Asura Conqueror

Chapter 119: Marcus And The Three Nagas

Marcus walked around town. His black robe covered in the blood of the enemies he had encountered. He didn't kill a single one of the creatures, but he threw them all into the chamber inside the Stone of Destruction.

He hadn't met a single enemy that matched his power. All the nagas, siyokoy, and kappas from before were either early-stage Commanders or late-stage Elites. 

He wandered around close to the boulevard in hopes to find powerful opponents.

"What started all this?" Marcus asked himself as he sat at a table outside a cafe. After his encounters with the enemy, he learned that the humans attacked first.

He was told by a naga that their home was bombarded by spells and it was done by humans who came from this city.

Marcus' brows scrunched as he thought about it. 'Could it be done by the Strongwald?'

He couldn't understand what the end game is if it was truly done by them. 

Marcus sighed as he stood up. "I'll just think about this shit later on."

He then began walking around. His soul sense wasn't as powerful as Nexus', so he had to walk around and hope that there were powerful opponents nearby that he could sense.

He arrived at the northside of the boulevard, close to where he ate with Emily. He looked around and still could see no signs of any powerful opponents.

He did bag a few more nagas and siyokoy along the way.

Marcus went back. He wanted to check if maybe there were enemies who jumped out of the water.

Not long after his 'patrol', he saw three tall figures a few hundred meters away from him.

He rushed towards the three figures and smiled as he got closer.

Marcus could now discern their ranks. All three of them were at rank 6 Commander Stage.

The three figures slithered on the ground holding large gold tridents.

The three figures, all nagas, turned their heads to the direction where they heard a noise. There they saw a vermillion haired human who was running towards them. 

Marcus arrived a few meters in front of them after a short while. He looked at the three dark blue nagas.

'Finally, some challenge' Marcus thought as he stopped running.

"Is this human trying to greet us? Ergetse, what do you think?" The naga who stood to the left spoke. He had one horn in the middle of his head.

Ergetse the naga who stood in the middle studied Marcus. "I don't think any humans would try to greet us, Ralma. He could be looking for a swift death."

Ergetse was also a dark blue naga with two horns in the middle of his head.

"What are you guys talking about? Can't you see, he is here to fight us." The naga who stood to the right chuckled. Unlike the other two nagas who had two-inch horns on their heads, this one had none.

The other two nagas laughed. How can a human who looks young be a match for the three of them together?

Ergetse, the naga with a single horn turned his head. "If that's the case Iko, This human must be very brave."

He stayed silent all this while and just listened to their conversation. Marcus' aura of a rank 5 Commander suddenly erupted from his body. 

Without waiting for their reaction, Marcus moved.

His eyes glowed vermilion as lightning danced around his arms. He stared at the naga with no horns.

"Die you, hornless bastard!" Marcus roared as he used 'Lightning Form'.

Vermilion lightning streaked towards the three nagas who were shocked by the events that happened.

They could clearly feel the aura of this human. It was an aura of a Commander.

Iko moved his trident to defend. He also casted a water barrier in front of him.

The lightning swiftly sidestepped the barrier and traveled to the side, making its way behind the nagas. 

Marcus had then transformed back into a human. His hands turned red, his eyes glowed vermilion, it turned into that of an Asura. 

He punched forward while lightning still danced around his arm.

However, Marcus' punch did not hit Iko's body, but his fist hit Ergetse's trident.

Ergetse extended his trident in front of Iko to block the incoming blow of Marcus' punch.

However, Marcus wasn't finished yet. His balled hands opened and his palms facing Iko. A blast of vermilion lightning came out of hit. 

Iko flew a few meters back, his right hand clutching his trident. Ralma was still overwhelmed with shock and was too late to react while Ergetse trident couldn't block Marcus' 'Vermilion Blast'.

After firing his spell, Marcus quickly used 'Lightning Form' to move back. He watched as the naga he just blasted stand up. The 'Vermilion Blast' spell he just fired was induced with chaos mana making it more powerful.

Iko stood up, coughing. "You! You'll pay for this!" 

Iko transformed himself into a human. His serpentine lower body was replaced with human legs.

Ralma and Ergetse did the same. The color of their skin also changed, it was no longer blue. Their hair, black.

They still stood around 8 feet tall, clenching their large tridents. The horns on their heads were still there. The nagas in their human form wore skin-tight armor-like clothing that covered their body. 

Ralma was the first one to move. He rushed towards Marcus while casting a spell.

Water erupted from the ground, but unlike Emily, Marcus jumped backward, dodging the torrent.

He then retrieved the spear they bought from Waypons from his spatial dimension and thrust forward.

The other two nagas weren't standing idly by. They went to help Ralma who was currently exchanging blows with the vermilion-haired teen.

Marcus swung his spear to the left forcing Ralma to move back. 

Marcus condensed casted a spell, summoning three vermilion colored balls floating around him. 

He gestured the balls forward, one for each naga.

Ralma rolled away, he didn't try to come in contact with it.

Ergetse covered himself in a water dome, he made sure to make the barrier thick.

Iko, on the other hand, tried to hit the barrier away with his trident. He swung his trident forward and tried to flick it away.

Marcus chuckled as he saw this.

The three vermilion balls exploded. 

Ralma was knocked back quite a bit, but there were no serious injuries whatsoever. Ergetse was completely safe inside his barrier, as the explosion didn't get to penetrate it.

As for Iko, he flew back a few meters. 

Ralma and Ergetse looked at their fellow naga who was on the floor. They both couldn't believe he did that.

Of course, Iko didn't exactly do that by himself. There was an outside influence involved.

Marcus used 'Emotion Manipulation' on him. 

He pumped excitement, entrancement, and other positive emotions.

'So that actually works.' Marcus thought as he saw Iko lying on the ground, bruised.

Ralma dashed towards Marcus while Ergetse hurried to Iko's side.

Ergetse knelt beside Iko and asked, "What the hell were you thinking?"

Iko opened his eyes. Ergetse could see that he was in pain, his pride and body have both been damaged pretty badly.

"I can still fight." Iko coughed as he tried to stand up. He refused to go down like this. He had mocked the human but he was the one who got beaten up.

"Heal up and rest for a bit, leave the fighting to us." Ergetse tapped the nagas shoulder.

Iko shook his head. "I'm going to heal and fight."

Ergetse sighed and stood up. He turned his head to the fight. "Suit yourself."

Marcus threw a vermilion lightning javelin induced with chaos towards Ralma who hurriedly placed a water barrier in front of him. 

Marcus rushed towards Ralma to fight in close range. He wanted to make use of this time where he could fight one versus one with this naga.

Ralma wasn't a pushover. He slammed his trident on the ground. He cast a spell and spikey torrents that were attached to the ground went towards Marcus.

Marcus easily transformed into lightning and streaked towards Ralma, evading the water torrents in the process. 

The two once again exchanged blows.

Ralma wasn't backing down one bit. Marcu thrust his spear forward. Ralma blocked it with the trident's handle and countered.

Marcus jumped back as he readied another ball of chaos. 

Ralma who saw this readied and put up a barrier with the use of a water spell. He made sure the barrier was thick enough and he then braced for impact.

To his surprise, the vermilion ball wasn't coming towards him, it went past him and zoomed straight to Iko.

Ergetse, who was just about to leave Iko's side, scrunched his brows as he moved in front and created a water dome. Both he and Iko were inside.

"Fuck! Why is he always targeting you?" Ergetse placed his right hand on the ground while his left was clutching his trident.

Iko was currently healing himself with water magic. He turned his head towards Ergetse.

"Could it be something I said?"

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