At This Moment, the World Has Entered the Era of Terror

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

006 Brush experience! celebrity! Ghosts on the bus! (begging for flowers)

In the dormitory, Lin Feng looked at Tongtong and glanced at Tongtong’s panel.

“Ghost: Tongtong

Level: Normal (Level 1)

Potential: Two stars (5%)

Experience: 215/500

Ability: Red Skirt

Ghosts: Unspecified

Bonds: 101”

“When Tongtong’s red skirt is transformed, the combat power is probably at least one level higher.”

Lin Feng thought.

Tongtong still looked at him blankly, expressionless.

Lin Feng reached out and wanted to touch her little head.

But… not touched.

Tongtong has no entity.

“You touched Tongtong’s head, ghost experience +5, fetters +1.”

At this time, the sound of the system sounded.


So Lin Feng touched again.

But this time, the sound of the system did not appear.

“Only one time.”

Lin Feng thought.

It seems that the daily communication and interaction can also increase the experience. Although there are only 5 points at a time, and there may be only once a day, but it is enough.

“Tongtong, do you want to eat?”

Lin Feng asked.

Yes, after knowing that daily life can also increase experience, Lin Feng used his brain and wanted to get more experience.

Tongtong did not respond.

Lin Feng didn’t care either and continued to try.

This test… let Lin Feng try some.

Tongtong doesn’t have a physical body now, but Lin Feng can still get a lot of experience.

For example, taking Tongtong to watch TV for a while can also increase 5 points of experience and 1 point of fetters.

It is also possible to tell a story to Tongtong.

Of course, only give one experience.

Singing a nursery rhyme has a similar effect.


In this way, Lin Feng tried for more than an hour…and got 50 points of experience and 10 points of fetters!

50 points of experience is a lot. If there are no new tasks, just get experience every day, and in a few days, Tongtong can level up.


“Bath and sleep.”

After trying for more than an hour, it was getting late.

So, Lin Feng walked into the bathroom and prepared to take a shower.

As soon as he took off his clothes, he found Tongtong following him.

“Tongtong, go back first.”

Lin Feng said.

Tongtong then got into the bow and disappeared.

After taking a comfortable bath, Lin Feng went to bed.

When sleeping, Lin Feng put the bow on the pillow.

This is also a way to increase the bond with ghosts. After everyone obtains ghosts, they must take them with them.

What if I lose it?

If you lose it, if you can’t find it, you can only be an ordinary person, and there is no second chance.

Unless it is the kind of person who is born to be a ghost hunter, that kind of person is quite rare.


After getting up the next day, Lin Feng put the bow on his body, ready to take a day off.

Not surprisingly, after arriving in the outer city tomorrow, Lin Feng will rarely have the opportunity to return to school, so Lin Feng is also going to walk around the school.

“Lin Feng, I heard that you have become a ghost hunter, congratulations!”

Along the way, I met some classmates and greeted Lin Feng one after another.

“I heard that there were thousands of students in more than a dozen schools yesterday, and only more than 300 ghost hunters were born in the end. This ratio is too small.”

“I heard that there are more than 20 out of control, and dozens of people died.”

“Really, have you heard that three of our school got out of control, two of the ghost hunters who were instructed to wake up were solved, and one, you guessed who solved it?”


“A student named Lin Feng, I heard that he has just awakened the ghost, how is it, amazing?”

“Wow, this is really amazing!”

“I don’t know how we will be next year.”

“Look, that’s Lin Feng!”


After walking for a while, Lin Feng heard a group of students talking about him.

In an instant, many students around looked over.


Soon, Lin Feng found that many students knew that yesterday he solved the out-of-control ghost, and he became a celebrity in this school.

“You took the ghost child for an hour’s walk, the ghost experience +5, the bond +1.”

When Lin Feng turned around and returned to the dormitory, he received the system sound again.

Sure enough, as long as you take Tongtong to do something, you can gain experience.

So Lin Feng took advantage of today’s rest time to gain dozens of experience points.

“New task, go to the outer city and become an official ghost hunter, task reward: experience 20, ghost potential 1.”

The next morning, Lin Feng came together and heard the system’s voice.

“Go to the outer city.”

Lin Feng packed up his things and came to the school gate.

There are already dozens of students at the school gate.

These are the students who successfully awakened the ghosts in this school yesterday.

“Look, Lin Feng is here.”

Before Lin Feng approached, he was surrounded by dozens of students.

Obviously, Lin Feng solved the out-of-control ghost, and these students also knew about it.

Every student looked at Lin Feng with surprise.


A dilapidated bus pulled up.

“Get in the car.”

On the bus, a man shrouded in a cloak spoke in a hoarse voice.

The students got into the car one after another.

“Brother Lin, sit here with me.”

In the car, a voice shouted.

When Lin Feng saw it, it turned out that the ghost in the previous class was a fat man with a cut off finger.

Lin Feng glanced at Fatty, then found an empty seat at random to sit down.

As soon as he sat down, Lin Feng noticed that Tongtong’s bow had reacted.

“A ghost?”

Lin Feng looked to the side, and the person sitting next to him was extremely strange…not like a human at all!

“Ah, there’s a ghost!”

At this time, another student shouted from the back of the bus.

“Don’t make a fuss, there are ghosts everywhere in the outer city, but they are just some everyday ghosts. These are ghosts with no resentment and no harm. You don’t need to pay attention to them. Their existence also allows you to better adapt to the outer city. Life.”

The man shrouded in a cloak said indifferently. *

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