At This Moment, the World Has Entered the Era of Terror

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

064 The powerful headless general! The defeated President Zhuo! Xuanhua upgrades! (6.7) Please subscribe

“Don’t panic, our goal is not to be positive, let your ghosts release the ghosts and hide, we only need to test and consume!”

In front of the convoy, a ghost guard spoke to the other four ghost guards around him.

This time, there are a lot of ghost hunters dispatched by President Zhuo.

Moreover, these ghosts are not a mob.

It’s a team-by-team combination.

In this world, except for psychic bodies or a few powerful ghost hunters, most ghost hunters will form a team.

The thirty or so ghost hunters brought by President Zhuo were divided into five teams.

Among the five teams of ghost fighters, there is a 6-level ghost fighter with a team. This 6-level ghost fighter is not a psychic body, but an ordinary 6-level ghost fighter. He brings a six-person ghost fighter. Squad, cooperate with the attack.

In addition, there are two level 5 ghost hunters leading the team.

The other two teams were led by level 4 ghost hunters.

The role of the two teams is not to attack directly, but to use some instruments, ghosts and so on.

After all, this time, President Zhuo’s purpose is to kill the headless general, but he must catch the ghost horse!

In order to catch the ghost horse, President Zhuo prepared a special ghost weapon. It was a fishing net, which was obtained after killing a water ghost. Although it was a water ghost, it was used to net ghost horses. , should be enough.

In addition, President Zhuo also prepared a long rope. This rope is also a ghost weapon. It is similar to Lin Feng’s ghost rope, but it is not for hanging a ghost, but for a ghost old man.

Ordinary ropes… President Zhuo also prepared a few, but as a 6th-level ghost hunter with two ghosts, he still has a good position in the ghost hunter alliance. The regional vice president, President Zhuo Naturally don’t put much hope on these ordinary ropes.

Ghost horse… It is estimated that even with an iron cage, there is no way to close it.

Going through walls is no problem.

But President Zhuo is indeed rich and powerful, because there is a golden rope in the body of a pickup truck!

Gold is not cheap in this day and age!

And often money can’t buy it.

Although the golden rope is not a ghost weapon… but it can also be used to tie ghosts.

The Ghost Fighter in front of the convoy was a team led by a Level 5 Ghost Fighter.

Their task is to tempt.

President Zhuo did not know the strength of the headless general.

Among the seven ghost fighters killed by the headless general near Liucheng base city, two were level 4, and the others were level 2 and 3, but the seven ghost fighters were good at cooperating. The nightmare-level ghost returned without success.

He was killed by the Headless General.

In addition, after the headless general came to Haicheng, he had already killed three waves of people, and there was a ghost hunter who had just become level 5.

Therefore, President Zhuo’s judgment on the strength of the headless general is that he may be a powerful nightmare-level ghost, like a bride in a wedding dress.

It could also be a deadly ghost!

The fatal level is level 6!

The first team was tasked with testing.

Behind this team is the main attack, the team led by the 6th-level ghost fighter, and the other team led by the 5th-level ghost fighter is responsible for support and cover.

Chairman Zhuo himself, on the side of the 6th-level Ghost Fighter team, can take action at any time.

As for his two daughters… Although their ghosts are special, their age is not strong, and they have already hid in an off-road vehicle.

The interior of that off-road vehicle…was covered in a thick layer of gold paint.

Moreover, the car windows are double-layered. One layer is not glass, but an iron plate painted with gold paint. In case of a crisis situation, bring up that layer of iron plate, and then seal the gap with gold paper. 287. It is quite safe.

President Yan’s statement that this President Zhuo’s family is rich is not a lie.

“Da da~~ da da~~ da da~~’

The sound of hooves has become regular, and it is getting closer.

“coming soon!”

All the ghost hunters cheered up and their eyes widened.

However, they still did not see the headless general.

In the off-road vehicle, President Zhuo’s twin daughters had sealed the front and rear windshields with gold paper, leaving only one side window for viewing.

“Zhuo Yu, aren’t you curious what the boy said to President Yan that day? As a result, President Yan gave up the Headless General directly.”

Zhuo Ling in blue clothes suddenly spoke up.

“Are you worried?

Zhuo Yu said.

Zhuo Ling looked out the car window: “I feel a little uneasy.”

Zhuo Yu said: “What are you afraid of, this time my father has used so many people, and also transferred a 6th-level ghost guard, plus my father, there are two 6th-level ghost guards, and lethal level ghosts are rarely able to penetrate the defense line. Come here, even if this headless general is lethal, so many people are enough to deal with.

“Hopefully… it’s coming!

Zhuo Yu said halfway, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

“Come on~”

The other ghost hunters also stared at each other~

“Da Da~~ Da Da~~ Da Da~~”

The sound was already very clear.

