Awakening to a Special-Grade Explorer

Book 3: Chapter 101

Chapter 101

"All right! There are only 15 minutes left until the end of the exam! We're almost there, keep fighting!"

Mina's voice seemed to lift the spirits of the two, and she led the way with quick steps. They had climbed most of the way to their destination, and as a result, Chaewon was already drenched in sweat. She was panting heavily, and the sweat on her neck glistened in a way that made her look alluring, so Tenji tried to avoid looking at her.

Meanwhile, Mina was calmly studying the map that they had received from the delivery man. Chaewon was becoming impatient since Mina wasn't giving her any specific distances.

"How much farther do we have to go?"

"Umm, we just have to carry the black cocoon about a hundred meters beyond the goal, I think. So it should be visible soon."

"O-okay... So we're almost there. Tenji, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I only joined halfway through the journey, so I'm still good."

Tenji answered with a refreshing smile. He had been working hard as well, but he looked cool and collected. Chaewon couldn't help but wonder about him, but for now, she focused on carrying the black cocoon.

It was at that moment that Mina noticed something.

"Hey! I think that's it! Chaewon, we need to put the black cocoon over there!"

She shouted with joy, pointing to a mechanical stand in the distance.

There were no trees around the machine, and the area was open like a circular plaza. In the center of the plaza was a majestic mechanical pedestal. It had a hollow space that could cover a third of the black cocoon, and it was clear that the cocoon needed to be placed there.

Mina ran towards the pedestal like a happy child, leaving the two behind.

Perhaps sensing the need for caution, as they approached the pedestal, the two of them spread their arms wide and made a circular gesture with their hands.

"It looks like there's no one around here. Mina has always been sensitive to the presence of others, so if she says it's okay, it's okay."

"Really? Have you known each other for a long time?"

"I guess you could call us 'friends from way back'... or maybe even childhood friends. Something like that."

Chaewon blushed slightly, as if embarrassed.

Although they had only known each other for a short time before coming here, Chaewon had quickly learned that her cheeks and ears turned red whenever she felt embarrassed. She was easy to read, perhaps too easy.

Together, Tenji and Chaewon used their last bit of strength to break open the heavy black cocoon, revealing a plaza.

Mina tilted her head as if she was looking at something strange.

"Huh? Has it gotten bigger?"

"What has?"

"This black cocoon."

Tenji and Chaewon watched the black cocoon closely, wondering.

"S-something's happening!"

The black cocoon, which had been frozen solid by an ice-based power equivalent to a first-grade explorer, gradually began to heat up and evaporate the cold air that had surrounded it.

As the cocoon heated up, red capillaries appeared around it, and it began to move slightly.

This was a sign that the cocoon was about to hatch.

Although the three of them had only seen this phenomenon in videos before, they immediately realized what was happening.

"Are you kidding me?!"

As Chaewon uttered these words in surprise, the three of them instinctively backed away from the cocoon and readied their weapons.

Tenji drew his iron sword, Mina took up her battle axe, and Chaewon prepared her magic wand. They all took up defensive positions.

The three of them watched the cocoon in silence, deep in thought.

"Hey... is it possible that this is part of the test, too?"

Mina timidly voiced her question.

Chaewon replied with a touch of humor, "It wouldn't be surprising if it were. After all, who could have predicted that this pedestal was a black cocoon hatching device? There are only two of them in the world."

"Ah, so that really was a black cocoon hatching device," Tenji finally understood the situation with Chaewon's words.

When frozen, black cocoons can delay hatching for years. To intentionally induce early hatching, a black cocoon hatching device that generates special heat is essential.

[There should be one in England and one in America... so the fact that one is here means that's what it is. As expected of a zero-grade explorer, their scale of selfishness is on another level.]

Tenji guessed that they had rented the device for a high price for today's test, and the thought of how much money they had spent made him dizzy.

"But what kind of instant monster will come out of it?"

"Who knows. It's impossible to see with the naked eye unless we bring in the precise analysis equipment at the Association and examine the contents of the black cocoon."

"Yep, that's probably true. Tenji... you don't have any abilities that can instantly judge the contents of a valuable black cocoon, do you?"

"No, I don't. I'm just a swordsman."

"Yeah, that's right," the two of them replied optimistically, even in this situation.

Even though it was a black cocoon, monsters that would give trouble to future first-grade explorers like them were unlikely to appear right away. Their status had already grown to that of a second-grade explorer, and unless a first-grade monster appeared, there should be no problem in this situation.

"Hey, Chaewon. Why don't we bet on what class of monster will appear?"

"Sure. If I guess it right, Mina will be in charge of cooking for a week starting tomorrow."

"Haha, you said it. Then if I guess it right, we'll eat out for a week and you'll pay for everything, Chaewon."

"How do I get money if I lose?" Mina asked.

"Just don't lose," Chaewon replied.

"...I don't really want to, but I guess I have no choice," Mina reluctantly agreed.

The two of them fell silent for a moment, presumably seriously considering what class of monster would appear.

"I bet on a third grade monster. Isn't that reasonable for a first-year?" Chaewon was the first to answer.

"Hehehe, then I'll bet on a half third grade monster. It's a school that brought out the black cocoon, after all. It won't be interesting unless it's at least that powerful," Mina replied.

It seemed that the two had settled on their bets. Chaewon predicted a third grade monster would come out of the black cocoon, while Mina predicted a half third grade monster, in other words, a monster between third and second grade.

[... Both of them are so carefree. Well, I'll probably just be watching their fight from the outside,] Tenji thought to himself, but he intervened in their conversation.

"Don't take too long, okay? There's only 10 minutes left until the end," he reminded them.

"Who are you talking to? Swordsman-kun," Chaewon scoffed with confidence, and Mina pushed her nonexistent chest forward with a snort.

Tenji couldn't help but smile wryly at their behavior, but he felt a sense of calm somewhere in his heart, thinking it would be okay.

The black cocoon started throbbing even more strongly.

The blood vessels, which had been barely visible, had become so clear that they shone faintly when he noticed them. They had also visibly grown in size and were already over two meters tall.

[I've never seen the hatching of a black cocoon so clearly before.] Tenji was somewhat moved by the situation.

He had seen videos of black cocoon hatching moments on video streaming sites, but actually seeing it in front of him gave him a sense of eeriness.

And then...

"I found you! Swordsman!" George's voice came from the opposite direction of the black cocoon.

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