At This Moment, the World Has Entered the Era of Terror

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

001 The Age of Horror! system! (begging for flowers)

“I’m so nervous, I’m going to wake up the accompanying ghost today.”

“Yeah, if the awakening fails, it will be miserable. You can only be a breeding tool in the inner city for a lifetime.”

“That’s not bad… If you get out of control, your chances of surviving are less than 10%!”


In a large classroom, a group of fifteen or sixteen-year-old boys and girls sat there, discussing in a low voice.

The expressions on everyone’s faces were tense and apprehensive.

Among the group of boys and girls, only Lin Feng sat there calmly, staring at the blackboard silently.

“It’s been so long…”

Lin Feng thought.

Yes, he is a transmigrator.

Before crossing, Lin Feng was a very good college student. Although he was an orphan, Lin Feng used the summer vacation to make a lot of money after the college entrance examination. After going to college, he even started a business in the school and brought many classmates to deliver food. , he became a millionaire in his freshman year, and started a mobile game in his second year. In one year, he doubled his wealth and became a celebrity in the school.


After a busy three days and three nights in the summer vacation of the sophomore year, Lin Feng actually fell asleep when driving back to school. After falling asleep and waking up, he crossed over.


This is a similar parallel world, the difference is that in this world, a hundred years ago, all kinds of weird events kept happening.

Ghosts, which originally only existed in horror novels and TV, kept appearing.

At first, it only appeared on a small scale, and it was still within a controllable range.

But it took just over a year for the terror to fully recover.

The whole world was completely out of control, ushered in the doomsday, and became a paradise for ghosts.

In many places, entire cities and entire cities fell, and countless people died.

The world is in panic.

The number of human beings has shrunk by more than half in a short period of time!

The rest struggled to survive.


With the appearance of the ghost hunter, mankind has had a turning point.


One hundred years have passed, and human beings in this world have finally gained a firm foothold and established many base cities.

However, the situation is still not optimistic.

Because a hundred years have passed, the number of human beings is only one tenth of what it was a hundred years ago!

This is still the result of continuous reproduction after human beings have gained a firm foothold.

And the number of ghosts… According to the estimates of some ghost hunters, I am afraid that they have far exceeded human beings!

Outside the base city, I don’t know how many ghosts there are.

The whole world has become a world of ghosts and monsters, but human beings can only survive in the base city!

The world has entered the era of terror!


Lin Feng is located in a base city called “Liucheng”, which is a medium-sized base city with a population of several hundred thousand.

In the base city, all newborn babies must choose a companion ghost after one hundred days of birth.

These accompanying ghosts are some weaker “good spirits” obtained by some powerful ghost hunters.

There are many types of them.

For example, a young girl next to Lin Feng has been rubbing a simple ring on her hand with her right hand.

In this simple ring, there is her companion ghost.

Another example is the fat man in front of Lynn who has a blood-stained severed finger in his pocket. This severed finger… is also the companion ghost of that fat man!


When the baby is one hundred days old, there will be a special person holding a large number of similar things and placing them next to the baby for selection.

What the baby chooses is what it is!

There are also babies who don’t choose anything… Then they can only be ordinary people for a lifetime, and they can only live in the inner city of the base city. Give birth to 5 healthy children before the age of 30, the more children born, the better the treatment!

If there is a powerful ghost hunter among their children, they will be treated better, but in the eyes of others, they are only breeding tool people after all!

In this world, only by becoming a ghost master can one become a human being!

Babies who choose something must be inseparable from their accompanying ghosts. After the age of ten, they will enter a special school to learn all kinds of knowledge about “ghosts” and how to deal with ghosts.

Until the age of fifteen, the school will organize a unified organization to officially awaken the accompanying ghosts!


This is a systematic way of cultivating ghost masters, which can maximize the number of ghost masters.

Because the requirements for becoming a ghost fighter are actually quite high. A few decades ago, only one person in ten thousand people could become a ghost fighter.

But through this set of training methods, the number of ghost hunters has increased more than tenfold!

It is precisely because of this set of training methods that human beings have completely gained a firm foothold in the past two or three decades, and even some base cities have begun to try to expand!


“I hope I can successfully wake you up.”

Lin Feng took out a red polka-dot bow from his arms, held it in his hand, and thought silently.

This bow… is Lin Feng’s accompanying ghost!

However, Lin Feng never felt that there was anything special about this bow.

But this time, after Lin Feng held it in his hand…the bow suddenly became cold.

“Huh? Is there a reaction?”

Lin Feng didn’t expect that the bow tie actually responded!

“Ding, the accompanying ghost spirit fluctuations are detected, the cultivation system is being activated…”

At this time, a mechanical voice suddenly rang.


PS: The new book set sail, the old author’s new book, the story is absolutely wonderful, everyone can read it with confidence!

Ask for flowers!


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