All the ghost hunters saw that under the moonlight, a figure riding a tall horse rushed out of the dense forest of the low mountain and ran straight towards this side.

“This ghost horse is so tall!”

When President Zhuo saw the figure, he couldn’t help showing joy!

What he valued most was this ghost horse!

Of course, the value of that sword, in his opinion, is also not low.

Such a ghost horse, after catching it, take it out and sell it… It can be sold for a sky-high price.

Even if you don’t sell it, you can use it yourself. It’s more majestic when you ride it out. This is a unique mount, much more than a car like a cow!

He has no shortage of money!

This time, except for the two teams that are his direct subordinates, the other three teams, he has spent a lot of money!

Just to win!

“Sure enough, it’s a headless general… This is so powerful!

In the rear, Zhuo Ling saw the headless general, and she was worried for no reason.

The headless general gave her the feeling that she was different from other ghosts. This imposing manner was too strong. He had a tall horse, a suit of armor, and a red cloak that floated on his back.

The lack of a head did not weaken its momentum, but made it even more terrifying. Some people who are not very timid, I am afraid that they will not be able to raise the slightest fighting spirit at a glance!

On the side, when the other ghost fighters saw the headless general, some weak ghost fighters subconsciously took a few steps back.

In particular, the two teams were led by level 4 ghost hunters, who were responsible for intercepting and capturing ghost horses after the battle.

All the ghost hunters in the team unknowingly moved away from the route passed by the Headless Horseman.

And in more than a dozen cars, those ordinary drivers held the steering wheel subconsciously one by one, and some drivers even put their hands on the car keys.

“Da da ~ da da ~ da da ∼ ‘

With the sound of horses’ hooves, the headless general has rushed to a place less than fifty meters away from the first team of ghost hunters!

“Captain…my ghost reacts so well.”

“Me too~”


The ghost hunters shouted.

“What are you afraid of, take action and seal it with ghosts!”

As a level 5 ghost hunter, the captain naturally wouldn’t be cowardly, so he shouted loudly and drove the ghosts.

Although the other four ghost hunters were startled by their own ghost spirit’s reaction, they also drove the ghost spirit at the same time.

Five ghosts appeared in an instant, and then, the ghosts quickly unfolded.

The headless general faced the unfolding mythical creature, but he did not do anything to evade, nor did he unfold his own ghostly creature.

“Da Da~~ Da Da~~ Da Da~~”

It has only one action.

That is to rush forward on horseback.

But the scenery around it changed drastically in an instant.

The ghosts of the team’s five ghost hunters have already wrapped it up.

The five ghost hunters also disappeared at the same time, which was hidden by their ghost ghosts to prevent them from becoming the first targets of ghosts.

In fact.

From the perspective of President Zhuo, there is nothing where the five ghost hunters are.

The ghosts of this ghost hunter did not appear, they did not enter the ghosts, they could not see the situation inside the ghosts at all, they could only see that there was nothing there.

But President Zhuo’s eyes have become cautious.


Even if the ghosts of the five ghost hunters have already wrapped the headless general, the headless general is still in the sight of President Zhuo.

“Why is it outside?”

Some powerful ghosts, after invading the policeman’s ghost, can be seen by people outside the ghost at the same time.

Just like when Xuanhua, the bride in the wedding dress, went to Xiaotaishan, the red wedding dress invaded the ghost of the third-level ghost hunter, but it was still able to be seen by President Yan and Lin Feng.

To do this, not only must it be at least one level higher, but it must also be a very special or high-quality ghost!

Ordinary ghosts, even if they are one level higher, can’t do this!

That is to say…

The result of this trial is…

The headless general is definitely a deadly ghost!

Still a very special ghost!

Level 6, special ghost!

“Shoot, they can’t stand it!

President Zhuo immediately ordered, and then he drove his own ghost.


It’s too late!

Before President Zhuo made a judgment, among the ghosts, the five ghost hunters were completely panicked.

Their team, the cooperation is also quite good.

After the five mythical creatures are superimposed, their mythical creatures are also quite distinctive, and their area is quite large.

The five mythical creatures that are superimposed together are based on the mythical creatures of the 5th-level ghost hunter, and then the ghosts and mythical creatures of other ghosts are directly overlaid.

The ghost of the 5th-level ghost hunter is an ancient village with a large area. After the ghosts of other ghosts are covered, a large cemetery, an old school, etc. appeared in this ancient village. This is the effect of the superposition of ghosts.

They can trap the headless general as a backup ghost. If they can’t trap it, they can also test its strength. In case the ghost is quickly broken… Other ghosts can also take action in time to let them and their ghosts. fine.


They never thought it was.

The Headless General didn’t even try to find out the same hidden ghosts they were.

