Awakening to a Special-Grade Explorer

Book 3: Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Because of Chaewon's curiosity, the atmosphere among the four of them became awkward.

"G-girls and... puberty..." Pyne thought to herself.

Mina on the other hand had a different idea, thinking, "You can do it. But Tenji is more on the cute side, right? Chaewon has always liked cool guys anyway, so it's okay if she likes him."

Chaewon, for her part, was blushing from head to toe.

Then it was Pyne's turn to look into Tenji's eyes and ask, "Hey, who is Tenji's mentor?"

Just then, a young man appeared, interrupting Pyne's words. No one except Tenji noticed his approach. He was a tall young man who suddenly appeared behind Tenji and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Tenji, let's go."

"Okay, Fuyuki-kun."

Tenji turned and quickly followed Fuyuki, who had already turned on his heels and headed for the fountain plaza. Tenji hurriedly caught up and walked next to him, thanking him in a small voice.


Pyne's voice echoes.

However, Fuyuki, with a calm expression, just turns his face to the back and gently says without stopping his feet.

"You guys go back to the fountain plaza with your examiner. I'm Tenji's examiner, so it doesn't concern you guys, sorry."

"Kurou Fuyuki! You know about Tenji!"

"I wonder about that. Let's not pry into things, that's the promise I made with President Limey. Don't forget that. The trouble won't fall on you guys, but on the people and countries that support you, you know?"

Pyne couldn't say anything in response to that argument.

There was no other chance.

Perhaps this was the last opportunity to hear proper words from Tenji. That's how they felt.

However, the three of them couldn't get anything out of Tenji.

It was an event so serious that President Limey imposed a secrecy order.

Who are the mentors of Tenji?

Who is this Japanese person named Tenji?

"Tenji... who is he?"

Chaewon's empty words also hit the hearts of the two.

Looking back, all the people around him were famous people that everyone in Mallorca knew.

Chigo, Kurou Fuyuki, Ursula Limey.

There are no people in Mallorca who do not know such people. Chigo has only recently arrived, but the other two are people that even the small boys and girls living here know.

"So Chisato is one of the mentors and supporters, but... is that really true?"

"I think that's definitely true. Tenji has never denied it. He's a child who can't lie. But..."


"I think there's someone behind Chigo. Maybe even someone on par with President Lemey, like a Zero-grade Explorer."

"Come to think of it, I heard there are Zero-grade Explorers in Japan. But is that really true? I thought it was some kind of urban legend..."

"Yeah, they definitely exist. Apparently they're not interested in dungeons at all and are always investigating something. I heard about it from my supporter Mushtafa."

It seems that Pyne knows that the existence of Zero-grade Explorers in Japan is not just a rumor. While it may be doubted by people from other countries, it is a commonly circulated urban legend among ordinary people that the existence of Zero-grade Explorers in Japan is a hoax.

It's understandable that way.

There has never been any exposure to the media, and not even a single photograph of them has been circulated.

As mere high school students, it would not be strange if they were known as an urban legend.

Still, Mina and Chaewon believe that it is true because Pyne speaks as if she knows.

Just then, three examiners appeared from the nearby forest.


"Good work, Mina."

"Chaewon did a great job too."

"Hey, hey, Pyne-Pyne. Boing, boing?"

The three were seniors who were either in their second or third year and whom they regularly worked together with.

They come from different nationalities and did not have any connection at first. However, they have been diving into the dungeon together for the past few months, eating meals together many nights, asking questions when they don't understand, and always accompanying each other during training. The appearance of such a reliable presence caused the weight on the shoulders of the three of them to suddenly disappear.

"Let's go home for now." When Mina's senior spoke as a representative, everyone began to walk towards the fountain plaza to leave. Along the way, their seniors were unusually silent, and they realized that they couldn't really talk until the formal exam was over.

Because of this, there wasn't a single conversation between the three of them as they walked on quietly.

When they arrived at the fountain plaza, all 15 members of class 1-A arrived safely, waiting for Illonka to speak along with their respective seniors. Some of the students had been injured by Pyne and others, but they had already been treated and were in good condition. However, their eyes also contained feelings of resentment.

There was a faintly awkward atmosphere here. On the other hand, there were also some students who seemed satisfied after completing the exam.

"Well, it was going to be like this."

"Well, it can't be helped since it was a pretty harsh exam." When Mina and Chaewon casually talked like that, the secretary Illonka, who had been drinking tea with a carefree expression in front of the fountain plaza, elegantly placed her teacup on the table.

Where did she get that afternoon tea set from? That's what some of the students wanted to ask.

Then, the three senior members gradually approached Illonka and reported something to her in a small voice.

Upon hearing this, Illonka immediately stood up and said, "Thank you, everyone. It seems that there were no injuries in this exam. I am very satisfied that many people played the role they were given."

"After the results of the exam are accurately tallied, they will be posted on the school bulletin board starting at 10 a.m. tomorrow. The results will also be distributed to your tablets, so please check them out if you like. There are no classes in the academy tomorrow, so please take care to rest after today's fatigue. That's all." Saying that flatly, Illonka left the tea behind and teleported away to the city.

The students showed confused expressions at the cold responses they received. However, their senior classmates were used to it and chuckled.

"First-years are new after all. Don't worry about it, Illonka always acts like that."

Pyne's senior smiled kindly and spoke, reassuring the students a little. The students followed their seniors and passed through the transition gate.

Tenji also went along with the flow and returned to the city of Central Pablo with Fuyuki. They went straight to their suburban house without talking to anyone.

George, Pyne, Mina, Chaewon, and their senior classmates who graded them were the only ones who saw Tenji's true form. They gazed at his back as he left.

Thus, the practical exam of the first half of the year at Mallorca Escuela ended.


The results will be announced.

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