Asura Conqueror

Chapter 64: Going to Estra University

Marcus opened his eyes and sighed, his body drenched in sweat. It wasn't easy cultivating while memories were being injected into your head.

He stood up and clenched his fists. The chaos mana inside his body is starting to rapidly multiply.

Once he fully replaces his normal mana into chaos mana, he'll be recovering chaos mana and not normal mana anymore. To recover chaos mana he doesn't need to cultivate chaos essence for it again. It just functions the same as the traditional mana. Though, Marcus still needs to gather chaos essence to turn his chaos mana purer.

Marcus went out of the destrucstone and arrived in his room. He went to the bathroom for a quick shower and then went straight down.

He wasn't late for breakfast, well, he made sure not to be late for breakfast since they need to go somewhere.

His feet touched the wooden flooring in the dining room as he walked towards the table where they would eat. Nexus already left the couch and changed the channel to 'Daily News'.

Eva and Emily sat beside each other. Eva wore a peach-colored sleeveless cocktail dress and Emily wore a simple pantsuit.

Marcus went ahead and sat beside Nexus. Marcus finally wore his blue long sleeve and khaki pants. Nexus just wore a black shirt and white shorts.

The atmosphere was awkward for a few minutes as they ate their food silently.

"The food is really good." Marcus decided to compliment the food so that the atmosphere would ease up a bit.

Eva smiled "Emily whipped up these dishes today. She's an amazing cook."

Emily shyly smiled.

"She'd make a great wife, don't you think Marcus?" Nexus nudged Marcus with his elbow.

Marcus, who was about to swallow the food in his mouth, coughed.

He grabbed a tissue on the table and wiped his mouth with it.

Emily chuckled when she saw this.

Marcus looked at her happy face. He just smiled and didn't say anything.

"Ahem" Eva coughed. "We should hurry up. Nexus already told me about the plan."

"Sounds perfect right?" Marcus thought that going to Estra University here was a good plan, but when he found out that Emily teaches there, it made it even better.

Eva nodded "So Nexus and I will be your parents and we'll say that we adopted you. That would also make Emily your aunt."

Emily paused from bringing food into her mouth.

Marcus slightly bowed towards her and said "Nephew greets aunt."

"Don't call me aunt. It makes me feel like I'm an old lady." Emily spoke in a slightly irritated tone. Her shyness was gone.

Eva giggled "Girls really hate being reminded of their age."

Nexus was silently listening to their conversation. His mind was off somewhere remembering the past that looked similar to this.

'There is only one person left Marcus has to find then this table would finally feel complete.' Nexus casually played with his food as he listened to their conversation.

A few minutes later they finished eating and headed to Estra University. The guards were, of course, left at home.

They only took the white car. Marcus and Emily sat at the back while Nexus and Eva sat in front.

"Emily are you excited?" Eva asked.

Emily nodded "Both nervous and excited."

"Nexus, what happened to Emily's arm?" Marcus asked via soul link.

"She said it was done by a colleague of hers named Ohario. Emily didn't agree to go out with him so he threw a spell at her." Nexus' voice sounded in Marcus' mind.

"Ohario huh?" Marcus already noticed the greenish bruise on Emily's arm last night. He just didn't ask her directly.

Nexus chuckled "I've got a couple of ideas if you want to hear it."

"Go shoot," Marcus replied.

They arrived in Estra after a few minutes. The car could now be parked inside the school parking lot, unlike yesterday where they had to park outside.

The guards did a quick check on their car to see if there were any dangerous objects.

The inspection quickly finished and the car went straight to the parking lot. There were lots of luxurious vehicles around and most of them were driven by students.

The students walking around already had their own groups or cliques.

'How the hell do I even fit in?' Marcus thought.

They got out of their car and started walking to the main building.

"Nexus, why don't we both enroll in the university," Marcus suggested as he walked beside Nexus.

Nexus shook his head "Are you kidding me? I'd feel like a narc if I'll group up with young-looking drug dealers like you."

Both the girls chuckled.

Nexus learned this from a show he watched.

"I'll be heading this way," Emily said goodbye to them and made a turn.

They were now in the lobby. Emily already told them where to go.

The place was close by so it only took them a minute or two to arrive. They spoke to a woman who was working there and inquired about enrolling.

"I'm sorry but you'll have to wait for a while." The woman said.

Marcus had no patience for this so he used 'Army Manipulation' on her and asked her to notify the dean about them being important visitors.

Not long after, someone came to get them and they were escorted to the dean's office.

Marcus retracted the vermillion string before they left.


The person who guided them opened the door. Marcus, Emily, and Nexus went in.

A clean-looking office came to view. There was only a single table at the center back portion of the room. Near the door were sofas where Nexus immediately sat.

On the chair behind the table sat a man who looked to be in his 40's, black hair and well-formed brows. He looked at the people who just arrived.

"What can I do for you?" He asked.

Marcus and Emily sat on the chairs in front of the table.

Eva spoke first "I would like to enroll my son here. We were late due to some inconvenience and we just arrived in Estra. We chose this school because my sister works here."

Eva didn't forget to slip the last sentence in even though it had nothing to do with the whole thing. It was something She and Marcus planned on.

The Dean looked at them "I'm not the one who you're supposed to talk to about this. You can go to the office and they'll process everything."

He could not understand why they would come here, but he is a man with great patience which is why he's not angry.

Eva had her hands on her lap and a smile the whole time "You see, this one is a special case. My son is currently 17 years old. He had also never been to school before, so there is really not much to process."

"I'd also only like to take 2 of your subjects. I won't pick any majors and such." Marcus chimed in.

The Dean was flabbergasted. He couldn't process what they both said.

Eva chuckled "I hope you understand."

"Ahem" The Dead cleared his throat and looked at Marcus. "I believe that you should be in highschool and not here."

Eva got a spatial ring from her pocket and handed it to The Dean before Marcus could reply.

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