It has only one action.

That is to rush forward on horseback.

And what made a ghost hunter horrified, where the headless general and his ghost horse passed, the ghost ghost was like a piece of paper, constantly shattering in front of it, it rushed all the way, and then… The sword was drawn.

“Let’s go together!

The voice of President Zhuo’s growl rang out, and it became the last voice that the five ghost hunters heard.

At the rear, a large number of ghost spirits rushed out at the same time, but these ghost spirits did not make any movement. President Zhuo had already seen that five heads fell from the air next to the headless general.

After the five heads fell, the bodies of the five ghost hunters fell out of the shattering ghost beasts and fell to the ground!

“So fast!

Chairman Zhuo narrowed his eyes.

A team composed of a level 5, two level 4, and two level 3 ghost hunters…. It didn’t let the headless general pause for a moment, and just hung up?

No, it wasn’t just them that hung up!

Their ghosts… have also disappeared, and they seem to be more fortunate than others!

too fast!

“Quick, start the car! 35

At the rear, Zhuo Ling’s feeling is even worse, and quickly let the driver and other drivers start the car!

“Why so strong!”

Zhuo Yu’s eyes are also shocked!

“Father and Level 6 Ghost Fighter can definitely deal with it!”

Although Zhuo Yu was surprised, he was still confident.

After all, there are quite a few ghost fighters here, and besides his father, there is also a 6th-level ghost fighter. (dadh)


President Zhuo shouted, asking the ghosts in the ghost control team not to stand together, lest they be destroyed by the group.

This is a common problem of many ghost fighter teams. The ghost fighters like to stand together after their ghosts go out to battle.

But in fact, this problem doesn’t have a big impact, because if you can’t beat your own ghosts… they can’t escape if they don’t stand together!

At the same time as President Zhuo shouted, one of his ghosts, and the ghosts of the sixth-level ghost hunter team, had already rushed towards the headless general, and the ghosts had also spread out quickly.

More than a dozen ghost spirits, Qi Qi launched an attack, attacking the headless general from several aspects.

The battle between ghosts and ghosts is not too fancy, and the headless general’s fighting method is even simpler.

charge.. Draw your sword!

“Stop it!”

President Zhuo shouted, as if it was him who was fighting.

The ghosts he released also cooperated quite well with the ghosts of the sixth-level ghost fighter, and the ghosts once again included the headless general.

The headless general doesn’t seem to care at all about the inclusion of ghosts and mythical creatures, and has never launched his own ghostly creatures at all.

However, this time, the deadly ghosts really played a very powerful role.

After the headless general rushed into the superimposed ghosts of two deadly ghosts, where the ghosts passed, the ghosts were no longer broken!

Seeing this, President Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that the ghost could not stand it!

When there are ghosts, the power of ghosts is much stronger, and it becomes easier for ghosts to avoid attacks in ghosts!

“Add more, it won’t run away!”

President Zhuo said quickly.

More ghosts and ghosts are superimposed, making this superimposed ghost based on President Zhuo’s ghosts more stable.

President Zhuo’s mythical creature is also an ancient village, with a rather complicated terrain, but the headless general’s ghost horse is flat in it.

However, this time, the headless general and his ghost horse were trapped, unable to rush out of the ghost.

Even if its ghost horse keeps running in one direction, it will only run back in the end.

This is not a ghost hitting the wall, but the rules of the ghost. If you want to play cards out of the rules, then you have to break the ghost, or use your own ghost to fight.

Under the command of President Zhuo, in a short period of time, all the ghosts of the sixth-level ghost hunter team came.

The ghosts of the 5th-level ghost hunter team also entered the ghosts, but they did not deploy the ghosts, because if they had not trained and cooperated in advance, the random stacking would cause flaws, and then they would be caught by the opponent!

Indiscriminately superimposed… in a way, it is equivalent to fighting with ghosts!

“Don’t go out yet!

President Zhuo kept commanding.

All the ghosts and ghosts are hidden in the ghosts!

The headless general is trapped in a ghost.

Of course, if you are simply trapped, even if an ordinary person is trapped by a ghost, if there is no ghost attack, as long as you have food, you can maintain your body temperature, and you will not get sick… If you stay in it for decades, you will be fine.

Not to mention a headless general who doesn’t need food or water.

It’s no use just tying it up.

Gotta fix it!

Therefore, President Zhuo must command the ghosts to let the ghosts attack and solve this guy.

He didn’t act rashly, after all, the headless general was too fierce, and as long as a level 5 ghost dared to go out, it would be vulnerable in front of it.

“Wei Ming, our ghosts are attacking at the same time, and my second ghost is in charge of covering, if they lose, it will instantly hide our ghosts with ghosts!

Chairman Zhuo said.

