nervous.

“I… what’s wrong with me? 35

Liadrin looked at Raphael blankly and asked.

It seems that the environment of Yogg-Saron has some kind of special effect, when people are in it, they seem to become another self.

And back in reality, the other self becomes blurry, and then disappears.

This may not be a bad thing, because everything in the dream state is basically not a good material for being remembered.

“It’s alright!

Raphael reached out and pulled Liadrin off the ground.

Liadrin was also the last to wake up from Yogsa (cbcj) Ryu’s vision.

At this time, under the joint resistance of Brian Bronzebeard and Sylvanas, the faceless younger brothers of Yogg-Saron were basically cleaned up.

“Now, who is the winner?

“Yog-Saron, answer my question! 99

Raphael shouted to the ancient god who had been sleeping in the ground for millions of years.

He provokes Yogg-Saron, although Yogg-Saron won’t be angry because of it, but Raphael feels very cool in his heart!

However, his words are like the horns of counterattack!

The last faceless man fell to the ground, unable to stand up again.

“Next, let me see what other tricks you have!”

Raphael stopped talking nonsense with Yogg-Saron, and smashed a fireball directly onto Yogg-Saron’s shield!


Sylvanas also shouted, leading the remaining elf troops to attack Yogg-Saron’s shield!

“You… these… mortals!

“How dare you offend the gods!”

Yogg-Saron was finally angry, and every big mouth full of fangs on its body opened!

Countless rays of light shoot out of its mouth! To Raphael and others!

“Watch out for dodge!”

Raphael shouted loudly.

But Liadrin had just woken up not long ago, and the state of her whole body had not returned to its best state.

A green light shot at her!

And Liadrin hadn’t reacted yet.

“Damn it!

Raphael scolded angrily and then shouted loudly.

“Holy Shield!

A shield composed of holy light protected Raphael’s entire body.

Then, Raphael jumped in front of Liadrin and used his body to help her with this Yogg-Saron attack.

However, to Raphael’s surprise, this attack was not as powerful as he thought.

The green light hit Raphael’s shield and disappeared in the next second.

The Holy Shield technique was not broken, and there was no explosion or anything. Raphael just felt a whisper in his mind.

The whisper was a language Raphael had never heard before.

He only felt a flower in front of him, and then the whole world seemed to become illusory.

In the next second, even his movements were much slower.

But this state of poisoning only lasted for a second or two, and soon, Raphael returned to normal.


“What exactly is this attack?”

Raphael has some doubts in his heart, how could Yogg-Saron’s attack be so weak? It’s not even a DEBUFF!

After all, he is also an ancient god!

At this moment, Raphael suddenly remembered something that he had heard in his previous life.

That’s the SAN value!

The san value is a kind of existence similar to spiritual power, if the average person’s san value is about 100.

Then when fighting an indescribable monster like the ancient god, the san value will further drop as the battle progresses.

Of course, this is the case in Azeroth.

But if it is on earth, then it is very embarrassing.

If Yogg-Saron appears on Earth, even if ordinary people see or get close to Yogg-Saron, the SAN value will be cleared immediately, and the whole person will go completely crazy.

Then either become a walking dead or become a servant of the ancient gods!

Just like Deathwing, it was driven crazy by the ancient gods!

The most terrifying thing about this kind of attack is that no matter what the attacker is, how powerful he is.

As long as the SAN value drops by a certain amount, it will be like ordinary people, completely crazy!

“So, this is the ancient god’s trick!

Raphael took a deep breath, he just used his body to resist a wave of the ancient god’s spiritual attack.

Although the situation is good now, if you suffer a few more times, the consequences will be difficult to say.

“Watch out for dodge!”

Raphael said it again.

Then, he carefully observed Yogg-Saron in front of him.

Now the real question is, that protective cover on Yogg-Saron’s body!

If this protective cover can’t be broken, Raphael and his party can’t really hurt it at all!

In this way, everyone’s SAN value is completely reduced to zero by Yogg-Saron, it is only a matter of time!

For even the most agile and stamina of warriors will struggle to cope with the death rays of Yogg-Saron again and again!

“Have to find a way to break its shield!

Just when Raphael frowned, thinking about the way to break the game, suddenly Yogg-Saron released that terrifying green light again!

Raphael was keenly aware.

When Yogg-Saron is releasing green light, its shield will briefly disappear for a second or two!

“This shows that even the power of Yogg-Saron will not easily shoot out of that shield!”

Raphael was thrilled with his discovery.


Raphael called out to Sylvanas, then made a follow-me gesture to her.

Sylvanas instantly understood, she nodded to Raphael and turned back.

“Everyone temporarily stop attacking!

“Wait for my order!”

Yogg-Saron found that Raphael and others had stopped attacking him, and became more and more mad.

“Why… you finally found out?”

“I finally found out that you are not the opponents of the ancient gods at all!”

After Yogg-Saron roared these words, he once again emitted a green light!

“It is now! 9

Raphael shouted loudly.

With the appearance of green light, the shield instantly opened.

“Judgment of the High Lord!”

Raphael used his most powerful skill and smashed Yogg-Saron fiercely!

The counterattack has really begun!.

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