Asura Conqueror

Chapter 66: Common, Uncommon, Rare

Emily pressed a button on her watch. A large picture was then projected on the whiteboard. It had five words that said, 'Common, Uncommon, Rare Magic' in bold.

"Can anyone give a few examples of common magic?" Emily asked.

A few students raised their hands, others were quietly using their watches, and Marcus had his right hand below his chin.

"You" Emily pointed to one of the students.

A girl with short hair a black hair tied into a ponytail stood up and said "Fire magic, water magic, and earth magic"

Emily nodded."You are correct. Although they are common magic that doesn't mean they are weaker compared to other magics. Especially if you advance in them or if you find a good magic book that can turn them from common magic to uncommon magic, and even to rare magic. Can anyone give me an example of this?"

A few hands were once again raised. Most of them were the same people who raised their hands last time.

"You" Emily pointed to another student.

A male student stood up and answered "A fire magic book that tells you how to cast flaming meteors and manipulate them."

"Good" Emily nodded.

Although Marcus found it boring, he still listened. The discussion that they were having was not new to Marucs. The terms may be different but the contents were the same.

Fire magic and such were just common magic. How to cast fireballs, how to cast a wall of flames, and others were basic magic that all fire magic books teach.

Another reason why fire, water, and earth are common is that there are a lot more people who have a good affinity with it compared to uncommon and rare.

The better your affinity with it, the easier it is for you to train in that type of magic.

However, there are fire magic books that have extraordinary spells taught in them that other fire books do not have. These kinds of fire books can turn your common fire magic to uncommon, and even rare.

This also goes for other common magic.

Just like Marcus's lightning. Without the Vermillion Lightning Bolts, his lightning would only be uncommon, but because of his magic book, the lightning he uses is now considered rare and some would argue that it's legendary.

If ever Marcus wants to train in another lightning book in the future, he could just place all the contents in his mind once he reaches Enlightened Stage, but that doesn't mean he already knows everything about the spells in the said book. It just means that he doesn't need to read the book anymore as everything is already placed inside his head.

"Let's now go to uncommon magic. Anyone?" Emily changed the image on the board.

"Ice, metal manipulation, wind, and, lightning, um, that's all I know." A guy stood up.

"Mhm," Emily nodded. "There are also a few transformation magic that can be labeled as uncommon."

A student raised his hand and asked "Is there a transformation magic that can turn you into a dragon?"

"A transformation that could turn you into a dragon? Well, I myself have never heard of such magic before but it could probably exist somewhere." Emily answered.

'Dragons huh?' Marcus chuckled. He just remembered that he has a dragon pool inside the Destrucstone. It was made from the blood of the mightiest dragon in the realm when he was the Divine Conqueror.

Emily clapped her hand "For the last one, rare magic. Anyone?"

Once again a student rose "Psychic powers, gravity manipulation, and holy magic. That is all I know"

"Good" Emily nodded "Those are just a few examples, but there are a lot more. Next, let me ask you this, do you think common magic is better than uncommon magic?"

"I think that being able to cast uncommon magic makes you more special, but it doesn't necessarily mean that common magic is a lot better than uncommon magic." The girl who had short hair that's tied into a ponytail answered.

"Really? In my opinion, people who can only cast common magic are plain and a lot weaker which makes them mediocre. Unless of course, they get a good spellbook." A guy who sat near Marcus argued.

Thus began a debate.

The short-haired girl shook her head "Plain, yes, but a lot weaker? That's debatable. I've seen people with the same rank fight, one using common magic and the other uncommon magic. The person with common magic had stronger attacks and he also won."

The guy scoffed "Are you sure he didn't use a special magic book?"

"He was using plain flames, I'm quite sure." The girl didn't want to back down.

Soon, a few of their classmates joined.

Marcus, however, sat on his seat quietly. He's thinking about how hot Emily is right now. Especially with those glasses on. There was even icing on top. She was wearing a pantsuit that highlighted her ass.

Marcus' teenage body could hardly take it. He might be a lot more mature now that his memories are back, but the same can't be said for his body.

'Damn! Control! Control! You're no longer a ducking teenager!' Marcus berated himself.

Emily listened to them without interrupting. As long as it won't escalate and turn into a fight, a healthy debate is fine. Her eyes would also unconsciously move to Marcus from time to time and she could feel her heartbeat getting faster from his gaze.

It seemed like Marcus was eyeing her like how a predator would on a prey.

Emily was not imagining it as Marcus' teenage body right now would gladly do her on the table in front.

'How old am I? How old is he? Ahh, what's going on with me." Emily sighed.

When other people would look at her body like what Marcus is doing right now, she would feel sickened. However, when Marcus does it, she doesn't mind.

"Everyone, settle down!" Emily raised her voice quite a bit. She turned her attention back to the class.

She continued "That would be all for today. Your little debate took up most of the time. I will see you guys again in our next meeting. Goodbye."

Everyone stood up and said goodbye while walking towards the door.

Marcus stayed behind. He approached her and complimented "Great lecture"

Marcus couldn't think of anything else to make it less awkward. He could go for his old lines which he used in his past life but the current circumstance told him not to.

Emily, who's now sitting in front of the computer, smiled "Really? I thought I was too stiff."

Marcus twitched 'Stiff? You wanna know what stiff really is?'

He didn't blurt it out. Instead, he cleared his throat "Your movements were actually pretty stiff at the beginning."

Emily dryly chuckled "I felt it too, but I couldn't do anything about it. I think it was all because of the stress that's bottled up."

The awkwardness was somewhat lifted as they continued to converse.

"This is why you shouldn't work too hard. You also need to relax. Like what you did last night." Marcus now stood beside Emily.

"I needed to work hard so that I could give my Big Sister a better life. She sacrificed a lot of things for me. I really didn't like teaching but it was the only option available." Emily's had hints of sadness in her voice.

"You know you don't need to anymore right? You could maybe focus on cultivating." Marcus softly said.

"Maybe, but not now. I already started teaching, why not stay a while longer. I also want to experience it a bit more." Emily raised her head and looked at Marcus in the eye.

Marcus moved closer "Actually I know a magical technique that could shave off stress."

"Oh," Emily had a wondering look on her face. She then smiled "Okay let this teacher get a taste of your magic."

Marcus now stood behind her and massaged her shoulders.

Soft moans could be heard escaping from Emily's mouth.

A few seconds later, Marcus stopped.

Emily looked up and wondered if it was over. Before she could even speak, she noticed that her lips couldn't move.

Marcus gently and passionately planted his lips on Her's.

Emily's eyes were open. All she could see was Marcus' neck and the slightly protruding adam's apple.

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