He decided to dispatch two ghosts.

“it is good!”

The sixth-level ghost hunter nodded and agreed with the plan.

“Then get ready.””

Chairman Zhuo looked at the headless general who was still running on a ghost horse, and his eyes were full of coldness.

“They’re all trapped in a ghost. I’ll play you slowly. It looks great, but it turns out to be a brainless guy.

Chairman Zhuo hummed.

Because this headless general has been riding a ghost horse from one end of the ghost realm to the other, after rushing into the void area, back to the other end, and then to the other end…

This has been going on three times.


It seems that no abnormality has been found, and it is still running and running.

While speaking, President Zhuo had already prepared the ghost spirit.

“Get out!

Following his order, he rushed out together with the ghost spirit of the sixth-level ghost fighter.

At the same time, another of his ghosts also sneaked over, ready to hide the two fighting ghosts if the opportunity was wrong.

Two ghosts rushed towards the headless general.

Then he saw that the headless general drew his sword and slashed at them.

These two deadly ghosts already had some fighting wisdom, they separated instantly and rushed over from two directions.

But the Headless General accelerated sharply.

“Be careful~”

The sixth-level ghost hunter subconsciously felt bad.

Just, it’s too late.

Although his ghost reacted quickly, he was still slashed by a sword, and he was half-killed. Fortunately, another ghost from President Zhuo shot in time and hid it.

“President Zhuo, it’s impossible to fight like this, this guy is too fierce, why don’t we trap it first and then find support? 99

The sixth-level ghost hunter saw that his ghost was injured, and Police Tiduo felt distressed.

How long will it take to recover?

Chairman Zhuo looked at the headless general among the ghosts, and said solemnly: “Okay, tie it up first, and find more people. If you don’t believe it, you won’t be able to kill it. 99

However, as soon as his voice fell, he saw that the headless general had a new move.

That is.

It shook its red cloak.

next second.

A sharp voice sounded.

Plenty of ghosts rushed out of its red cloak!

“I go…”

President Zhuo’s eyes narrowed because he saw… the ghosts in the banner were the ghosts of the five ghost hunters who had just been killed!

The ghosts of the five ghost hunters were not killed.

Instead, it was taken away by this headless general with a red cloak!

Immediately after.

The ghosts that rushed out all spread out.

“It’s happened!”

President Zhuo’s heart flashed badly.

The level of these ghosts is not too low. After they unfolded the ghosts at the same time, this one was composed of two deadly ghosts and superimposed ghosts, and a flaw appeared all of a sudden.


Chairman Zhuo saw that the ghost horse moved.

And then…


The mythical creature begins to shatter the blockbuster!

“Before the ghostly creature is broken, withdraw first!

President Zhuo shouts!

All the ghosts quickly retreated, and in the wilderness, all the cars had already turned their heads under Zhuo Ling’s order.

Chairman Zhuo reacted the fastest, and seeing that the situation was wrong, he ran towards the car where Zhuo Ling and the others were riding, but immediately, something happened that made him almost jump up.

As soon as the ghost beetle shattered, the headless general charged… he rushed to the hidden ghost of President Zhuo, and slashed it with a sword… His ghost, who was preparing to retreat, was attacked by the headless. The general slashed in half with one sword!


Chairman Zhuo is about to cry!

His ghost!

Fortunately, another ghost is back!

“Come on!

Although President Zhuo was heartbroken to death, he also knew that his life was at stake. He had already jumped into the car, and he did not care about other ghost hunters at all, and said directly to Zhuo Ling.

The extremely nervous driver had already started the car and drove away quickly.


Outside, the cries for help from other ghost hunters kept ringing, but the cries for help were often not complete, because their heads fell to the ground after they had only shouted halfway, and they had no chance to shout again.

There were also ghost hunters who reacted quickly and jumped into the car and ran.

More than a dozen cars, and the ghosts started a crazy escape~

“Huh, after chasing for most of the night, I finally got you!””

And the other side.

On a barren mountain, Lin Feng showed a happy expression.

After chasing for most of the night, Lin Feng finally caught up with another nightmare ghost!

Then, solved!

“The task is completed, the bride Xuanhua in the wedding dress will gain experience 1500, fetters 2, ghost potential 2. 35

“The bride in the wedding dress, Xuanhua, has been boosted by ghosts~”

“You get a ghost brush.”

“You get ghost fragments*2”

“Your ghost wedding dress bride can be upgraded to the fatal level, is it upgraded?

Xuanhua can be upgraded!

“Upgrade! 35

What else is there to say!

“The upgrade was successful, and the bride Xuanhua in the wedding dress was successfully upgraded to the fatal level (6).”

“Your ghost is upgraded to a deadly level, and you get a physical boost (3 times).”5

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