At This Moment, the World Has Entered the Era of Terror

Chapter 472

Chapter 472

477 Mysterious Origins

Lin Feng recalled the situation at that time. At that time, the footsteps appeared directly in the real world. Lin Feng directly let Ning Die and the angel enter the ghost space.

Then, around the three hanging coffins that had reached the third stage, black holes appeared.

These three black holes follow three hanging coffins like shadows.

No matter how they escape, the black hole is always on them.

In other words, this black hole is actually positioned with three hanging coffins.

Even if they fled to the ends of the earth, it would have no effect.

Then, the three hanging coffins were dragged into the black hole by the ghost hand in the black hole and disappeared.

From this point of view, the strength of the footsteps is really scary.


Where does its strength come from?

What is the existence of these footsteps?

At present, the footsteps must be satisfied, and there are five third-stage ghosts in order to be able to come.

If there is no Lin Feng, as long as there are five third-stage ghosts in this world, 100% will be finished.

Because, no matter where these ghosts hide, there is no place.

It is to have the ability to hide without a solution, and it also has no effect.

Only with Lin Feng, by letting Ningdie and the angel enter the ghost space, they can escape the catastrophe!

After the three hanging coffins were killed, this condition was not satisfied.

Therefore, the owner of the footsteps has no way to come over now.

Even every other month, it will still appear in the dreams of Ning Die and the others, and it has no way to come over.

This discovery is a good discovery.

In the realm of ghosts, information is important.

The more you know about a ghost, the easier it will be to deal with it.

‘still have a question.”

Lin Feng looked at Ning Die and said, “Why are these footsteps so powerful?

confused about this problem.

Ningdie didn’t even know.

Including angels.

do not know either.

The footsteps were so weird.

After the angel became the ghost of the third stage, the footsteps suddenly appeared.

The angel had no idea how the footsteps came from.

There is no such sound of footsteps on Earth.

That is to say.

This footstep, in fact, does not exist on Earth.

It is not hidden like other ghosts.

does not exist in any corner.

Not hiding anywhere.

It’s like it’s virtual.

Only, when five ghosts of the third stage appear, will it reach a certain condition, from illusory to reality, and.

Show great strength.


Even if ghosts are idealistic beings, their strength cannot suddenly skyrocket like this.

The footsteps sounded strangely, and their strength was surprisingly strong. No matter how you looked at them, it was not normal.

・・・0 flowers

It cannot be measured by common sense.


Once it enters the real world, the ghostly aura it scatters will turn everything in the real world it touches into withering.

It has become a lifeless, desolate barren without the slightest vitality, and even ghosts no longer exist.

This is even more unreasonable.

Also, it can only come in through ghosts, not through people.

This is also crucial.


These many information points make Lin Feng have a feeling.

This footstep sound, most likely, is also a ghost with a special pattern.


One thing that doesn’t make sense is.

Everyone is the master of rules and footsteps, why is it so unbelievable?

Also, why is it so powerful?

Why is the ghost of the third stage, facing it, there is no resistance at all?

Could it be that it is a ghost of the fourth stage?

Do not.

Lin Feng felt that the owner of the footsteps, I am afraid, cannot use specific stages to describe its strength.

Its strength may be very different from the ghosts of this world.

But if it comes from another world or something, Lin Feng feels that it is not very similar.

There is no other world.

It’s just that no one can say anything about its origins and its abilities, including Ningdie and angels.

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